Hand-caught lamb is easy to learn, this method is delicious and nourishing, it’s not too late to know

2019/11/1220:55:04 food 2323

Hello, everyone! Here is Xiaona talking about food. The food we bring to you today is the hand-caught lamb that is very much loved.

Hand-caught lamb is easy to learn, this method is delicious and nourishing, it’s not too late to know - DayDayNews

"Hand-caught lamb" has a history of thousands of years in our country. It used to be a good delicacy for nomads. "Hand-caught mutton" is the most famous in my country's Inner Mongolia, Northwest, and Qinghai-Tibet areas. It is also a banquet dish for ethnic minority friends and is very popular among friends.

"Hand-caught lamb" has its own special ingredients and methods in various places. Although there are slight differences in taste, the main methods are generally the same, but the use of condiments is slightly different .

Hand-caught lamb is easy to learn, this method is delicious and nourishing, it’s not too late to know - DayDayNews

In the past, “hand-caught lamb” was usually cooked in a casserole that resembled a large urn. Later, large aluminum pots were used in some places, but they should never be used. Iron pots, because iron pots will oxidize some medicines and lose their due nutritional value. It is similar to boiling Chinese herbal medicines. You must use sand pots.

The hand-caught lamb we brought to you today is very suitable for autumn and it is very delicious and nourishing. This hand-caught lamb is based on summarizing the practice in the northwest region, and I have made simple improvements in the use of condiments. It is also relatively easy to make and is most suitable for family production.

Hand-caught lamb is easy to learn, this method is delicious and nourishing, it’s not too late to know - DayDayNews

Next, let me lead everyone to learn this delicious delicacy: hand-caught lamb

Lamb chops, the ribs are the meat connected to the ribs , Covered with layers of film, combined with fat and thin, soft texture. Suitable for grilling, roasting, braising and stuffing.

Mutton is warm in nature. It is often eaten in winter. It can not only increase body heat and resist the cold, but also protect the stomach wall, repair the gastric mucosa, help the spleen and stomach digestion, and play an anti-aging effect.

Hand-caught lamb is easy to learn, this method is delicious and nourishing, it’s not too late to know - DayDayNews

Next, let’s take a look at how to make this delicious hand-caught lamb!

Ingredients: lamb ribs, green onions, ginger, garlic, millet pepper

Accessories: bay leaf, angelica, grass fruit, amomum, nutmeg, fennel, pepper, clove , Astragalus

Hand-caught lamb is easy to learn, this method is delicious and nourishing, it’s not too late to know - DayDayNews

First step : Put all the spices in the material box, then cover the lid and set aside, rinse the green onions with clean water and cut into pieces The ginger is rinsed with water and cut into slices for later use.

Wash and remove the stalk of the spicy millet, and cut into red pepper rings. Peel a whole head of garlic and rinse with clean water. Take two-thirds and cut into coarse pieces for later use. Put the other third of the garlic in the garlic pot, pound it with salt, and then add a little cold water to make garlic juice for later use.

Hand-caught lamb is easy to learn, this method is delicious and nourishing, it’s not too late to know - DayDayNews

Second step : Use a knife to cut the lamb chops from between each rib. When cutting, the whole can be made to look rougher, but also You can chop it up from the middle to make it more delicate, it depends on your own preferences. Boil the cut lamb chops in a pot under water for 5 minutes, remove them, and rinse them well.

三步: Change the water to boil the blanched lamb chops, put green onion, ginger and three small peppers into the pot, then pour rice wine to a boil, switch to medium heat Cook for 1 hour. Then put in the material box and tangerine peel and cook for another 15 minutes, and take out the material box after 15 minutes of cooking.

Put in an appropriate amount of salt and cook for another 40 minutes on a low fire. During the preparation, cook for two hours to make the meat soft and thick. Arrange the cooked meat into the pan.

Hand-caught lamb is easy to learn, this method is delicious and nourishing, it’s not too late to know - DayDayNews

Step 4: Then start another pot and pour cooking oil and a little sesame oil into the potAdd minced garlic and stir-fry over low heat. When the minced garlic is slightly yellow, add red pepper rings, cumin, and chopped chives until fragrant. Saute the ingredients and cook them with appropriate amount of soy sauce to blend into juice, and then pour the blended juice on the lamb chops and dip it with garlic juice.

Hand-caught lamb is easy to learn, this method is delicious and nourishing, it’s not too late to know - DayDayNews


1. To choose lamb chops, choose the whole rib of lamb loin, and choose fine bones. Tender, fat and lean lamb is best, and the whole rib should not exceed two catties, otherwise the meat will be too old and taste bad.

2. The cooking time and heat must be in place, and the meat must be cooked until the meat will be deboned. When eating, use a knife to gently scrape the meat off. For the best.

3. When cooking the meat, it should be as close to the original flavor as possible, so the spices should be put later, and only need to cook for 10-15 minutes to take them out immediately. The spices only play a role in slightly enhancing the flavor. Do not cook for too long, otherwise the overflowing aroma will be too strong and it will not taste good.

Hand-caught lamb is easy to learn, this method is delicious and nourishing, it’s not too late to know - DayDayNews

Gourmet small class:

When buying lamb chops, first look at the shape of the meat, curly sheep hair, goat hair Stiff. Looking at muscle fibers, sheep meat fibers are short and thin, goat meat fibers are thick and long. Finally, look at the ribs. The ribs of sheep are narrow and short, while those of goats are wide and long.

Have you learned it? If you like, please pay attention to forwarding, if you have any questions, leave a message in the comment area for discussion.

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