Fogg's behavioral model means that human behavior consists of three elements: motivation, ability, and trigger. Behavior will only occur when these three elements are satisfied at the same time.

2024/06/1919:22:33 emotion 1485

How to make behavior happen

Zhaowuyiyitong, life is very different! Hello everyone, I am Uncle Zhaowu. The knowledge point I want to share with you today is the "Fogg Behavior Model".

Fogg is the originator of "behavioral design" and is known as the " Silicon Valley Billionaire Manufacturing Machine." He was the founder of the Behavioral Design Laboratory at Stanford University. He has studied human behavior in depth for more than 20 years and proposed the famous Fogg's behavioral model.

Fogg wrote a book called "Fogg Behavior Model", which is extremely rich in content. Today we will simplify it into a knowledge point to understand what Fogg Behavior Model is.

Fogg's behavioral model means that human behavior consists of three elements: motivation, ability, and trigger. Behavior will only occur when these three elements are satisfied at the same time. - DayDayNews

Professor Fogg Brain Jeffrey Fogg

Fogg's behavioral model means that human behavior consists of three elements: "motivation, ability, and trigger". Behavior will only occur when these three elements are satisfied at the same time. To simplify it with an equation, it is B=MAT, where B is Behavior, M is Motivation, A is Ability, and T is Triggers.

Behavior : The basic meaning is behavior; external activities displayed by accepting the control of thoughts.

Motivation: The power and thoughts that cause people to engage in certain behaviors. Motivation is generated by need. When the need reaches a certain intensity and there is an object that satisfies the need, the need can be transformed into motivation.

Ability : Ability is the comprehensive quality reflected in completing a goal or task. This ability should be a relative ability.

trigger : It is a signal that prompts people to take action at a certain moment. Triggers are divided into internal triggers and external triggers.

Internal triggers are self-triggered by the perpetrator. This type of trigger can be controlled by the perpetrator. For example, a person who wants to lose weight sets a weight limit for himself. Once the limit is exceeded, he must start losing weight.

External trigger is when the perpetrator is triggered by others or the environment. For example, if you see something or someone tells you something, it reminds you to take action. This type of trigger cannot be controlled by the perpetrator, such as a person. During the physical examination, the doctor told him that he was seriously overweight.

Fogg's behavioral model means that human behavior consists of three elements: motivation, ability, and trigger. Behavior will only occur when these three elements are satisfied at the same time. - DayDayNews




· 动机的重要性

很多成年人可以每天数小时不知疲倦地、沉浸式地逛某宝刷某音,但如果在工作中被分配的If you have too many tasks, you will often feel dissatisfied.

Many children dawdle and half-heartedly do their homework. Even if they are scolded or even physically punished by their parents, they are still unwilling to actively complete their homework. However, these children can be very focused when playing games or watching TV.

In the final analysis, people have different motivations for different things. Everyone is happy to do what they want to do and hate what they don't want to do.

· The importance of ability

A person wanted to go back to his hometown during the Spring Festival. His motivation and trigger were all fine, but he couldn't buy train tickets or plane tickets. A friend lent him a car, but the problem was that he couldn't drive and drove home. The ability is not enough, so the behavior of driving home cannot happen.

· The importance of triggers

A fat boy has always wanted to lose weight, but has not taken action yet.

First of all, he wants to lose weight and has the motivation to lose weight; secondly, the most common way to lose weight is exercise and diet, and he does not have much problem with his ability.

did not take action because the behavior of losing weight was not triggered until one day when he was in love and met a girl who was attracted to him. In the end, the girl rejected him because she thought he was too fat; or one day when he weighed himself, he The scale is crushed; or one day when taking a shower, he finds that his belly blocks the view of other parts of the body. The occurrence of these things may trigger him to start losing weight.


How to deal with

"Zhao Wu" countermeasures and suggestions: Our various behaviors, including behaviors that occur and behaviors that do not occur, can be interpreted through the Fogg Behavior Model.

If we want a behavior to occur, we can use the Fogg behavioral model to analyze the reason why the behavior does not occur. Is it due to lack of motivation, lack of ability, or lack of triggers.

If we want a behavior to stop happening, we can look at how to reduce his motivation and ability, and how to eliminate triggering factors.

Strong people use methods to solve problems, while weak people use emotions to cover up problems.


How to make a behavior happen

· To improve motivation

the problem of insufficient motivation, you must analyze the root cause of TA's lack of motivation for this matter in a targeted manner, and do not try to use simple and crude external force to force others to do what they do not want to do. thing.

You can't force a sea lion to perform happily by whipping it. External coercion can only achieve short-term results, but it is likely to cause long-term rebellious psychology.

Fogg's behavioral model means that human behavior consists of three elements: motivation, ability, and trigger. Behavior will only occur when these three elements are satisfied at the same time. - DayDayNews

Brother Lion, I’m so polite, I’ll leave it to you for tomorrow’s performance!

refer to the relevant knowledge of game theory : If a boss wants to maximize profits, the work assigned to employees must be something that both the boss and the employees want to do, so that a win-win situation can be achieved in the end.

If working overtime is what the boss wants employees to do, you should consider how to make overtime work have a positive impact on employees and make them eager to work overtime (such as overtime pay, assessment, job promotion, etc.).

If completing homework on time is what parents want their children to do, they should consider how to make their children understand the importance of completing homework on time, and then proactively complete homework on time (for example, completing homework on time or completing homework in advance, you can reward children for doing what they want) things to do).

It should also be noted that long-term mental rewards may gradually weaken motivation. Timely and direct rewards are conducive to maintaining continuous and sufficient motivation.

When arranging employees to work overtime, don’t talk about feelings all the time, and don’t draw a picture of a pie that will only be eaten in a long time; when you hope that your children will complete their homework seriously, don’t try to make them understand that the advantage of completing their homework seriously is that they can get ahead when they grow up.

The sea lions in the zoo perform hard because they can get timely rewards. If you tell the sea lion to perform well today and let you go back to the sea in three years, I believe it will spray water on your face.

· Improving ability

Problem of insufficient ability: Analyze whether the ability can be obtained through hard work.

If the ability is difficult to obtain, the behavior is usually abandoned. For example, people with color blindness and will basically give up learning to drive. It is rare to hear that people with color blindness try to cure color blindness in order to learn to drive.

If this ability can be acquired through hard work, you need to carry out targeted learning and exercise to improve your ability.

· Problems with setting trigger elements

: External triggers cannot be controlled by the perpetrator, so if you want a behavior to occur, you can only start with internal triggers.

When we were talking about the book "The Ten Commandments of Management", we suggested that everyone write down the eleven things not to do and post them in a conspicuous place, just to make us more likely to be triggered, and then reflect on our own behavior. (Links to other provinces).

Fogg's behavioral model means that human behavior consists of three elements: motivation, ability, and trigger. Behavior will only occur when these three elements are satisfied at the same time. - DayDayNews


Many friends put some labels on the inside of the door, such as: turn off the power, turn off the fire, bring the key, throw away the garbage, etc., in order to be triggered when they go out.


How to prevent a behavior from happening

·Shield trigger elements

The simplest way to prevent a behavior from happening is to block external trigger elements.

For example, when you are doing homework or at work, you can't help but check your phone. If the phone is placed in front of you, it is easy for you to see the phone and pick it up casually. If you put the phone in the drawer or put it in another room. If you can't see it, you won't be triggered by it. You will only look for your phone when you remember to swipe it.

Many children like to eat chocolate. If you put the chocolate where they can see it, a box of chocolates will be eaten quickly. If the child cannot see the chocolate, he will only ask for it when he remembers to eat chocolate. Eat chocolate.

And when we were talking about the book " Positive Discipline ", we mentioned a word called "positive time-out", which means that when there is a conflict between family members, go to another room to calm down, otherwise you will see The more the other party looks at you, the angrier it becomes. This is also a way to block triggering factors.

Fogg's behavioral model means that human behavior consists of three elements: motivation, ability, and trigger. Behavior will only occur when these three elements are satisfied at the same time. - DayDayNews

I want to be quiet

·Reduce the ability

In some cases, the triggering factors cannot be blocked, so we must consider how to reduce his relative ability.

For example, many 2 or 3-year-old children like to open the door by themselves and run out to play. The door is always there, and external triggers cannot be blocked. They have grown taller and can access the lock. If they are not careful, the child will go out on his own. , which is more dangerous. At this time, the lock can be replaced with a combination lock or a fingerprint lock. The child's relative ability to open the door will be reduced.

· Reduce motivation

The harder way is to reduce motivation.

For example, there are too many Internet TV programs now, and children are easily addicted. The TV is installed there, and you cannot block external triggers. Although the remote control cannot be used, he can cry and make trouble and ask adults to help turn it on. At this time, you need to find a way to dispel his desire to watch TV.

Nowadays, many TVs can be controlled with mobile phones. You can put the remote control where he can see it, and then use your mobile phone to turn off the TV and tell him that the TV is off duty. When he accepts the reality, he will temporarily give up the idea of ​​watching TV.

Of course, if you can put in some effort and use positive discipline methods to make children realize the dangers of addiction to watching TV and enable them to be self-disciplined, the effect will be better and more thorough.

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