Women must pay attention. If you betray your marriage, no matter how much your husband loves you, he will never forgive you. Don't think that if you look back, your husband will forgive you and want you. What I want to tell you is. Once you betray your marriage, tragedy awaits yo

2024/06/1010:56:33 emotion 1046

women must pay attention. If you betray your marriage, no matter how much your husband loves you, he will never forgive you. Don't think that if you look back, your husband will forgive you and want you. What I want to tell you is. Once you betray your marriage, tragedy awaits you. This man speaks what all men are thinking. Don't think this man is ruthless. In fact, many things are like this, if you don't betray your marriage. Would your husband treat you like this? What is going on? Why do you say that? Let's take a look at this together. Will a woman who betrays her marriage want her husband again? 37-year-old man: I would rather be alone.

Women must pay attention. If you betray your marriage, no matter how much your husband loves you, he will never forgive you. Don't think that if you look back, your husband will forgive you and want you. What I want to tell you is. Once you betray your marriage, tragedy awaits yo - DayDayNews

case story sharer,

37-year-old Mr. Li:

Many people say that I am too cruel. You should choose to forgive your wife for the sake of your children and yourself. But I feel there is nothing to forgive. I don’t want to be in pain for the rest of my life, let alone live in nausea for the rest of my life. What would you do if it were you? Shouldn't we choose divorce when faced with such a thing?

Anyway, I would rather be alone in the future. Let me tell you about my personal experience. I also hope that this incident can remind all men. Sometimes there are things you have to pay attention to, and that is fire protection, theft protection and the protection of your wife's male best friend.

I have been married to my wife for 10 years, and we have two children, a boy and a girl. Not long ago, I bought a house with full payment. We have everything we should have and we should be very happy. Others think we are a happy family and they all envy our family. But now I have to choose divorce. My father knew about my divorce. My father told me, do you think divorce will solve the problem?

Divorce has a great impact on you. For the sake of this family and yourself, please don't divorce impulsively, okay? You're getting divorced again, what will you do next? What should the child do? You are divorced and can take care of yourself alone. But the child is so young, who will take care of it?

Women must pay attention. If you betray your marriage, no matter how much your husband loves you, he will never forgive you. Don't think that if you look back, your husband will forgive you and want you. What I want to tell you is. Once you betray your marriage, tragedy awaits yo - DayDayNews

And you are very embarrassed at your age. Will you remarry in the future? If you want to remarry, are you sure you will find a wife? What should I do if I can't find it? Have you ever considered this issue? Forget it. For the sake of your children and even more so for yourself, don’t think so much. Forgive your wife quickly and let your wife come back and live a good life.

Only in this way can this family survive, otherwise it will not survive. I do not know how to put it. But I know I'm not wrong. I travel a lot for business. I don’t want to be like this either. What can I do for work? I work in a foreign-funded enterprise. It belongs to the business area.

I also travel a lot for work. One more thing to say here is that when things happen, there must be monsters in the normal state. If your wife also has these special circumstances, you must pay attention, as it is very likely that something bad will happen. I travel a lot for business. But my wife doesn't care. My wife told me that if you go on a business trip, just go. Isn’t it because of this family that you went on a business trip?

How can I stop you? You did all this for our family. So I can understand you. You work hard too. I can understand you. I told my wife, long live understanding. If you can understand me, that will definitely be the best. If I have time, I will definitely accompany you.

Women must pay attention. If you betray your marriage, no matter how much your husband loves you, he will never forgive you. Don't think that if you look back, your husband will forgive you and want you. What I want to tell you is. Once you betray your marriage, tragedy awaits yo - DayDayNews

My wife came out and told me, it doesn’t matter, I can understand you, just do whatever you need to do. I am fine at home alone, and I am quite free at home alone. You will take care of your family, so you can work with peace of mind. Said so. Basically every time I go on a business trip, my wife will tell me this.

Do many men think that such a wife is not good? What's wrong? I can understand my husband and understand Long Live. Many women cannot understand their husbands. But what I want to say is, does my wife really understand me? Or is this just talk.

Many women cannot understand their husbands. Basically, it is not easy for any woman to completely understand her husband. My wife is the only one left.When things go wrong, there must be monsters. How could a woman understand a man so well? I can't control that much anymore. Then I went on a business trip.

But every time I come back from a business trip, I will buy a gift for my wife. This is what my wife specially told me. My wife told me that when you came back, you told me to buy me a gift. Although I have never been to that place, if you buy me a gift, it means that you have me in your heart, and I mean, I have been there. That place...so I will tell my wife about this every time I go back.

Women must pay attention. If you betray your marriage, no matter how much your husband loves you, he will never forgive you. Don't think that if you look back, your husband will forgive you and want you. What I want to tell you is. Once you betray your marriage, tragedy awaits yo - DayDayNews

will buy some local specialties for my wife, or some unique gadgets. As long as my wife likes it and I can buy it for my wife, I will buy it for my wife. Once I came back early. Originally I wanted to tell my wife about this. I’d better think about it and forget it. Over the years, I haven’t spent much time with my wife on her birthday.

That day is my wife’s birthday. So I went back early. It was around 8pm when I got home. I took a friend's car back. As soon as I arrived at the door of my house, I smelled a strong smell of smoke. What is going on? I don't smoke, and I haven't been away from home for so many days.

Why is there the smell of smoke in there? At this time I heard a man talking. That man, today is your birthday. Do you want me to go out and play with you? It's just after 8 o'clock now. Going to bed so soon? The man's voice was familiar. But I couldn’t tell who it was. Who is this man?

Then I heard my wife talking again. My wife said that I am feeling sleepy today and should go to bed earlier. I don’t want to go out and waste money. You don't have much money. And the money my husband gave me has been spent by you. If you go out again, how will you have the money to buy me something, let alone treat me to something to eat.

Women must pay attention. If you betray your marriage, no matter how much your husband loves you, he will never forgive you. Don't think that if you look back, your husband will forgive you and want you. What I want to tell you is. Once you betray your marriage, tragedy awaits yo - DayDayNews

So we’d better not go out and go to bed early. No wonder they closed it so quickly, they were ready to sleep. I was just on the other side of the window at that time. We have a room in our house that is just close to the road. I was right there, and I heard my wife and their conversation. I couldn't stand hearing these conversations. I went over to open the door today.

accidentally kicked something next to me when I opened the door. Then I heard, my wife said, are you sure it's closed? Why do I hear voices? Then the man said, I am sure it must be closed, maybe there are mice in the house. Stop thinking so much and go to bed quickly.

Obviously they didn't know I was in. Thought it was a mouse. I slowly groped my way to the room. Turn on the video recording function. Then I turned on the light... The moment I opened the door, my wife panicked. It never occurred to me. My wife would do these things, and this man is my wife’s best friend.

After turning on the light, I saw my wife hugging the man. Both of them were disheveled. My wife saw me too. My wife said to me, why are you back? Why didn't you tell me when you came back? Only then did I know the meaning of this sentence. When I came back in the past, my wife always asked me to tell him in advance.

Women must pay attention. If you betray your marriage, no matter how much your husband loves you, he will never forgive you. Don't think that if you look back, your husband will forgive you and want you. What I want to tell you is. Once you betray your marriage, tragedy awaits yo - DayDayNews

I thought my wife was going to buy something, but now I know that it turned out that I wanted him to know about it, and then he let his best friend leave. Otherwise, why would he always ask me to tell him about this? So that's what happened. The man wanted to explain, but I punched him without saying anything. After what happened, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I beat my wife violently.

I know that it is wrong to hit a woman, especially your own wife. A good man would not hit his wife. But I really can't bear it. I beat my wife. After beating my wife, I beat my wife’s male best friend again. I literally broke the legs of my wife’s best friend. Don't blame me for being cruel.

Don’t blame me for being ruthless, it’s because they bullied others too much.If my wife doesn't like me anymore, she can divorce me. In the worst case, I will help her. But I can't bear it if my wife does this during marriage. I love my wife so much. I gave everything I had to my wife, but my wife got together with my best friend.

Faced with this matter, how can I bear it, let alone me? I don’t think even other men can bear it. Which man can bear it? This is not just a matter of love or not, it is also a matter of principles and bottom lines. That's why I hit my wife.

Women must pay attention. If you betray your marriage, no matter how much your husband loves you, he will never forgive you. Don't think that if you look back, your husband will forgive you and want you. What I want to tell you is. Once you betray your marriage, tragedy awaits yo - DayDayNews

My wife cried and told me that I was wrong. Yao, you were beaten too, please forgive me, I will never be like this again. I will definitely live a good life with you in the future. The more my wife says this, the angrier I get. My wife has said this to me so many times, but she still did something like this. I told my wife about this.

Do you think I still believe what you say? Get out of here. Just like this, I kicked my wife and my best friend out. What can I do but kick them out? My wife cried outside the door all day and asked me to forgive her.

My wife said, I was really wrong. Just give me a chance. I will never be like that again. I will definitely live a good life with you for the sake of this family, even if it is not for this family, it is for your own sake. Ah, even if it's not for yourself, you should think about it for your children.

My parents also said the same thing. It is for the sake of my children and myself that I should choose to forgive, but I feel that I absolutely cannot forgive. When I think about what happened last night, I feel sick. Although I love my wife very much, there are some things that I really can't stand. too disgusting. I love my wife so much, I am so kind to my wife, but my wife did something like this. If I hadn't come back early, would this never have happened to me in this life?

Women must pay attention. If you betray your marriage, no matter how much your husband loves you, he will never forgive you. Don't think that if you look back, your husband will forgive you and want you. What I want to tell you is. Once you betray your marriage, tragedy awaits yo - DayDayNews

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. At that time, I even wanted to rush out and beat my wife. Forget it, I've already beaten you, but if you beat me again, it won't be good. I told my wife, get out of here, our marriage is over. My wife told me, can’t you give me a chance? I really want to go back. Don’t you want to look back? Didn't you say you love me very much?

Didn’t you say you would forgive me for everything? I told my wife that I love you very much, and this is true. The problem is that you did something that I can't forgive you for. Disloyalty once, disloyalty a hundred times. I would rather live alone from now on than be with you. Just go back to where you came from.

This is not a question of whether you love it or not. Which man can bear this thought? If I choose to forgive my wife, the first thing I have to face is what should I do if my wife hurts me again in the future? There is a saying that says, there are only zero betrayals and countless betrayals. The second thing is that some things cannot be forgiven just because you want to.

I can't forgive such a thing at all. Instead of letting myself suffer for a lifetime, why can't I cut the knot quickly? That’s why I chose to divorce. What would you do if it were you? Am I wrong to choose divorce? I would rather live alone for the rest of my life.

Women must pay attention. If you betray your marriage, no matter how much your husband loves you, he will never forgive you. Don't think that if you look back, your husband will forgive you and want you. What I want to tell you is. Once you betray your marriage, tragedy awaits yo - DayDayNews


I am really helpless in the face of this matter. If it were me, I would choose divorce. Let’s put it this way, if you don’t divorce, you may be in pain for the rest of your life. Do you want to suffer for a lifetime? If you don't want to, then get divorced, let alone betrayal. There are only zero times and countless times. Once there is the first time, there will be a second time, and then there will be countless times.

If your wife loved you, these things would not have happened. If you had not discovered it, do you think these things might have happened to you in this life? You couldn't discover it at all, you only discovered it because you came back early.

To put it bluntly, your wife doesn’t want to look back. Now when you talk about looking back, it’s because you found out that your wife is about to lose everything, and you are reluctant to lose everything, so you told you that you want to look back.As long as there is a chance, your wife will still hurt you again. Do you still want to be hurt by your wife together? Forget it, this kind of damage is enough once.

So there is nothing wrong with choosing divorce. If it were me, I would also choose divorce. Some things are just like this. If you can't forgive, you will never be able to forgive in your life. If you force yourself to accept it, aren't you the one who suffers in the end? Forget it, just get a divorce. Disloyalty once, disloyalty a hundred times.

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