Human nature business war, hit the nail on the head! The story of "A Box of Cake", someone in Saibei gave Cao Cao a box of Cake. Cao Cao saw it and wrote three words on the box: "Yihesu". When Yang Xiu saw it, he picked up the spoon, took a spoonful and started eating. Others wer

2024/05/2711:43:32 emotion 1430

human nature business war, hit the nail on the head!

Human nature business war, hit the nail on the head! The story of

The story of "A Box of Crisps", someone in Saibei gave Cao Cao a box of cakes. When Cao Cao saw it, he picked up a pen and wrote three words on the box: "一合丝".

Yang Xiu saw it, picked up the spoon, scooped a spoonful into his mouth and started eating.

Others were shocked and said, "Why did you scoop up the cake that was given to the Prime Minister and eat it?"

Human nature business war, hit the nail on the head! The story of

Yang Xiu said with a smile: Didn't the Prime Minister write it very clearly? What he wrote was "One person, one bite".

The Prime Minister gave the order, how can we not eat it? So each person finished the cake in one bite.

Cao Cao came out and saw it, and everyone said it was Yang Xiu's idea. In the end, Yang Xiu died inexplicably.

Human nature business war, hit the nail on the head! The story of

In ancient times, Yang Xiu committed a taboo if he didn't see things through and didn't explain things thoroughly.

He thinks he is smart and does not know how to keep a low profile. In the end, all lives were lost.

In today's workplace, it is even more important to know how to survive. If you don't understand clearly, you will rarely be confused!

Human nature business war, hit the nail on the head! The story of

If someone compliments you, either he is asking for something, or there is a trap, just laugh it off.

praises you to the sky in front of your face, but actually stabs you in the back the most. Those who call you a fool to your face actually treat you sincerely.

People can defend themselves against other people's attacks, but they have no resistance to other people's praise - Freud

Human nature business war, hit the nail on the head! The story of

Don't judge others easily. A husband came home from get off work and saw his wife beating his son. He went to eat without asking why. .

After dinner, he saw his wife still beating him. He couldn't stand it anymore and said: Wife, teach your children not to be violent.

The wife said: You know how bad it is, after a good pot of porridge, he actually peed. The husband heard this and said: Wife, you are tired, take a rest and let me beat you!

Human nature business war, hit the nail on the head! The story of

I have a friend who often checks the Moments of old friends just to see how they are doing.

When he saw that his friends were not as good as him, he felt relieved. Human nature is selfish.

Don't show your heart to others casually. In your eyes, they are friends, but in his eyes, you are a fool.

Human nature business war, hit the nail on the head! The story of

A student asked me why I send messages to my boyfriend and he always replies very late.

sometimes doesn’t even reply, what should I do? I said: Do you treat people you don’t like the same way?

When others ignore you, don't be sad or sad. The meanest thing is emotion, and the coldest thing is human heart.

Human nature business war, hit the nail on the head! The story of

Anyone can be calm if they stay out of it. Anyone can be calm and calm if they are in it. Please don't comment on anyone, because you are not among them.

Strong people never seek the understanding of others, but weak people are made to cry by those around them.

You are awesome. You wear cloth shoes and ride a bicycle. Others say you have no airs. You are bound to achieve great success.

Human nature business war, hit the nail on the head! The story of

You are a lousy guy. Even if you drive a BMW , people will ask you, who borrowed this car from you?

People will only say that you are poor and worthless when you eat a bowl of instant noodles. This has nothing to do with whether you are good to others or not!

Study when you have time, invest in your brain, and improve your thinking and cognition more than anything else.

Human nature business war, hit the nail on the head! The story of

There are nothing more than two roads to inner growth: one is internal cultivation and meditation, and the other is through relationships.

Only by growing and transforming in relationships can we gain a better life and live our complete lives.

Life is relationship, relationship is life; if you want to improve your life, you only need to improve your relationship - Master of Silence

Human nature business war, hit the nail on the head! The story of

All pain is due to lack of understanding of human nature

All poverty is due to lack of understanding of business warfare

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