I remember when I first entered college, I was afraid that I would not get along well with my roommates and classmates, and would be regarded as an alien and isolated. Therefore, no matter what I do during that time, there must be someone by my side to accompany me. At dinner par

2024/05/2614:36:33 emotion 1380

I remember when I first entered college, I was afraid that I would not get along well with my roommates and classmates, and would be regarded as an alien and isolated. Therefore, no matter what I do during that time, there must be someone by my side to accompany me. At dinner par - DayDayNews

I remember when I first went to college, I was afraid that I would not get along well with my roommates and classmates, and would be regarded as an alien and isolated.

Therefore, no matter what I do during that time, I have to have someone by my side to accompany me. Whether at dinner parties, KTV, or any other activity, I will be there to participate.

But when I took the final exam of my freshman year, I found that my grades were not excellent in almost all subjects, and I was shocked. It seemed that those occasions where I had a chance to compete did not bring me any substantial help, but it was just a waste of time and energy.

In real life, there are many people like me.

They think that many friends lead to many different paths. They feel that if they don’t have even one friend, they will be alien and very pitiful.

But these are just imaginary scenes that they have not experienced anything.

Because only those who have truly enjoyed loneliness will know how good it is to be alone. There are three scenes that can only be seen when a woman starts to become "a loner".

I remember when I first entered college, I was afraid that I would not get along well with my roommates and classmates, and would be regarded as an alien and isolated. Therefore, no matter what I do during that time, there must be someone by my side to accompany me. At dinner par - DayDayNews

Getting along with oneself is actually the most expensive freedom a person has

When watching movies with others, some people like to watch literary movies, some people like to watch suspense movies, and you like to watch science fiction movies.

It is difficult to agree with others, and decimals obey the majority. In the end, you can only follow the group to watch literary films that you are not interested in at all;

When you go out to eat with others, some people like to eat barbecue, and some people like to eat hot pot, but you only I wanted to eat a bowl of hot noodles, so in the end I went with the group to eat hot pot.

Yes, when we force ourselves to integrate into a group, we may gain what we think is lively, but what we lose is our most precious freedom.

We must follow the opinions of the public, but we cannot follow our own hearts.

has this kind of bond, so it seems that when you are alone, the freedom to get along with yourself is so valuable.

As García Márquez once said: "The best state of a person is when he is alone, quiet and comfortable, without having to deal with other people."

When we are alone, we can talk to our souls, and we can To get along with our own hearts, we don't need to take care of other people's feelings, we only need to take care of ourselves.

And this is the most precious freedom we can have.

I remember when I first entered college, I was afraid that I would not get along well with my roommates and classmates, and would be regarded as an alien and isolated. Therefore, no matter what I do during that time, there must be someone by my side to accompany me. At dinner par - DayDayNews

Being alone can allow us to meet a better version of ourselves

Some people are used to being in groups, even if they don't like being in groups.

For a long time, these people have believed that only when they are with a group of people can they fight against loneliness.

Later I discovered that being with a group of like-minded people and doing things that you are not interested in at all is truly lonely.

wrote in "One Hundred Years of Solitude": "Life has never existed independently of loneliness. Whether we are born, we grow, we fall in love, or we succeed or fail, until the end, loneliness exists in the corner of life like a shadow."

Loneliness has always been the norm.

When we are in a group, we must listen to other people’s opinions and opinions. We cannot hear our own inner voice, and we do not have time to do what we want to do;

When we are alone, we will You have a lot of time to do what you like and improve yourself.

Everyone in the world thinks that loneliness is bad and too bleak.

As everyone knows, we who are alone can have a lot of time without being disturbed by others, and this loneliness is the best value-added period.

I remember when I first entered college, I was afraid that I would not get along well with my roommates and classmates, and would be regarded as an alien and isolated. Therefore, no matter what I do during that time, there must be someone by my side to accompany me. At dinner par - DayDayNews

Loneliness is actually the best way to heal yourself in the world.

With the rapid development of the times, the pace of life has also become faster. Along with this, people are impetuous, unable to settle down, and don’t know what to do. What to do.

In addition to going to work every day, he also has to deal with various social activities. Although he works hard, he finds that there is no upward trend in salary at all.

originally planned to continue studying to improve himself, but as a result, he was afraid of not fitting in and had to deal with various social activities with suppressed emotions.

As a result, people are becoming more and more depressed, and the happiness of modern people has also been stolen.

At this time, there is a kind of person who has become Qingliu.

They live alone, do not care about other people's comments, do not actively disturb anyone, and will not let others disturb them.

They are either reading a book, or sweating profusely in the gym with headphones on, or they are taking a trip on their own without waiting or being waited for.

So, in the days when no one cared about them, they found the happiness they had always wanted, which was pure and comfortable from the heart.

I remember when I first entered college, I was afraid that I would not get along well with my roommates and classmates, and would be regarded as an alien and isolated. Therefore, no matter what I do during that time, there must be someone by my side to accompany me. At dinner par - DayDayNews

Mr. Zhu Ziqing once said: "Solitude is the normal state of life. It does not require us to abandon the world, but allows us to examine the issues that face our souls when we are alone, rethink our attitude towards life and life, and listen to the truest voice in our hearts. ”

Being alone can allow us to close our ears in this noisy world, and being alone can allow us to harvest the best way to heal in this impetuous world.

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