The girl who likes to have lice in her hair. One day I saw a message on my phone and asked where all the fun-loving lice from the past had gone. I also thought of the little monsters who had been with me for a long time, and even more so, of the girl with lice in her hair, my nie

2024/05/2521:03:33 emotion 1806

The girl who loves having lice in her hair

One day I was reading a message on my phone and asked where all the playful lice from the past had gone. I also thought of the little monsters who had been with me for a long time, and even more so, of the girl with lice in her hair, my niece Hong.

Hong is my niece, one year older than me, and the daughter of my elder brother from far away. He has three sons and one daughter. Two of the three sons are disabled, and one is healthy and illiterate. Pity Hong, a girl who grew up in such a family and couldn't be strong even if she didn't want to.

Hong and I started getting to know each other in the same class in the sixth grade. At that time, in order to take care of us students who were far away from the main school, our school specially set up such a branch class in our original elementary school, and we were all part of it. Hong was assigned in front of me, so I became more and more familiar with it.

Every time I glance in her direction inadvertently during class, I will see lice popping up one after another on her hair. A few of them gather together to fight, roll over and over, and some even It fell on the collar of his clothes. The strings of small white hairpins are connected together, and there are ten or eight on each hair, which is very conspicuous. Because I am an aunt and a girl of thirteen or fourteen years old, sometimes I just can’t stand it anymore, so I carefully remind her from behind that the spread of these lice will directly affect her personal image in the class. After class, I would also find a place where no one is paying attention to talk to her, and ask her to pay attention to the time when these little monsters come out to wreak havoc. Hong said to me: "Auntie, I can't help it. I wash my hair every two or three days and use very hot water as much as possible. I want to burn it to death. After washing it, I also use grate to strangle it, but I just can’t get rid of them. The old people said that my blood is sweet and I like to get lice.”

In this way, eighty students in our class lived together for a year. In seventh grade, we all went to the main school to study, and we started to be divided into classes again. She was assigned to Class 1, and I was assigned to Class 3. From now on, the only time we see each other is on the way to and from school. At this time, the eldest brother's physical condition was getting worse and worse. He had a cough and sometimes blood.

Hong's social skills began to show up in the second grade of junior high school. She had many friends around her, and we could often talk and laugh. I was silently concerned about everything about her.

In order to save time in the next semester, several girls discussed starting accommodation, and Hong and I began to experience sleeping next to each other. When the weather is hot, we sleep with only one piece of clothing on our bodies. In the cold winter, we cling to each other without taking off our clothes to keep warm. Hong studies very hard, but her mind is not very bright. Sometimes she says her head hurts when reciting questions.

In the second semester of the third year of junior high school, her eldest brother was seriously ill. Hong rushed back to see her father off and never returned to campus. The eldest brother died of cancer , and the eldest sister-in-law is a weak and ignorant woman. The whole family relies on Hongzhi, who is only 16 years old.

When I dropped out of school and came home to meet Hong, Hong had already grown into a parent in less than a year of practice. She has to get up at around three o'clock every day to do various housework, and then she has to rush to do various odd jobs to earn money, such as cooking flue-cured tobacco, planting rice, and all kinds of other work in the countryside in summer. She goes to make money. Her body has begun to gain weight and she is much taller than me. She told me that she has to eat a lot of food every day because she works too hard and is so hungry that the most she I've eaten six bowls of rice. The poor child has no father and can only rely on her to maintain the family's existence.

A twenty-two-year-old who has not yet gotten married in the countryside can be said to be an older youth. Because her living ability is amazing, she also wants to find a family with better family conditions to marry herself off, so that she can continue to help her family in the future. .

For some unknown reason, after several blind dates, the one she finally chose was not the one that everyone liked. More than a year after she got married, I took my son to visit her. Their lives are still very tight, and they don't even have a house of their own. I found a house and a half in the front yard of my sister-in-law's house as a residence to make it easier to take care of the family.I heard that her relationship with her husband was not good and they were always quarreling.

In the spring of one year, I went home and asked my family about her condition. My father said that Hong had gone to Sanjiang to plant rice and was overworked. Bleeding , how could you get such a disease at such a young age? Everyone was surprised, but I remembered that when I was in school, she often told me about her headaches.

One morning in the summer a few years later, a man in his forties in the front yard of my house went out to raise geese in the morning. When he came back, he couldn't do it because the heavy rain made the road very muddy. Kuixian was already unconscious, and even though he underwent surgery, he was still unable to recover. What was pulled back in the afternoon was a corpse.

His wife cried so hard that it rained heavily during the funeral. It was as if someone was pouring down from the sky. Not only were the ditches full and flat, they were also rising violently like a flood. In the blink of an eye, the boots were filled with water. Some of the mourners fainted, and many more walked with difficulty. Someone's pile of firewood floated away, someone's chickens and ducks were stuffed to death, it was chaos, and the atmosphere of sadness was particularly thick.

One day after the incident, people in the front yard mentioned that on the day the man died, a thirty-four-year-old woman had just been taken away from the bed the day before, saying that she belonged to Wangkui .

Taking the opportunity to celebrate my father’s birthday, I went home again. My mother told me that Hong Shi was the thirty-four-year-old woman.

Later, Hong's condition became more and more serious, to the point where she began not to recognize people. Her husband completely gave up on her, leaving only her weak mother to take care of her. She likes to eat and eats without limit. When she sees a child holding something delicious, she will chase after it, scaring the children nearby to hide away when they see her. She did not wake up until her deathbed. Maybe she really doesn't want to miss this world where she only has responsibilities and obligations.

I went to the fields to dig wild vegetables and met my sister-in-law. She was going to see her daughter, the only good child, alone. My mother and I dragged her back without letting her see our daughter. My sister-in-law, who has white hair and is getting thinner and thinner, is so pitiful. What’s the use of crying and feeling sad? The child is gone and will never come back. Accompanying her is the sound of pine waves in the northwest forest farm and the ever-lasting gloomy and cold wind. I hope Hong can have a good reincarnation underground. You must find a good family before you are reincarnated.

The girl who likes to have lice in her hair. One day I saw a message on my phone and asked where all the fun-loving lice from the past had gone. I also thought of the little monsters who had been with me for a long time, and even more so, of the girl with lice in her hair, my nie - DayDayNews

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