What's the matter with completely different emotional thoughts during the day and night?

2021/09/0918:32:15 emotion 1090

What's the matter with completely different emotional thoughts during the day and night? - DayDayNews

senior psychologist told Cheng Cheng: " people have the most emotional feelings at night. Many text workers like to work at night because they can write emotionally at that time. , An infectious article. At the same time, because people are most likely to be emotional at night, criminal activities also occur at night. If courting at night, the success rate is much higher than during the day. We often feel that at night we seem to be far away Reality and good mood, all difficulties seem to be nothing. And when you wake up early in the morning, you will feel that you are back in reality, and your sorrows and troubles seem to be back."

What's the matter with completely different emotional thoughts during the day and night? - DayDayNews

Why do people have this situation? ?

People don't need to play a social role at night, they often engage in unconscious thought activities. Xiang Cheng believes that although people have different personalities, in general, the law that people have rich feelings at night is universal.

Human thought activities are divided into conscious and unconscious. Conscious activities are logical, utilitarian, realistic and purposeful. The unconscious activities follow the principle of "only pleasure", in other words, how to be happy. In the daytime, people have to play social roles and all ideological activities are conscious. At night, people switch from social roles to individual roles, becoming people who are completely subordinate to the family, able to control their activities completely according to their personal will.

Dreams are completely unconscious activities, and the night is the transitional stage in which people's thought activities change from being conscious to completely unconscious. At this time, people will become more romantic and passionate than during the day, and it will be easier to feel the world and deal with some things with affection and kind heart.

In fact, people themselves have the ability to create happiness. During the day, when people play social roles, they place more hope on the outside world, hoping that external stimuli can bring them happiness, instead of relying on themselves to create and enjoy happiness. At night, when people return to their families, they do not need to bear external pressure, nor do they need to place their hopes in the external environment. People can have more energy to think about their own joys, angers, sorrows and joys.

What's the matter with completely different emotional thoughts during the day and night? - DayDayNews

People are full of emotions at night, which is related to the regularity of sensory system activity. During the day, human sensory organs and audio-visual systems are highly utilized, busy receiving information from the outside world, and are in a relatively exhausted state. At night, the external environment changes, the light becomes darker, and the noise decreases. People receive less audiovisual stimuli, concentrate, and have the energy to consider issues with personal emotions, and there is time to add more emotional factors to their thinking.

The regularity of physiological activity affects emotional activity

Biologists have found that brain activity requires high nutrition to support, human metabolism is slow in the morning, blood sugar content is at the lowest level of the day, and human thinking activities are not Too active.

At night, people’s metabolism is more active and they have enough energy to support thinking activities, so they tend to be more focused and thinking more flexible.

What's the matter with completely different emotional thoughts during the day and night? - DayDayNews

From the perspective of brain science, human thinking activities are controlled by the frontal and temporal pages of the brain, and emotional activities are controlled by the limbic system. There is a certain degree of antagonism between thinking activities and emotional activities. If the frontal page system and the temporal page system are active, the activities of the limbic system will be restricted to a certain extent. At this time, thinking activities will have the upper hand; otherwise, thinking activities will be at a disadvantage.

The frontal and temporal paging systems of the brain are excited during the day, and people are at the peak of rational thinking activities; at night, the limbic system activities are strengthened, and the activities of the frontal paging and temporal paging systems are at a disadvantage, and people's emotional activities are correspondingly strengthened. Therefore, people are usually very emotional at night, easily impulsive, and easily moved.

What's the matter with completely different emotional thoughts during the day and night? - DayDayNews

Being rich is not necessarily a good thing

People with rich feelings are generally kind and prefer to use their own feelings and a good starting point to measure things.Make a decision.

But too much emotion is not necessarily a good thing. Criminal activities usually happen at night because people do not like to restrict their behavior at this time, but act on feelings and impulses. In this way, it is easy to control bad feelings, make excessive behaviors, and commit crimes.

Therefore, you should try to avoid engaging in stimulating activities at this time, such as participating in too noisy activities, alcoholism, etc. Generally speaking, using the evening to engage in literary and artistic creation, or to hold a warm family gathering has good results.


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