He does not grow tall, grows slowly, is thin, develops early, and matures prematurely. Height grows less than 6 centimeters a year and is shorter than children of the same age. The height gap is getting wider and wider...

2024/06/2021:36:32 baby 1294
He does not grow tall, grows slowly, is thin, develops early, and matures prematurely. Height grows less than 6 centimeters a year and is shorter than children of the same age. The height gap is getting wider and wider... - DayDayNews

He does not grow taller and grows slowly

He is too thin, develops early, and develops precocious puberty

Height growth is less than 6 centimeters a year

He is shorter than children of the same age, and the height gap is getting wider


Children's height problems

has gradually become a major livelihood issue of concern to the society.

In order to actively respond to the call of

" Healthy China 2030"

improve the health level of children in Shaanxi

previously targeted the growth and development of children in Shaanxi

that is, are not tall, grow slowly, and are short. and other issues

Since the launch of the "2022 Height Management Health Project" and

Shaanxi Provincial Height Boosting Assistance Plan

since its release, a total of nearly 25,864 people have registered

more than 10,000 people have successfully applied

He does not grow tall, grows slowly, is thin, develops early, and matures prematurely. Height grows less than 6 centimeters a year and is shorter than children of the same age. The height gap is getting wider and wider... - DayDayNews

As Shaanxi parents have enthusiastically signed up

The quotas were applied for quickly after being distributed.

In order to meet the height management needs of children,

actively plays the role of "health project".

Shaanxi Provincial Height Boosting Assistance Plan.

Screening Assistance. will be launched again.

He does not grow tall, grows slowly, is thin, develops early, and matures prematurely. Height grows less than 6 centimeters a year and is shorter than children of the same age. The height gap is getting wider and wider... - DayDayNews

Screening assistance will be distributed to all children in Shaanxi Province.

(Permanent residents who are not registered in the province can also apply)

As long as it is about children's growth and development problems

or predicting the future adult height of children

, you can apply for partial assistance from height screening funds

The activities are conducted online and offline at the same time

There are not many places left for this screening.

Parents who need to apply, please hurry up.

Doctors recommend : Parents should take their children to undergo developmental examinations regularly.

html Children after the age of 13 should be examined every 6 months.

This way, the child's development can be detected in time. Question

Please note that ID cards starting with 61

From now on

all Shaanxi children aged 3-18 and permanent children

can apply for screening assistance subsidies at designated units!

The review standards for grant recipients are uniformly formulated by

"Silk Road Children's Journey" children's charity project.

is responsible for the

"subsidy" application acceptance and issuance within its scope of responsibilities.

Subsidy application methods, payment procedures,

and other specific management methods are detailed below. Article

Application details

Application objects details

All children and adolescents aged 3-18 years old with a Shaanxi household registration can register through this WeChat to apply for height screening assistance and examination quotas. The details are as follows:

Application objects:

is not tall and short. is half a head shorter than children of the same age. He grows less than 6 centimeters per year. He is a child who develops early and gets his period early.

(Note: Non-residents with household registration in this city can also apply for it at designated medical units within the city)

Assistance subsidy

1. During the screening period, enjoy one-to-one analysis by a height-increasing doctor (analysis and diagnosis of children's height development )

2, Children in Shaanxi who successfully register for height screening can enjoy related examination cost assistance.

He does not grow tall, grows slowly, is thin, develops early, and matures prematurely. Height grows less than 6 centimeters a year and is shorter than children of the same age. The height gap is getting wider and wider... - DayDayNews

3, After the screening, children personalized growth and height plans and guidance and suggestions will be provided.

He does not grow tall, grows slowly, is thin, develops early, and matures prematurely. Height grows less than 6 centimeters a year and is shorter than children of the same age. The height gap is getting wider and wider... - DayDayNews

has successfully applied for the children's list

(Note: In order to protect the rights and interests of each applicant and avoid wasting the quota, each person can only apply once, please do not fill in multiple times!)

Screening application time: From now on—— The deadline is July 31, 2022

Registration method

He does not grow tall, grows slowly, is thin, develops early, and matures prematurely. Height grows less than 6 centimeters a year and is shorter than children of the same age. The height gap is getting wider and wider... - DayDayNews. Registration phone number: 029-62238666

He does not grow tall, grows slowly, is thin, develops early, and matures prematurely. Height grows less than 6 centimeters a year and is shorter than children of the same age. The height gap is getting wider and wider... - DayDayNews. Press and hold to identify the QR code below to register

He does not grow tall, grows slowly, is thin, develops early, and matures prematurely. Height grows less than 6 centimeters a year and is shorter than children of the same age. The height gap is getting wider and wider... - DayDayNews. Click to read the original text to register

Long press the QR code to enter the assistance application


【 Registration application】: Citizens who meet the application conditions can register by identifying the QR code of the article or calling the official phone number.

[Information review] : The Silk Road Children's Charity Project verifies children who apply for assistance.

[Approved] : The working group will contact you within 24 hours to inform you of the relevant details, and arrange an appointment for treatment based on the situation described by the applicant.

[Go to the hospital for medical treatment] : Applicants should go to the designated institution for on-site medical treatment at the appointed time.

Assistance Site - Check Children's Parents Share

Aunt Li said: My child is now 6 years old and has not grown much since last year. Especially when started school this year, compared with the children in the same class, he is a little taller. , I saw this screening online and applied. now has a height management plan, and you can follow the doctor's guidance to manage your baby's height .

He does not grow tall, grows slowly, is thin, develops early, and matures prematurely. Height grows less than 6 centimeters a year and is shorter than children of the same age. The height gap is getting wider and wider... - DayDayNews

If your child is too short, check the standard height chart

According to the "Report on Nutrition and Chronic Disease Status of Chinese Residents" released by the state, the average height of men and women aged 18-44 in my country has increased by 1.2 cm and 0.8 respectively. cm. Height needs to be managed from an early age, and children's height charts should be compared in a timely manner. Parents who find abnormalities need to intervene promptly.

He does not grow tall, grows slowly, is thin, develops early, and matures prematurely. Height grows less than 6 centimeters a year and is shorter than children of the same age. The height gap is getting wider and wider... - DayDayNews

If the child's height is not up to standard, scientific and reasonable methods must be used to help the child grow taller, and the following behaviors must be avoided:

Nutritional family: Excessive calcium supplementation, supplements, and nutritional supplements will cause the child's epiphyseal line to heal prematurely. Arrive at final height early.

exercise group: chooses inappropriate exercise at an inappropriate age, which increases the burden on bones and affects the child's golden period.

Waiting group: has a wait-and-see mentality and does nothing. As a result, the critical period is missed, causing the children to be inferior to others throughout their lives.

He does not grow tall, grows slowly, is thin, develops early, and matures prematurely. Height grows less than 6 centimeters a year and is shorter than children of the same age. The height gap is getting wider and wider... - DayDayNews

The child's height is more than 5 cm shorter

Parents, don't wait and see blindly

Want to know whether the child will grow taller or "late"? Doctors recommend:

Height Shorter by more than 5 cm or even 10 cm Even if the child is "late," it is not necessarily To catch up to normal height, parents are advised not to wait blindly, but to let their children manage as early as possible, catch up with normal height first, and take the initiative.

He does not grow tall, grows slowly, is thin, develops early, and matures prematurely. Height grows less than 6 centimeters a year and is shorter than children of the same age. The height gap is getting wider and wider... - DayDayNews

For teenagers and children in the growth and development period, it is best to conduct regular bone age examinations to help understand the child's growth and development and height development potential, so as to promptly intervene in early development, developmental delay, and other situations.

Every stage of a child's growth

Parents will have worries of one kind or another.

Learning, height...

seem to be things that will affect a child's life.

If you, as a parent, also have such worries,

you can participate in this assistance event. Screen your children

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