Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children.

2024/06/2310:06:33 baby 1429

Text by Mao Ma carol

Taking her children to plant a small plant, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

In addition to romance, I also hope to help them establish a relatively systematic understanding through these daily experiences. At this time, popular science picture books are indispensable.

I have to admit that sometimes when I see some good popular science picture books, I have to sigh in my heart, how can someone explain complex things so directly and transparently that even children of a few years old can understand them.

▶ Food chain

"Where is the soil?" "This book, through the process of the young protagonist going to construction sites, parks, woods and other places to find suitable soil for potted tomatoes at home.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

introduces various types of soil and the substances and organisms contained in the soil. The flowers, plants and trees we see can thrive by absorbing nutrients from the soil.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

In this process, simple words are used to let children understand the magical food chain of nature.

Romantic experience between parents and children + exquisite popular science picture books, just like this, a complete closed loop of knowledge is formed, deeply rooted in the hearts of children.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

▶ Water Cycle

A good popular science picture book has this kind of magic, another example is "The Secret of Water Pipes", this picture book simply made me kneel in amazement, in less than 30 pages, the knowledge points of water cycle are clearly explained. Even I, an adult, shouted that I had learned it.

Where does the water we drink every day come from?

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

It turns out that they are rain falling on the top of the mountain. The rainwater merges into a river. The water in the river flows into the water plant. In the water plant, the river water is disinfected and purified and becomes drinkable water for people. This clean water passes through the water pipes. , was transported to the city.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

Tap water pipes continue to branch out, and they carry water to every place in the city, swimming pools, fire hydrants, gardens, kitchens, washing machines, bathtubs...

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

sewage passes through a pipe called "sewer" Water pipes and sewers are interwoven into a network underground. Sewage is concentrated in sewage treatment plants. After purification, it is discharged into rivers or oceans, and then evaporates into the air. The ocean is the end point of water flow and the starting point of water cycle.

In the picture, the tap water is shown in blue and the sewage is shown in brown, which vividly presents the two pipelines that cross each other and do not interfere with each other.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

Water vapor and small water droplets will turn into clouds, and finally turn into tap water. At this time, you can turn back and watch the scene of rain on the top of the mountain in front, completing a vivid explanation of the water cycle.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

▶ Learn about high-speed rail from three angles

It seems that almost no child can resist the charm of the railway system. Every time a child takes a high-speed rail or train, he is as excited as we are when we see a shooting star. His curious eyes look everywhere.

At this time, if it can be paired with a comprehensive set of popular science books, children's knowledge of high-speed rail can transition from sporadic experience to systematic knowledge.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

"The High-speed Rail Departs" talks about what is high-speed rail? Travel with the high-speed rail and understand the operating principles and overall design of China's high-speed rail.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

"The High-speed Railway Has Started" talks about how to build the high-speed railway? Take your children to the construction site of the high-speed rail and introduce cutting-edge engineering knowledge in high-speed rail construction.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

"Take the High-speed Rail Together" talks about how to operate the high-speed rail? How to sit again? Let your children explore the driving and riding experience of " Fuxinghao ". After reading the three picture books

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

, children will have a networked understanding of high-speed rail, which is also a process of cultivating logical thinking.

▶ Scene Cognition

popular science picture books are also good at broadening children's cognitive boundaries. Moving, delivering express, traveling... these scenes are all familiar to adults, but they are all new to preschool children. world.

It is a good way to let children have a comprehensive understanding of these scenes and establish a basic knowledge structure through picture books.

"Moving" provides comprehensive explanations from departure, journey, and arrival at the destination, and the details are unambiguous. The moment the truck pulled off the ferry, the child was so excited.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

"Thank you!" "Express Delivery Truck", after reading this, my children will no longer ask "Why hasn't my express delivery arrived yet" when I first place an order online?

He knows how many transfer stations an item needs to pass through to be transported from one place to our home.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

▶ Cross-sectional view of objects

There are also some knowledge that can only be understood but cannot be expressed. Having picture books is like a magical help, such as cross-sectional view of various objects .

The author of "Cut the Car" is the famous Kaguriko. As an engineer with a doctorate in engineering, he has created a large number of childlike picture books for children.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

Kaguriko introduced the concept of "section view" from the daily trivial matter of "cutting vegetables". Through the sections of fruits and vegetables, we can clearly see the colors and structures inside.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

Only one of the flowers in the vase has withered. Do you want to know the reason? Just draw the "section" of the vase and you'll know.

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

Scientists and architects will also draw and use various "section views":

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

The houses we live in also have section views:

Planting a small plant with your children, digging the soil, burying the seeds, fertilizing, watering the flowers, and waiting for the results is probably the most romantic thing I can think of doing with my children. - DayDayNews

We always emphasize the importance of reading. Storybooks give children a rich emotional world, and popular science picture books The role is mainly reflected in the broadening of cognitive boundaries and the establishment of cognitive systems.

Today’s article is not a book recommendation, nor does it have a purchase link. I think how many things a child can hold in their little brains depends on how much their parents give them.

These things are not difficult to find. The most difficult thing is that we adults need to be cognitively aware of their importance.

Finally, I would like to end with the words of the editorial department of "Friends of Science" -

Unlike story picture books, scientific picture books can help children, especially children in kindergarten, realize how interesting the real world is. Science picture books can help children understand the world like friends, allowing them to discover the joy of life and love life! We will continue to work hard to create more opportunities so that children living in this era can discover more interesting things about the world.

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