Introduction: Natural labor will go through three stages of labor. In the first and second stages of labor, the mother is under great pressure during labor, and the labor pains are like a dull knife cutting flesh, torturing the mother's body and mind. Relatively speaking, the thi

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Introduction : Natural childbirth will go through three stages of labor. In the first and second stages of labor, the mother bears greater labor pressure , and the labor pains are like a dull knife cutting flesh torturing the mother's body and spirit. .

Relatively speaking, the third stage of labor under normal circumstances is relatively "easy" . The placenta can peel off and be discharged within about 30 minutes after the baby is delivered, which also means that the third stage of labor ends smoothly.

However, if there is an "accident" during the third stage of labor, the mother is likely to encounter a doctor "hand-removing the placenta" , or even through interventional surgery to remove the placenta .

Introduction: Natural labor will go through three stages of labor. In the first and second stages of labor, the mother is under great pressure during labor, and the labor pains are like a dull knife cutting flesh, torturing the mother's body and mind. Relatively speaking, the thi - DayDayNews

Ms. Li recently experienced a "very unforgettable" childbirth experience. During the entire pregnancy check, Ms. Li and the baby in her belly were both healthy , and before giving birth, she also passed the doctor's natural delivery assessment conditions, so it was no surprise that she finally chose to have a natural delivery. .

The first half of the entire labor process went smoothly, and Ms. Li's performance also made her husband feel much more relaxed. Before that, he was afraid of his wife's "" because he couldn't stand the pain, so he gave up the job. "With the loud cry of the fetus, Ms. Li's second stage of labor was over.

Introduction: Natural labor will go through three stages of labor. In the first and second stages of labor, the mother is under great pressure during labor, and the labor pains are like a dull knife cutting flesh, torturing the mother's body and mind. Relatively speaking, the thi - DayDayNews

Ms. Li and her husband were relieved when the baby was born, but what the doctor said next surprised the young couple. "The delivery of the fetus does not mean the end of labor. We have to wait for the placenta to be delivered completely. But judging from your current state, the placenta does not seem to be expelled on its own. After some communication, Ms. Li gritted her teeth and agreed. The doctor’s plan to remove the placenta . The operator who removed the placenta was an experienced male doctor, which made Ms. Li and her husband somewhat conflicted and embarrassed.

Introduction: Natural labor will go through three stages of labor. In the first and second stages of labor, the mother is under great pressure during labor, and the labor pains are like a dull knife cutting flesh, torturing the mother's body and mind. Relatively speaking, the thi - DayDayNews

But the current situation is urgent, and the two of them can't take care of much. What is absolutely unexpected is that because the placenta of is located above , after the doctor performed a manual peeling operation, the placenta was still but was not successfully removed .

After further examination, the doctor advised Ms. Li to "wait and see. If the placenta still cannot be exfoliated, perform surgical intervention." As time passed, Ms. Li and her husband became more and more anxious. After being allowed to eat something by the doctor, the weak Ms. Li cheered up and ate some fruit.

Introduction: Natural labor will go through three stages of labor. In the first and second stages of labor, the mother is under great pressure during labor, and the labor pains are like a dull knife cutting flesh, torturing the mother's body and mind. Relatively speaking, the thi - DayDayNews

Not long after eating, she clearly felt gastrointestinal discomfort . After a sudden upset in her stomach, Ms. Li excreted on the delivery bed . Aware of the mess underneath her, Ms. Li collapsed. "There is nothing more embarrassing than this" .

Fortunately, the doctor finally determined the time for surgical intervention . After the operation, the "stubborn" placenta was finally successfully removed .

At this time, 68 hours had passed since the end of the second stage of labor. Ms. Li had a whole-body blood transfusion of 1,600ml. This embarrassing and painful experience finally came to an end..

What may be the reasons why the placenta cannot be delivered after vaginal delivery?

Generally speaking, after the fetus is delivered successfully, the mother will deliver the placenta within half an hour. However, when an unexpected situation occurs, the placenta is likely to be retained in whole or in part in the mother's body .

For example, maternal uterine atony , which can easily lead to retained placenta; another example is incomplete placental detachment , part of the placenta cannot be delivered and is forced to be retained.

Introduction: Natural labor will go through three stages of labor. In the first and second stages of labor, the mother is under great pressure during labor, and the labor pains are like a dull knife cutting flesh, torturing the mother's body and mind. Relatively speaking, the thi - DayDayNews

In addition, if the mother's cervix is ​​completely tightened after delivering the fetus, this may also hinder the expulsion of the placenta. Clinically, there have been cases of placenta implanting into the uterine wall . In this state, it is extremely difficult for the placenta to be expelled from the body through natural delivery.

When the placenta cannot be expelled smoothly, taking into account the severity and duration of fetal retention, the doctor will remove the placenta manually or perform surgical intervention to remove the placenta.

Of course, these two methods are operated in a sterile environment, which greatly ensures the safety of the mother's life. If it is found that only a small amount of fetal membranes are retained, doctors usually use drugs that promote uterine contractions to promote the delivery of the placenta.

What adverse effects will the failure of the placenta have on the mother's body?

Placenta remaining in the mother's body for a long time can easily cause postpartum hemorrhage. This situation is also quite critical. If not handled properly, it is likely to put the mother's life in danger. At the same time, the mother will experience symptoms of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and even shock .

Introduction: Natural labor will go through three stages of labor. In the first and second stages of labor, the mother is under great pressure during labor, and the labor pains are like a dull knife cutting flesh, torturing the mother's body and mind. Relatively speaking, the thi - DayDayNews

There will be a large amount of lochia in the postpartum body to eliminate . If the placenta is retained, this will affect the mother's postpartum lochia elimination, resulting in endless lochia , is not conducive to the recovery of the uterus , hinders the mother's health, and affects Lactation . At the same time, this can also easily lead to the production of gynecological inflammation, affecting the mother's postpartum quality of life.

What kind of mothers are prone to placenta retention? Before giving birth, you should understand

. Excessive mental stress during childbirth

When the mother is in a state of nervousness and fear during childbirth, she is likely to yell too hard due to panic . Especially in the first stage of labor , the mother has to experience uterine contractions for more than 10 hours. If the mother does not know how to control the force , then uterine inertia will easily occur during the subsequent delivery process. This This also increases the possibility of placenta retention.

Therefore, if you want to avoid placenta retention, mothers should try to stay calm and rational , try their best to self-emotional counseling , and ensure that mental state is relaxed and stable .

Introduction: Natural labor will go through three stages of labor. In the first and second stages of labor, the mother is under great pressure during labor, and the labor pains are like a dull knife cutting flesh, torturing the mother's body and mind. Relatively speaking, the thi - DayDayNews

Introduction: Natural labor will go through three stages of labor. In the first and second stages of labor, the mother is under great pressure during labor, and the labor pains are like a dull knife cutting flesh, torturing the mother's body and mind. Relatively speaking, the thi - DayDayNews. Multiple artificial abortions

If mothers have had multiple artificial abortions before giving birth, their probability of having retained placenta is also high. This is mainly because frequent artificial abortions have caused certain damage to the mother's uterus, such as endometrium and superficial texture damage, uterine cavity infection etc.

These uterine injuries increase the possibility of placenta implantation, which directly leads to the failure of the placenta to be discharged normally and smoothly during delivery.

Introduction: Natural labor will go through three stages of labor. In the first and second stages of labor, the mother is under great pressure during labor, and the labor pains are like a dull knife cutting flesh, torturing the mother's body and mind. Relatively speaking, the thi - DayDayNews. Abnormal placenta properties

The placenta with normal properties will naturally peel off and be expelled after the baby is delivered. However, if the placenta has abnormal properties, such as having a different shape , the placenta is likely to get stuck at the cervix over time. It can also cause adhesion between the placenta and the uterine wall . If the placenta is retained due to an abnormality in the placenta, it is very likely that the doctor will need to manually remove the placenta.

Introduction: Natural labor will go through three stages of labor. In the first and second stages of labor, the mother is under great pressure during labor, and the labor pains are like a dull knife cutting flesh, torturing the mother's body and mind. Relatively speaking, the thi - DayDayNews

Introduction: Natural labor will go through three stages of labor. In the first and second stages of labor, the mother is under great pressure during labor, and the labor pains are like a dull knife cutting flesh, torturing the mother's body and mind. Relatively speaking, the thi - DayDayNews. Take tocolytic pills

Some mothers are worried about the instability of the fetus during pregnancy, so they take tocolytic pills. Although tocolytic drugs have a certain effect on stabilizing the fetus, they also increase the connection between the maternal placenta and the uterine wall, which may cause the placenta to be difficult to fall off during labor.

Although the third stage of labor occurs after the fetus is delivered, the mother and her family cannot take it completely lightly. If retained placenta occurs, you must follow the doctor's professional advice, ensure the mother's personal safety as much as possible, and avoid accidents such as heavy bleeding.


To this day, childbirth is still a journey before death for mothers. The pain and embarrassment experienced by mothers during childbirth make their identity as "mothers" more dazzling. At the same time, this also means that mothers need more care, love, understanding and respect.

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