Hello, everyone, I am your bean sprouts mother. A working mother of two children, studying for an MBA in a well-known university, a psychological counselor, focusing on children's psychology and growth. Click Follow in the upper right corner to continue sharing interesting and in

2024/06/2802:27:32 baby 1019

hello, hello everyone, I am your bean sprouts mother . A working mother of two children, studying MBA at a well-known university, psychological counselor, focusing on children's psychology and growth.

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Hello, everyone, I am your bean sprouts mother. A working mother of two children, studying for an MBA in a well-known university, a psychological counselor, focusing on children's psychology and growth. Click Follow in the upper right corner to continue sharing interesting and in - DayDayNews

There is an American family light comedy "Little Devil in the Streets". It tells the story of a 9-month-old little devil who plays tricks on three kidnappers.

The crawling trajectory of the protagonist "Little Bic" in the film is very interesting. He first climbed into the elevator and went downstairs. Based on the image of the car in the picture book story his mother had told him before, he got on the bus and got into the fat woman's car. He was taken out of the car in his pocket, then went to shopping malls and playgrounds, crawled across the road, entered the park, and recently broke into a construction site...

Hello, everyone, I am your bean sprouts mother. A working mother of two children, studying for an MBA in a well-known university, a psychological counselor, focusing on children's psychology and growth. Click Follow in the upper right corner to continue sharing interesting and in - DayDayNews

Many novice parents will clearly remember when their babies first learned to crawl. , crawling around the house is very interesting. Crawling is a very natural phenomenon for babies as they grow. In real life, many babies skip this process directly and start "walking upright". In fact, this is very detrimental to the baby's future growth.

Hello, everyone, I am your bean sprouts mother. A working mother of two children, studying for an MBA in a well-known university, a psychological counselor, focusing on children's psychology and growth. Click Follow in the upper right corner to continue sharing interesting and in - DayDayNews1 Why do some babies "walk without crawling"

Hello, everyone, I am your bean sprouts mother. A working mother of two children, studying for an MBA in a well-known university, a psychological counselor, focusing on children's psychology and growth. Click Follow in the upper right corner to continue sharing interesting and in - DayDayNews

The baby starts from lying on his stomach without raising his head, then his little head can be "straight up" with a wider line of sight, and he can crawl forward, use his hands and feet together, and quickly Crawling, these are all necessary processes for babies to grow and develop.

Then why do some babies not crawl but walk directly? Even some old people are proud and think that their grandchildren are smarter than others and can walk immediately.

In fact, the baby's "walking away without crawling" is probably mainly caused by the following reasons:

Hello, everyone, I am your bean sprouts mother. A working mother of two children, studying for an MBA in a well-known university, a psychological counselor, focusing on children's psychology and growth. Click Follow in the upper right corner to continue sharing interesting and in - DayDayNews

① The caregiver is too lazy to save trouble. Last night I took Niuniu downstairs for a walk, and I saw a baby who was almost one year old and still "sliding" in the walker . Grandma was greeting me from the side. I kindly advised her: "We can no longer let our children sit in walkers. We must guide them to walk." Grandma told her the truth: It's so tiring to keep bending over.

Before, there were many children at home. In addition to taking care of the family’s food, clothing, housing and transportation, my mother basically threw the children into the walker when the baby was learning to walk and let them "slide around", which can save herself a lot of time. .

If the baby walker is used too much, the baby's legs will easily become " bow-legged ", and the baby's legs will also become " pigeon-toed " when walking, which is not good for the baby's leg shape and health.

② Wrong guidance from parents. Last year, when Niuniu was more than nine months old, her grandmother took her back to her hometown for a period of time. When she went back to visit them, her grandmother kept showing off, saying that Niuniu could stand on the sofa and walk along it.

Hello, everyone, I am your bean sprouts mother. A working mother of two children, studying for an MBA in a well-known university, a psychological counselor, focusing on children's psychology and growth. Click Follow in the upper right corner to continue sharing interesting and in - DayDayNews

I told her that the child’s leg muscles have not yet fully developed, so there is no need to stand too early. If you let your child stand on the sofa, she will instinctively want to "scratch" forward, which is actually very detrimental to her future walking.

Fortunately, my mother-in-law was also open-minded and could listen to advice. She spread a large climbing mat on the ground, wiped the floor clean, and let Niuniu lie down and play. Children all have "catching". If she feels that it is dangerous to stand, she will automatically lower her body and crawl forward. It can also meet her daily exploration needs.

③My mother is too particular about hygiene. Some mothers have mysophobia and cannot bear to see their children lying on the floor because they think it is unhygienic. As soon as the child crawls, pick him up quickly. Some children are playing, and the mother is following behind them, feeding them saliva and taking out wet wipes to wipe them.

In fact, this greatly disturbs the baby's concentration and desire to explore. If parents always forcibly stop the baby from exploring, the baby will no longer be willing to engage in that activity.

Hello, everyone, I am your bean sprouts mother. A working mother of two children, studying for an MBA in a well-known university, a psychological counselor, focusing on children's psychology and growth. Click Follow in the upper right corner to continue sharing interesting and in - DayDayNews2 What are the significant differences between babies who "crawl first and then walk" and babies who "don't crawl or walk" when they grow up?

Teacher Li Yuer, the founder of

ba Academy, mentioned in her book "Key Help in Critical Periods": The baby has its own special development in each stage, which we call sensitive period . It can be said that each stage of the baby has its own development tasks. Once missed, some are irreparable, and some can only be made up through a great deal of effort the day after tomorrow.

There is an old saying: "Three turns, six sittings, seven or eight crawls." When the baby crawls, if he has not experienced this stage, once he learns to walk, it will be difficult for him to learn the ability to crawl.

So, what is the difference between babies who "crawl before walking" and babies who "walk before crawling" when they grow up? Generally speaking, there are three significant differences between and .

①Better body coordination. Research and practice have shown that babies who "crawl first and then walk" have better physical coordination than babies who walk directly and skip the crawling stage.

Hello, everyone, I am your bean sprouts mother. A working mother of two children, studying for an MBA in a well-known university, a psychological counselor, focusing on children's psychology and growth. Click Follow in the upper right corner to continue sharing interesting and in - DayDayNews

Baby crawling exercises the muscles of the upper and lower limbs and improves the baby's limb coordination. During the process of crawling, the baby needs to use both hands and feet. It must concentrate on the coordination of the hands, arms, elbows, knees and legs, so that the leg and arm muscles can work together to move forward, and it must also use The small muscles in the belly.

Baby crawling exercise vestibular system , develop baby's balance ability . There is an organ in our cochlea called "vestibule", which determines our spatial perception ability, helps the brain judge distance and direction, and controls the body's balance ability.

Babies who "crawl first and then walk" will have their vestibular system fully developed and stronger balance ability through extensive crawling training. Babies who walk directly without going through the crawling stage lack these extensive exercise opportunities, and their physical coordination and sense of balance will be much worse. After growing up, it is easy to develop sensory integration disorder , which is mainly manifested as the inability to concentrate on doing things or physical incoordination.

② Better brain and psychological development. Babies who "crawl first and then walk" can get more stimulation, which has a good effect on brain nerve connections and psychological development.

During the process of crawling, the baby uses both hands and feet. When the body is in contact with the ground, the senses are effectively stimulated. During the process of crawling, the baby uses his little brain to identify obstacles, judge whether the surrounding is safe, and promote brain development.

Moreover, in the process of fast movement, the baby gets great psychological satisfaction, which is helpful for his own cognitive ability and social and psychological development.

Hello, everyone, I am your bean sprouts mother. A working mother of two children, studying for an MBA in a well-known university, a psychological counselor, focusing on children's psychology and growth. Click Follow in the upper right corner to continue sharing interesting and in - DayDayNews

③ Stronger exploration ability. Babies who "crawl first and then walk" can explore the world more freely and come into contact with more new things during the crawling process, so they have a more exploratory spirit and "desire for adventure", which will greatly contribute to the cultivation of a positive and enterprising character in the future. There are benefits.

The baby is crawling around the room with its little butt squirming. It is very cute and its personality can be developed freely. Moreover, after the baby crawls, the radius of movement will be wider, and he can observe the things around him from a closer distance, satisfy their curiosity, and cultivate the baby's sensory awareness.

Babies who do not crawl will be more "restricted" in the process of exploration and cannot get where they want to go "at will". On the premise of ensuring safety, their perception and understanding of the world are also relatively weak. .

Hello, everyone, I am your bean sprouts mother. A working mother of two children, studying for an MBA in a well-known university, a psychological counselor, focusing on children's psychology and growth. Click Follow in the upper right corner to continue sharing interesting and in - DayDayNews3 Advice for new parents

Generally speaking, when a baby is seven or eight months old, the crawling "caterpillar" suddenly becomes a cute "four-legged beast" . This is the baby's expression of growth. Many mothers share with surprise the moment when their babies can crawl.

For babies who don’t like to crawl or can’t crawl, novice parents should also consciously guide their babies to crawl after their babies can sit.

Hello, everyone, I am your bean sprouts mother. A working mother of two children, studying for an MBA in a well-known university, a psychological counselor, focusing on children's psychology and growth. Click Follow in the upper right corner to continue sharing interesting and in - DayDayNews

First prepare a clean and hygienic crawling environment for the baby, and provide more conscious guidance.

Secondly, hold brightly colored toys to attract the baby's attention, " coax" him to crawl forward, and give the baby more encouragement.

Finally, pay more attention to your baby's crawling posture on weekdays, and don't forget to correct your baby's improper crawling posture in time.

Today’s topic: Does your baby “crawl first and then walk”, or “not crawl then walk”? welcomes comments and discussions.

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