In Guizhou, a mother uploaded a surveillance video of two elementary school siblings watching TV during the holidays. The father didn't want them to watch. After persuading them to no avail, he got angry and smashed the TV.

2024/06/2307:39:32 baby 1686

In Guizhou, a mother uploaded a surveillance video of two elementary school siblings watching TV during the holidays. The father did not want them to watch. After persuading them to no avail, he got angry and smashed the TV. Dad turned and walked away, and then the little brother lifted the TV and put it in its original position to continue watching. In the

video, the father is very angry. It is said that it cost more than a thousand to repair the TV. I checked online and found that many fathers smashed TVs and computers. Mom is the one who mostly smashes her cell phone. Maybe it was a matter of strength, or maybe it was because it looked so big that my mother couldn’t bear to do it.

In Guizhou, a mother uploaded a surveillance video of two elementary school siblings watching TV during the holidays. The father didn't want them to watch. After persuading them to no avail, he got angry and smashed the TV. - DayDayNews

Dad originally wanted to let his children do something more meaningful, but was this his original intention to smash the TV? We found that a person's anger is very easy to induce . For example, a loud noise suddenly appears next to you; or you are looking at the computer and a disgusting picture appears; or an item is promised to you, but then it is not agreed to be given to you. In short, we are particularly prone to let a very simple little thing trigger anger.

conducted an offense experiment in psychology. The experiment found that when a person is offended, those with a high level of education will feel embarrassed or funny, while those with a low level of education will feel angry. The staff found a group of people to participate in the experiment, first promised to take a questionnaire, and then gave them a good bonus. After completing the questionnaire, the staff refused to cash it. The experimenters found that people with lower educational levels had higher levels of anger. This should be related to the thinking mode. When you encounter a problem and cannot solve it, you will think it is a humiliation to yourself, so you will get angry.

In Guizhou, a mother uploaded a surveillance video of two elementary school siblings watching TV during the holidays. The father didn't want them to watch. After persuading them to no avail, he got angry and smashed the TV. - DayDayNews

People's interpretation of an event is more important than the objective attributes of the event itself . Say someone walks up to you and touches your body. You will feel offended, but if the other person is a toddler or a blind person, your anger level will be low, but if the other person is a person about your age, you will be very angry. But if the other person is obviously much stronger than you, you will not be angry but afraid. is obviously related to your own cognition. The essence of anger is not very clear to psychologists. They only know that it is related to culture and cognition. For example, if someone in our country scolds you with a national curse, we will be very angry. But in Russia, if you scold him with the same curse, he will be very happy that his mother has a new friend.

Usually our anger comes from feeling blame, and when you interpret blame as the reason for your growth, you will not be angry. On the other hand, seeing the blame as an offense against you will make you feel angry.

We also get angry about unexpected events. For example, they think it is unpleasant, unfair, etc. Mainly due to circumstances beyond one's control. For example, when driving, if the person in front of you is slow, or if you wait too long at a red light, you may curse in the car. And this kind of behavior will not cause the other party to retaliate, so we often get angry when driving. These are the things we feel angry about another person's behavior, but do we feel angry when we ourselves do something wrong, such as forgetting to bring our keys? Forgot to charge your phone when you go out, etc.

In Guizhou, a mother uploaded a surveillance video of two elementary school siblings watching TV during the holidays. The father didn't want them to watch. After persuading them to no avail, he got angry and smashed the TV. - DayDayNews

We find that when we forget to bring our keys, we will be sad, anxious, and uneasy. In short, we rarely attack ourselves. We have done experiments where we put some babies on the ground and restricted their hands so that they could not move. The baby's expression would immediately become angry. We also tried placing a screen in front of the baby and letting the baby make any movement, and a smiling face would appear on the screen. After doing it a few times, turn off the screen. When the baby does the action, the smiling face no longer appears on the screen, and the baby immediately starts to get angry. Babies are so young and are not yet able to analyze the situation well and find someone to blame. Why do they get angry?

Psychologists believe that anger stems from frustration itself. For example, if our mobile phone suddenly stops working, we will throw it away angrily. Psychological research shows that for some things, we make up a reason after we behave in anger. For example, this dad smashed the TV because his order was not carried out. He felt frustrated and then smashed it angrily. Got the TV.Then he gave himself a reasonable explanation: "I am angry because I am angry with you."

#Children watch TV at home during summer vacation and dad smashes the TV in anger#

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