It's midsummer, the sun is so hot that you can lay an egg on the ground until it's cooked. In such weather, a little carelessness can lead to heatstroke, and infants and young children are at high risk for heatstroke. There are several signs of heat stroke. When dizziness, sweati

2024/06/2802:23:33 baby 1393

It's midsummer, the scorching sun is shining on the ground, and an egg can be cooked on the ground. In such weather, a little carelessness can lead to heatstroke, and infants and young children are at high risk for heatstroke.

There are several types of heat stroke

It's midsummer, the sun is so hot that you can lay an egg on the ground until it's cooked. In such weather, a little carelessness can lead to heatstroke, and infants and young children are at high risk for heatstroke. There are several signs of heat stroke. When dizziness, sweati - DayDayNews

Premonition of heat stroke

In a high temperature environment, when symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, fatigue, nausea, and inability to concentrate occur, it means that the body is dehydrated. At this time, it is still too late to remedy the problem immediately. You should go to a cool place to rest in time, and most of the symptoms can be relieved gradually.

It's midsummer, the sun is so hot that you can lay an egg on the ground until it's cooked. In such weather, a little carelessness can lead to heatstroke, and infants and young children are at high risk for heatstroke. There are several signs of heat stroke. When dizziness, sweati - DayDayNews

Mild heat stroke

In addition to nausea and vomiting, it is also accompanied by increased heart rate, increased body temperature, uncoordinated movements, etc. It is not easy to relieve after resting and drinking water. Immediate medical treatment and timely treatment can return to normal.

It's midsummer, the sun is so hot that you can lay an egg on the ground until it's cooked. In such weather, a little carelessness can lead to heatstroke, and infants and young children are at high risk for heatstroke. There are several signs of heat stroke. When dizziness, sweati - DayDayNews

Severe heat stroke

The body's body temperature regulation ability is imbalanced, manifesting as high fever, coma, even convulsions, and sudden death. At this time, it has reached the high-risk stage of death from heat stroke ( heat cramps , heat exhaustion , heat stroke ). You should handle it yourself to avoid delaying treatment time. You should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

It's midsummer, the sun is so hot that you can lay an egg on the ground until it's cooked. In such weather, a little carelessness can lead to heatstroke, and infants and young children are at high risk for heatstroke. There are several signs of heat stroke. When dizziness, sweati - DayDayNews

How to prevent heat stroke

It's midsummer, the sun is so hot that you can lay an egg on the ground until it's cooked. In such weather, a little carelessness can lead to heatstroke, and infants and young children are at high risk for heatstroke. There are several signs of heat stroke. When dizziness, sweati - DayDayNews

How to prevent heat stroke in daily life? The following four points are for your reference:

01 Prepare medicines

In summer, you should prepare Ten Drops of Water , Huoxiang Zhengqi Water , etc. The excipients of these two drugs contain alcohol. You should avoid driving within a short period of time after taking them. At the same time, you should also avoid taking them with penicillins , cephalosporins and other drugs to avoid disulfiram reactions and severe allergies. Once the symptoms are not relieved after taking medicine and replenishing water, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

02 Choose the right drink

When there are signs of heat stroke, you should replenish water in time. When choosing drinks, you should pay attention to the beverage ratio table and choose drinks containing electrolytes, such as sodium chloride and sodium chloride. At the same time, avoid drinking high-sugar drinks to avoid losing more body fluids. Never drink iced drinks to avoid stomach cramps. Some patients with poor heart and kidney function should follow the doctor's advice on the amount of water they drink.

03 Sun protection when going out

Do not walk for a long time or perform strenuous physical labor under high temperature exposure after 10 a.m. and before 4 p.m. unless necessary. If you must go out, you should take effective sun protection measures, such as wearing appropriate clothing, a hat, sunglasses, a parasol, and sunscreen. Once dizziness or other discomfort occurs, choose a cool and ventilated place to rest as soon as possible.

04 Indoor heatstroke prevention

If the indoor temperature exceeds 28°C, the fan or air conditioner should be turned on. The elderly should not wear long clothes and long trousers at home in order to save electricity bills or the frail and sick are afraid of being exposed to the cold, which may lead to indoor heatstroke.

What are the first aid methods?

It's midsummer, the sun is so hot that you can lay an egg on the ground until it's cooked. In such weather, a little carelessness can lead to heatstroke, and infants and young children are at high risk for heatstroke. There are several signs of heat stroke. When dizziness, sweati - DayDayNews

If you find someone with heat stroke, you should take three first aid methods:

01 Transport

Once you find someone with signs of heat stroke, you should help them to a cool and ventilated place, that is, where they can go where it is cool, keep them in a supine position, loosen their collars and fan them. Wind promotes heat dissipation and cooling.

It's midsummer, the sun is so hot that you can lay an egg on the ground until it's cooked. In such weather, a little carelessness can lead to heatstroke, and infants and young children are at high risk for heatstroke. There are several signs of heat stroke. When dizziness, sweati - DayDayNews

02 Cooling

Rapid cooling is the basis of treatment, and rapid cooling determines the patient's prognosis. Move the patient to a well-ventilated low-temperature environment, take off his clothes, and perform skin and muscle massage to promote heat dissipation. Immerse as much of the body (except the head) of the patient without collapse in cold water as possible, stirring the water constantly to keep cold water on the surface of the skin, and place ice cubes wrapped in a wet towel around the top of the head. Evaporative heat dissipation can be used to cool down the collapsed person, such as repeatedly wiping the skin with cold water, or using an electric fan or air conditioner.

It's midsummer, the sun is so hot that you can lay an egg on the ground until it's cooked. In such weather, a little carelessness can lead to heatstroke, and infants and young children are at high risk for heatstroke. There are several signs of heat stroke. When dizziness, sweati - DayDayNews

03 Hydration

If you carry ten drops of water or Huoxiang Zhengqi water with you, you can give it to people with heatstroke in time, and let them drink light salt water or salty drinks to replenish the lost body fluids.

It's midsummer, the sun is so hot that you can lay an egg on the ground until it's cooked. In such weather, a little carelessness can lead to heatstroke, and infants and young children are at high risk for heatstroke. There are several signs of heat stroke. When dizziness, sweati - DayDayNews

If after taking the above measures, the person with heatstroke still does not improve, or even develops symptoms such as high fever, coma, convulsions, etc., do not force-feed the person with water to avoid choking and coughing. Instead, call "120" immediately and send the person to the hospital for prompt professional treatment. While waiting for rescue, the heat stroke patient should be allowed to lie flat with his head tilted to one side to keep the respiratory tract open.

It's midsummer, the sun is so hot that you can lay an egg on the ground until it's cooked. In such weather, a little carelessness can lead to heatstroke, and infants and young children are at high risk for heatstroke. There are several signs of heat stroke. When dizziness, sweati - DayDayNews

Finally, I would like to remind everyone: If you must go out in the hot summer, please be sure to take measures to prevent heatstroke and sun exposure, and replenish water in time! Add water! Add water! Say important things three times.

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