Children over 5 years old may occasionally wet the bed suddenly due to various reasons, such as being too tired from playing during the day, such as after an illness, etc. Faced with the occasional situation, do not be nervous, let alone criticize or tease the child. It is to tel

2024/06/2401:15:33 baby 1303

Some time ago, a little boy came to the clinic to see a cough. He was 4 years and 8 months old, dark and thin. After watching Cough, the parent said embarrassedly: He wet the bed at night. When it comes to whether a child's bedwetting is considered a disease, the age of five is the threshold. But we can't be so strict. The sooner it is treated, the better for both children and adults.

Children's internal organs are still under development. Traditional Chinese medicine says "complete but not strong" and "kidney qi is not enough" , so children under 5 years old will have bedwetting.

Children over 5 years old may occasionally wet the bed suddenly due to various reasons, such as being too tired from playing during the day, such as after an illness, etc. Faced with the occasional situation, do not be nervous, let alone criticize or tease the child. It is to tel - DayDayNews

Children over the age of 5 may occasionally wet the bed suddenly for various reasons, such as being too tired from playing during the day, or after an illness, etc. When faced with occasional situations, do not be nervous, let alone criticize or tease your child , but tell the child that this is normal. The child has no psychological pressure and will adjust quickly after his Qi and blood recover.

For children with insufficient kidney qi, because kidney qi energy is insufficient, growth and development will be slower, and the bedwetting time will be longer. We can moderately feed the child some kidney-nourishing foods to help. Bundle.

Never use various folk remedies blindly, as you are worried that using them incorrectly will lead to premature in your child.

recommends foods that nourish kidney qi. Children with insufficient kidney qi can eat them occasionally.

Gorgon fruit porridge

Children over 5 years old may occasionally wet the bed suddenly due to various reasons, such as being too tired from playing during the day, such as after an illness, etc. Faced with the occasional situation, do not be nervous, let alone criticize or tease the child. It is to tel - DayDayNews

Composition: Gorgon fruit , barley kernel , red dates, peanuts, japonica rice

Method: Lift the gorgon fruit and barley kernel and soak them for 2 hours. Break the red dates and remove the cores for later use. Put the prepared ingredients together into a pot to make porridge, and eat it after the porridge is cooked.

Efficacy: Gorgon fruit can replenish the spleen and remove dampness, and can also strengthen the kidneys and astringent essence. It is neutral in nature, so it is the protagonist of this porridge. The barley kernels in it can clear away heat and dampness in summer, and the red dates and peanuts help the body replenish qi and blood. Japonica rice nourishes the body and replenishes qi . The combination of these five ingredients can strengthen the spleen and strengthen the kidneys, nourish qi and blood, and clear away dampness and heat .

taboo : Suitable for children over three years old. Don't eat it when you are sick with a cold. You don't need to eat the gorgon seeds and barley kernels in it. They are not easy to digest and the essence has already been boiled in the porridge.

Black sesame porridge

Children over 5 years old may occasionally wet the bed suddenly due to various reasons, such as being too tired from playing during the day, such as after an illness, etc. Faced with the occasional situation, do not be nervous, let alone criticize or tease the child. It is to tel - DayDayNews

Composition: Black sesame seeds, lotus seeds (core removed), rice

Method: Soak the dried lotus seeds for 2 hours in advance, put the black sesame seeds, lotus seeds, and rice into the pot to cook the porridge. After the porridge is cooked Ready to eat.

Efficacy : Lotus seeds are neutral in nature and can nourish the spleen and stop diarrhea, nourish the kidneys and essence, nourish the heart and calm the mind; black sesame seeds are neutral in nature and can nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish blood and essence, moisturize the intestines and relieve constipation. The two can be used together to make porridge. strengthens the spleen and kidneys, and enhances physical fitness .

taboo : Suitable for children over three years old. Do not eat when you are sick with a cold.

Regarding bedwetting, as long as we are not anxious and the children are not stressed, even children born with insufficient kidney qi will soon get rid of the trouble of bedwetting and will not be with them forever. Growing up with your children for a long time is probably due to too much pressure. Parents please note: If your child is over five years old and still wets the bed, he must be treated as soon as possible.

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