During pregnancy, expectant mothers are prone to swelling of their mucous membranes due to increased progesterone secretion, leading to symptoms of tinnitus. If tinnitus does not affect daily life, there is no need to worry too much. Symptoms will generally improve after delivery

2024/06/2212:27:32 baby 1549

During pregnancy, the expectant mother's increased secretion of progesterone may easily cause swelling of the mucous membranes, leading to tinnitus symptoms. If tinnitus does not affect daily life, there is no need to worry too much. Symptoms will generally improve after delivery. However, if the symptoms are severe, you should go to an otolaryngology department for professional examination.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers are prone to swelling of their mucous membranes due to increased progesterone secretion, leading to symptoms of tinnitus. If tinnitus does not affect daily life, there is no need to worry too much. Symptoms will generally improve after delivery - DayDayNews

What diseases can cause tinnitus

Anemia, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, fever caused by various infections, etc. These diseases will not only make the expectant mother's body in a state of consumption and cause tinnitus and headache, but also affect the important organs of the expectant mother's body. function and fetal development, early diagnosis and active treatment are required.

How to prevent and treat tinnitus

1. Expectant mothers need to receive specialist examinations and have an optimistic and open-minded attitude towards life. Once you have tinnitus, don't be overly nervous and seek medical treatment promptly. For example, an otolaryngology examination should be performed to rule out abnormalities in the ear canal. If there are no abnormalities, a neurological examination should be performed to rule out brain lesions. During the diagnosis and treatment process, follow the doctor's guidance and actively cooperate with the treatment.

2. Excessive fatigue, lack of sleep, and excessive emotional stress can also lead to tinnitus. Expectant mothers should pay attention to rest and ensure enough sleep; when they are nervous and anxious, they should find ways to relax their minds.

3. Tinnitus in some expectant mothers may be caused by iron deficiency anemia . Due to the decrease in red blood cells, the blood's ability to carry oxygen is weakened, and maternal tissue cells are hypoxic. Expectant mothers will have symptoms such as dizziness and tinnitus. Therefore, expectant mothers can prevent iron deficiency anemia and tinnitus.

4. Avoid staying in a strong noise environment for a long time or being exposed to excessive noise.

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