Minors are those who have no civil conduct or have limited capacity for civil conduct. If a naughty child causes losses to others, compensation must be paid to a certain extent. In other words, the child's guardian must bear financial compensation. This is as provided by law.

2024/06/2716:24:32 baby 1339

There are many naughty children in life due to various circumstances. Under normal circumstances, parents will stop their children from disturbing others. If a child is not polite, parents must discipline them and tell their children what is right and wrong. However, there are also a small number of parents who will turn a blind eye and just focus on what they are doing or let their children be unwilling to discipline or ignore them.

Minors are those who have no civil conduct or have limited capacity for civil conduct. If a naughty child causes losses to others, compensation must be paid to a certain extent. In other words, the child's guardian must bear financial compensation. This is as provided by law. - DayDayNews

The naughty kid keeps making mistakes. What is the root cause? Minors are those who have no civil conduct or have limited capacity for civil conduct. If a naughty child causes losses to others, compensation must be paid to a certain extent. In other words, the child's guardian must bear financial compensation. This is as provided by law.

Minors are those who have no civil conduct or have limited capacity for civil conduct. If a naughty child causes losses to others, compensation must be paid to a certain extent. In other words, the child's guardian must bear financial compensation. This is as provided by law. - DayDayNews

After the promulgation of the "Family Education Promotion Law", it clarified the main responsibilities of parents for supervision and management, and also clearly reiterated some of the requirements of relevant laws for child supervision. For example, if something goes wrong with a child, the parents must be responsible for it, so the parents’ sense of responsibility is strengthened. If a child gets into trouble, don't make excuses because the child is young. The supervisor is older when the child is younger, not to mention when the child is older, so the first responsibility is supervision. Supervision responsibilities include management responsibilities, social compensation, legal responsibilities, and corresponding responsibilities. First of all, don't excuse your children just because they are young. The second is educational responsibility, which means that parents have both the awareness of education and the methods and abilities of education. Don't wait until your child makes a mistake before giving him a spanking.

What should parents do if their children destroy things, cause havoc and refuse to change despite repeated admonitions? We must adhere to the approach of early, detailed, clear and strict. We must warn and establish norms in advance before things happen.

Minors are those who have no civil conduct or have limited capacity for civil conduct. If a naughty child causes losses to others, compensation must be paid to a certain extent. In other words, the child's guardian must bear financial compensation. This is as provided by law. - DayDayNews

The first thing is to be early, and don’t remind the children when something happens, instead of telling the children the overall rules, consequences of the rules, and the details of the rules before the thing happens; the second thing is to be careful, and being careful means that details are involved in all aspects, and don’t touch things in other people’s rooms. Ah, rules such as asking for the owner’s consent before using other people’s things; the third one is to make it clear, clearly tell the child, and let the child understand that if you can’t do it and make a mistake, you can’t make it easy; the last one is called strictness , when the child understands and understands the rules, tell the child what the consequences will be after doing something wrong, and strictly regulate it.

Minors are those who have no civil conduct or have limited capacity for civil conduct. If a naughty child causes losses to others, compensation must be paid to a certain extent. In other words, the child's guardian must bear financial compensation. This is as provided by law. - DayDayNews

What should you do when someone else’s naughty child comes to your home and causes trouble? If property damage is caused due to poor supervision, the guardian will be responsible for compensation or bear the consequences. But if it is between relatives, it will be different, because between relatives If your children cause property damage, you will have to take into account the family affection between each other. If you encounter a situation that requires legal procedures, it will affect the relationship between each other, so it is best to remind or warn them in advance before it happens. Warning, before you know that the other party’s naughty child is coming, make certain preparations and properly keep and collect some valuables or easily damaged items.

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