Wen|Jing’s mother’s so-called relationship between parents and children only means that you and him are destined to be together, that is, you will continue to watch his back fade away in this life. In foreign countries, children must go out and live independently when they reach

2024/06/3006:27:33 baby 1087

text | Jing Ma

Wen|Jing’s mother’s so-called relationship between parents and children only means that you and him are destined to be together, that is, you will continue to watch his back fade away in this life. In foreign countries, children must go out and live independently when they reach  - DayDayNews

The so-called parent-child relationship only means the fate between you and him, that is, you will continue to watch his back fade away in this life.

In foreign countries, children must go out and live independently when they reach the age of 18, and their parents usually stay in nursing homes when they get old!

However, the national conditions in China are different. Children only go to college when they are 18 years old, and parents must also provide their children with college expenses.

Many parents will help their children pay the down payment of a house. After their children get married and have children, they still don't have to help them raise their grandchildren!

Of course, there are some parents who feel that they have worked hard all their lives and it would be great to raise their children by themselves, but their grandchildren are not willing to help.

Wen|Jing’s mother’s so-called relationship between parents and children only means that you and him are destined to be together, that is, you will continue to watch his back fade away in this life. In foreign countries, children must go out and live independently when they reach  - DayDayNews

There is a big difference between parents who help their children to take care of their children and those who do not in their later years.

  • Happy Grandma Hu in the evening

Grandma Hu and her husband worked hard to send their son to college and paid a down payment for his son, but before his son got married, Not long after, her husband passed away due to illness.

The daughter-in-law gave birth to a grandson not long after, and both husband and wife had to go to work, so Grandma Hu went to the city to help her son-in-law raise the grandson.

Grandma Hu saw that her son and daughter-in-law worked very hard at work and usually worked overtime, so she usually tried her best to help take care of the children.

Wen|Jing’s mother’s so-called relationship between parents and children only means that you and him are destined to be together, that is, you will continue to watch his back fade away in this life. In foreign countries, children must go out and live independently when they reach  - DayDayNews

Sometimes when my wife comes back and has to work overtime, she will take her grandson to play in the community to prevent the child from affecting her mother's work.

My son and daughter-in-law also respect Grandma Hu very much. They also buy gifts and give money to the elderly during New Years and holidays.

Grandma Hu took her grandson to primary school. She felt that it was too lonely in the city with no one to chat with, so she said she wanted to go home.

Wen|Jing’s mother’s so-called relationship between parents and children only means that you and him are destined to be together, that is, you will continue to watch his back fade away in this life. In foreign countries, children must go out and live independently when they reach  - DayDayNews

Fortunately, my hometown is only an hour and a half drive away from the city. My son and daughter-in-law sent Grandma Hu home, but every weekend when I was free, I would take my grandson back to my hometown to see grandma.

Grandma Hu accidentally fell when she was 75 years old. In order to give Grandma Hu better care, her son and daughter-in-law sent her to a nursing home.

When I arrived at the nursing home, my son and daughter-in-law would visit the elderly man every week. If my son and daughter-in-law didn't have time, my grandson who was in high school would also visit his grandma by himself.

So in the nursing home, Grandma Hu's room is the busiest, and nurses will do their best to take care of Grandma Hu. After all, their family has people visiting her every week.

Wen|Jing’s mother’s so-called relationship between parents and children only means that you and him are destined to be together, that is, you will continue to watch his back fade away in this life. In foreign countries, children must go out and live independently when they reach  - DayDayNews

  • Miserable Uncle Li at Evening

There is an Uncle Li who is 77 years old in the same nursing home as Grandma Hu. Although he has a son and a daughter, he has been living in the nursing home for more than half a year and only his daughter has visited once.

It turned out that when Uncle Li's wife gave birth to a baby, his wife went to help take care of the grandson, but he called his son every three days and said that he couldn't cook or wash clothes at home, clamoring to ask his wife to come back. Home takes care of itself.

My wife got bored and hired a nanny. And my daughter’s child has never been taken care of for a day.

When his wife was still there, his son and daughter-in-law would come back occasionally. Later, when Uncle Li was 73 years old, his wife was gone, and his son and daughter-in-law didn’t even come back to celebrate the New Year.

Wen|Jing’s mother’s so-called relationship between parents and children only means that you and him are destined to be together, that is, you will continue to watch his back fade away in this life. In foreign countries, children must go out and live independently when they reach  - DayDayNews

The son saw his father, his clothes were dirty, and he didn't know how to cook, so he sent Uncle Li to a nursing home. It happened that his father also had pension , but after sending him there was very little. Went to see it.

Although the elderly have no obligation to help take care of their children, young people are now under so much work pressure. If I did my best to help my children with their children when I was young, my children will do their best to take care of me when I am old.

If you did not help your children to take care of their grandchildren when you were young and when they were in the most difficult time, your children can fulfill their obligation to support you when they are old, but it will only be support. For example, if you are sent to a nursing home, will not listen. ask.

Wen|Jing’s mother’s so-called relationship between parents and children only means that you and him are destined to be together, that is, you will continue to watch his back fade away in this life. In foreign countries, children must go out and live independently when they reach  - DayDayNews

Therefore, if you want to live a more comfortable life in your later years and have your children and grandchildren around you, you should do your best to help your children while you are still able to move.

After all, young people now have to pay off their mortgages and car loans, and their children's education is so involved, and the pressure is so great, it would be great if you can help.

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