Yulinmeng netizens asked: How to improve children’s attention in class? Reply: The most effective tool to adjust children’s comprehensive growth and attention: authority. Life is a combination of natural substances endowed with the ability to reproduce, a growth cycle, and the fu

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Yulinmeng netizens asked: How to improve children’s attention in class? Reply: The most effective tool to adjust children’s comprehensive growth and attention: authority. Life is a combination of natural substances endowed with the ability to reproduce, a growth cycle, and the fu - DayDayNews


Netizens asked: How to improve children’s attention in class?

replied: is the most effective tool for adjusting children's comprehensive development and attention: majestic .

life is endowed with reproduction ability + growth cycle + small damage self-healing function natural material combination form. All natural life must adapt to the natural living environment in the form of passive adaptation + active request . Plants absorb water-soluble microminerals from natural substances and combine them with photosynthesis to produce life nutrients. Animals feed on plants directly or indirectly. Microorganisms reside in plants or animals... Non-living substances nourish plants - plants nourish animals - microorganisms parasitize in plants or animals, and natural life quietly forms an " ecological food chain " that has a beginning and an end. Therefore, all natural life must be alert to external things that occur around its living environment, otherwise it will easily become a "meal" for other life groups.

Human is a social viviparous mammal with the highest comprehensive IQ, the slowest growth and development, and the strongest growth plasticity in the natural life system. It is also the only natural life system that has the ability to create life consumption through active labor according to independent survival needs. The animal group of materials, Agriculture that domesticates and sows plants , Animal husbandry and fishery that tame captive animals , Mining and processing Production labor and the industry of living aids , The pharmaceutical industry that helps humans overcome diseases ... Active labor to create has become the fundamental symbol that distinguishes human beings from other natural life forms. Through active labor creation, human beings have established a relatively independent and controllable production labor division and collaboration system based on the natural " ecological food chain ".

When you are hungry, you look for something to eat, when you are thirsty, you look for water, when you are sleepy, you look for a place to rest, when you are bored, you look for a partner to chat... All human active labor creations have the basic core of meeting the survival needs of the group. Food & water have the strongest ability to attract human children on average, comfortable living environment & finding companions to play with comes second, cultural education formed by acquired evolution has very weak ability to attract human children on average. Therefore, since the beginning of abstract cultural education in human society, cultural education has been accompanied by strict supervision of .

A tiger father has no sons, a strict teacher produces a good disciple, a stick produces a filial son...Thousands of years of civilization evolution, human beings have gathered and summarized many idioms and stories about how strict education can teach children; Meng's mother moved three times, Wang Xizhi practiced calligraphy well by using eighteen vats of dry water, Ancestor Ti heard the chicken and danced [Martial Arts]... There are also many ancient people with lofty ideals who studied seriously and eventually became great masters. Because sitting in one place and concentrating on studying the mature civilizational wisdom of human society does not belong to the basic physiological needs of an individual. Learning to read and write can neither relieve hunger and thirst nor help people keep warm from the cold.

Yulinmeng netizens asked: How to improve children’s attention in class? Reply: The most effective tool to adjust children’s comprehensive growth and attention: authority. Life is a combination of natural substances endowed with the ability to reproduce, a growth cycle, and the fu - DayDayNews

Classroom discipline is the most basic dignity

In modern human society, countries have sound international division of labor and cooperation laws, but the comprehensive rights and interests of each specific country still need to be protected and preserved by the military; the country has a complete social division of labor and cooperation mechanism legislation. , but must still rely on fair + impartial law enforcement agencies. At the same time, we must also prevent law enforcers from breaking the law if they understand the law + know the law + enforce the law; all types of human social organizations at all levels have supporting collaborative auxiliary regulations, but both within the organization and between organizations need to be supervised by law The legitimacy of its behavioral practices... As the social mammal with the highest comprehensive IQ in the natural life system, human beings' relative authority also comes from force. Therefore, the national boundaries of the human social world are determined by the combat capabilities of the army, the prosperity and stability within the country are determined by the public service system, and the unity and cooperation of social organizations are controlled by the consumer wealth rationing system, that is, truth is only within the range of cannons .

Give food, there will always be times when you are full and disobey, give stories, the stories will eventually end & when they are boring, promise material rewards, there will always be the end of financial resources or the edge of children’s preferences...the modern human society Children need continuous growth and education for 15 years from birth to adulthood [According to different judicial definitions in various countries, the legal age of adulthood worldwide ranges from 15 to 21 years old. Our country stipulates that people over 18 years old with normal physical and mental development are fully civilized. Adults] and above, and the overall growth of children is changing every day. Therefore, in the process of education in modern human society to assist children in learning and growing up, there is almost no " carrot " that can be used throughout the process. On the contrary, methods that harm children's vested interests are more common. For example, being whipped with a ruler is painful at every age, and every child must try his best to avoid being punished for doing uncomfortable things. Therefore, the most effective tool for to adjust children's comprehensive development and attention is majestic .

Yulinmeng netizens asked: How to improve children’s attention in class? Reply: The most effective tool to adjust children’s comprehensive growth and attention: authority. Life is a combination of natural substances endowed with the ability to reproduce, a growth cycle, and the fu - DayDayNews

Educate Neighbors’ mission: to be a companion and consultant for children on their growth journey.

’s vision for educating neighbors: Let the world have no young children that are difficult to raise and no old people that are difficult to raise.

Children's growth is like a century-old tree. It needs to go through ups and downs, needs the selfless companionship from the family, and needs the earnest guidance from the school and society. Educating neighbors: Explore the use of neighborly friendliness to drive social harmony, promote social moral education, and promote the healthy and happy growth of everyone, with a view to "tailor-making" children's growth plans with parents and building an educational service ecosystem in which communities and neighbors help each other.

Yulinmeng netizens asked: How to improve children’s attention in class? Reply: The most effective tool to adjust children’s comprehensive growth and attention: authority. Life is a combination of natural substances endowed with the ability to reproduce, a growth cycle, and the fu - DayDayNews

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