When cutting vegetables, please maintain a 45-degree angle relative to the chopping board, keep the blade vertical, and wrap your fingers around the handle. Don't think this will make you tired. Over time, good habits will gradually improve your knife skills.

2024/07/0205:13:32 baby 1260

I remember a sentence written on the cover of this book: gentle and silent years, rich and delicious human fireworks.

The delicious food conveys a light atmosphere of human fireworks, and often reminds us of the beautiful memories of the past.

Do you remember your mother in the kitchen when you were a child?

The figure with her back to you is deep in my memory. The hand holding the handle of the knife is covered with traces of the vicissitudes of time, but the food she makes is a rare delicacy in the world.

When cutting vegetables, please maintain a 45-degree angle relative to the chopping board, keep the blade vertical, and wrap your fingers around the handle. Don't think this will make you tired. Over time, good habits will gradually improve your knife skills. - DayDayNews

If you want to have the unique skills of a mother and let your baby feel happy with food, then please don’t miss this book "Common Sense of Cooking". This book will reveal for you how to turn ordinary home-cooked dishes into delicious ones. Delicious food that people rave about.

This book is a kitchen secret book written by the author Kaharu Watanabe, who inherited her grandmother’s food wisdom and was deeply inspired by Chinese cuisine. From the selection of ingredients, how to operate knives, to classic Japanese home-cooked dishes, there are also 136 solutions to common problems and 59 cooking tips to tell us.

01 Essential common sense for cooking and essential ingredients

There are also tips for purchasing and using knives, so you have to look carefully. The kitchen knife doesn’t need to be too big, as the saying goes, “You can’t kill a chicken with a bull’s knife.” The one that suits you is the best.

When cutting vegetables, please maintain a 45-degree angle relative to the chopping board, keep the blade vertical, and wrap your fingers around the handle. Don't think this will make you tired. Over time, good habits will gradually improve your knife skills. If you really don’t understand the text thoroughly, there are also graphic comics in the book so that you can understand it.

When cutting vegetables, please maintain a 45-degree angle relative to the chopping board, keep the blade vertical, and wrap your fingers around the handle. Don't think this will make you tired. Over time, good habits will gradually improve your knife skills. - DayDayNews

Various cutting methods of vegetables: round slices, semi-circular slices, hob blocks, crescent blocks... Various shapes, which you have heard about on food programs countless times but have never experienced in person, you can watch them all at once .

There are standards for weighing rice. Japanese dashi soup and miso soup have detailed pictures and texts, especially solving a confusion I have had for so many years. The original use of "a little" and "a handful" of condiments It can be held with two or three fingers.

02Basic principles of cooking skills and cooking tips

Meat, fish, vegetarian dishes, soup and rice are all illustrated with pictures and texts. You can see how cooked an egg is, just like a Western steak.

There are delicate and well-proportioned half eggs in each small wine glass. The color ranges from golden to light yellow, depending on which level of eggs you like. Scrambled eggs, thick egg roast , egg pancakes, everything is available. In particular, it also tells you how to beat and stir eggs correctly.

When cutting vegetables, please maintain a 45-degree angle relative to the chopping board, keep the blade vertical, and wrap your fingers around the handle. Don't think this will make you tired. Over time, good habits will gradually improve your knife skills. - DayDayNews

Do you think that anyone can’t make such a simple egg? But don’t ignore what was said on the Internet some time ago: the reality is that young people who have worked for a long time have rice and food but cannot cook and go hungry.

If there is such a book that teaches you how to cook step by step, wouldn’t you be excited?

It will introduce you how to peel onions without choking your eyes, and also introduce you how to make onion salad. While discussing with you the difference between "Baron" and "May Queen", I will tell you a home-cooked recipe of " Stewed Potatoes " which seems simple but is not easy to make a wonderful taste.

The most distressing lotus root made by senior sister for Wei Wuxian in history is also recorded in this book. If you want to make a delicious bowl of " Lotus Root and Pork Ribs Soup" for your beloved, then learn how to peel lotus root. , let’s start with how to remove the astringent taste, in order to keep his stomach and improve his cooking skills.

03Most Popular Cooking Tips and Delicious Sharing

My favorite thing in the book is undoubtedly the fastest and most time-saving dish - fried rice.

Egg Fried Rice, you must have done it. Have you ever been troubled by the fact that the rice always gets stuck in the pan?

This time, you no longer have to worry about the taste and appearance of the pot being affected by the paste, because there is a trick in the book. I might as well reveal it to you first. When frying rice , when the egg liquid has not completely solidified, you can pour the rice into it. Pour into the egg liquid and stir-fry quickly, so that the rice grains are wrapped in the egg liquid, and you don't have to worry about scorching the pan.

When cutting vegetables, please maintain a 45-degree angle relative to the chopping board, keep the blade vertical, and wrap your fingers around the handle. Don't think this will make you tired. Over time, good habits will gradually improve your knife skills. - DayDayNews

In addition to our common home-cooked dishes, the book introduces many dishes commonly seen in Japanese TV dramas, including miso soup, Japanese noodles, sukiyaki pot...

In "The Walking Dead", there is a scene where the protagonist Liang Duo eats The tempura made by my mother reminds me of scenes from my childhood. No matter how old we are, as long as our parents are around, we will be their children forever. In their eyes, we are no different from the little carrot heads we were when we were children. Our parents will always love us, and we will love them forever.

When cutting vegetables, please maintain a 45-degree angle relative to the chopping board, keep the blade vertical, and wrap your fingers around the handle. Don't think this will make you tired. Over time, good habits will gradually improve your knife skills. - DayDayNews

Food can transcend the boundaries of time and space. It can make people let go of their guard and be filled with gratitude and tolerance. Delicious food can bring people wonderful experiences and impressive feelings.

This book "Common Sense of Cooking" is called "the basic skills necessary for cooking" and the cooking secret book that "turns stone into gold". It is eye-catching and full of useful information.

Have you ever thought about learning one or two special dishes? You might as well invite a few friends to get together and show off your skills, or show off your unique skills to your lovely baby and let him be impressed by your old mother's new skills. .

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