Author/Common words Nowadays, when talking about the word "old age", many people have a less positive and optimistic mentality. It seems that all children are unfilial. In the final analysis, a large part of the reason for the emergence of this phenomenon is due to the developmen

2024/07/0201:47:32 baby 1421

author/common words

Author/Common words Nowadays, when talking about the word

Nowadays, when talking about the word "old age", many people have a mentality that is not so positive and optimistic. It seems that all children are unfilial.

In the final analysis, a large part of the reason for the emergence of this phenomenon is that the development of today's network society has made it very convenient for many people to receive information. They do not need to go out to inquire, and they can see everything in the world in minutes. Bar. Especially, if you pay attention to a certain aspect of content for a long time, it is easy to find that this phenomenon is everywhere in life.

Some time ago, a netizen told me that she was planning to DINK and not have children. Firstly, she believed that she did not have the ability to take care of her children; secondly, she believed that today’s children are basically not filial, even if they raise them Children may not be guaranteed when they grow old.

Regarding the second conclusion she came to, I asked her at that time, what phenomenon was it based on?

Author/Common words Nowadays, when talking about the word

She said: "There are so many news on the Internet, some old people have many children, but when they are old, they are kicked by their children and rushed here and there, and they still do not have a good old age. In this case, it is better not to have children, and to have less children when you are young. This expense can also help you save more funds for your retirement. "

That's right. Is there such a phenomenon as she mentioned? definitely exists. Just as not all parents are qualified, there are still many unqualified children in this world.

But is what she said a common phenomenon?

Actually, if you really observe more in life, you will find that it is not the case.

In life, more people still have conscience and are kind-hearted. Facing the love between their parents, they will always have care and longing for them, and they will not shirk their responsibilities blindly.

Author/Common words Nowadays, when talking about the word

Therefore, in many cases, there is no need to use some phenomena that are not universal to determine your own values. This kind of thinking can easily go astray.

Most of the people around me are filial. Of course, there are definitely some who are not filial, but they are really not the mainstream.

There is no fixed answer to what kind of person a child will become in the end. Personal shaping during the growth process is often more important, and these things are also closely related to one's own retirement in the later period.

After all, how your child treats you depends on his thinking.

There is an old man in my hometown. He is 78 years old. He has no pension and no savings. Apart from the tile-roofed house in his hometown, he has no house. But for such an old man, his three children are fighting to raise him. To put it bluntly, it is all because he did three things right.

Author/Common words Nowadays, when talking about the word

01. Don’t talk much;

Many conflicts between the elderly and children actually stem from some verbal disagreements.

There are always some old people who refuse to accept old age. After they get old, they still try to control their children's lives. Regardless of whether they have the ability or not, they try to put forward their own opinions.

and also require the children to follow their own requirements. If not, they may make some new articles on this basis, which will affect the relationship of the entire family.

There are three words: don’t talk too much. It is very simple to say, but it is quite difficult to implement it in real life. Especially as the elderly in the family, while they have the status of elders, they must also respect their children's wishes enough and not point fingers. This not only requires great self-control, but also requires them to have a reasonable state of mind.

An old man who doesn't talk much will definitely not be bad in the evaluation system of children.

Author/Common words Nowadays, when talking about the word

02. Love cleanliness;

As people get older, their metabolism will slow down. If you don’t care about cleanliness anymore and still live with your children, you will inevitably have some minor conflicts in your life.

An old man who loves cleanliness, super bonus points.

This kind of love for cleanliness does not mean that as an elderly person, you have to help your children with cleaning and keeping the home tidy. As people get older, some do not have the energy, but that they have to clean themselves up and live in a clean and tidy house. The place should be kept basically clean and should not be too casual.

For example, one of my children lived with her grandma when she got old. Although she was filial, she really complained a lot because her grandma was too clean.

Although her mother often cleans the bedroom where her grandmother lives, there are still some smells that often appear, leaving her speechless.

Sometimes when she went home, her grandma asked her to share a bedroom with her. She was very unhappy. Although she didn't want to dislike it, she still couldn't control her mentality - she didn't want to sleep with her grandma.

Author/Common words Nowadays, when talking about the word

03. Take care of your body;

When a person gets old, his body will definitely not be as strong as when he was young - young people are fine jumping around all day long, but old people may fall and never stand up again.

Therefore, the older you get in life, the more you should have the awareness to take good care of your body. Don’t eat things you can’t eat, and try to avoid things you can’t do.

Don't be stubborn. When nothing happens, you don't care about anything. You think you are indestructible. If you don't care, when something happens, it will be too late to regret it.

If the old man is always so unconscious, as a child, no matter how filial he is, he will inevitably feel dissatisfied.

Author/Common words Nowadays, when talking about the word

In fact, as children, most of them have already understood the capabilities of their parents and will not ask for anything extravagantly. Especially when their parents are old, they will not have too many unreasonable demands.

Their biggest hope is that the elderly can be safe and healthy, and stay with them for a few more years. Their parents are the way they came, and most people still hope that they can have more time to stay with them. .

If on this basis, they still know how to be measured, do not cause unnecessary extra trouble to themselves, and know how to properly respect their own feelings, then as children, they will really be grateful to God and extremely contented.

Some people may say, if the old man cannot do these things, wouldn't his children be unfilial? is definitely filial, but it’s hard to say whether there is such willingness and everyone is competing for filial piety.

Family relationships are also mutual and need to be maintained specially. No matter parents or children, if everyone does a good job, the relationship will naturally develop in a healthy way.

believes this truth, it is not difficult to understand.


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