Many parents feel that if they want their children to broaden their horizons, they need to take their children to travel around the world more and let them appreciate the local customs, cultural customs, landforms, vegetation, etc. Comprehensive development is of great benefit to

2024/06/2905:20:33 baby 1390

Many parents feel that if they want their children to broaden their horizons, they need to take their children to travel around the world more and let them appreciate the local customs, cultural customs, landforms, vegetation, etc. Receive comprehensive development, which is of great benefit to the growth of children.

Many parents feel that if they want their children to broaden their horizons, they need to take their children to travel around the world more and let them appreciate the local customs, cultural customs, landforms, vegetation, etc. Comprehensive development is of great benefit to - DayDayNews

However, many parents misunderstand the way to travel with their children. Many parents take their children all the way to the destination , and then start the photo-taking trip, regardless of whether the children really appreciate it. The local scenery, whether the children have experienced the local customs or not, whether the children have discovered how the local geography and climate are different from other places, etc.

But as long as takes a picture with the child, even if the task is "completed", feels that the child has learned a lot.

Especially some parents put photos of themselves traveling with their children online, and after receiving many likes, they seem to think that their actions are very successful.

Many parents feel that if they want their children to broaden their horizons, they need to take their children to travel around the world more and let them appreciate the local customs, cultural customs, landforms, vegetation, etc. Comprehensive development is of great benefit to - DayDayNews

However, it is obvious that this method cannot bring benefits to the children at all, and it will also cause some unpleasant feelings of being "forced to work" because the parents are busy traveling, taking pictures, etc., which will lead to the weakening of the parent-child relationship and the children There is a misunderstanding about travel, starts to hate traveling, etc.

Therefore, when traveling with children, if you want your children to enjoy the benefits, you need to understand the purpose of the trip, regard the children as an important factor in the trip, and make travel plans around the children so that the children can fully experience different regions. Various features can enhance children's knowledge, expand children's horizons, and make children become better and better.

However, in recent years, the pace of work and life of young parents has been relatively fast, and it is difficult to have time to rest, so traveling with children has become an unrealistic thing.

Many parents feel that if they want their children to broaden their horizons, they need to take their children to travel around the world more and let them appreciate the local customs, cultural customs, landforms, vegetation, etc. Comprehensive development is of great benefit to - DayDayNews

Some people may say that there are many mini-long holidays every year. Indeed, mini-holidays occur every year, but there are also many people traveling during the mini-holidays, so every year when traveling during the mini-holidays, there will basically be "traffic jams all the way." By the end of the holiday" situation. Therefore, traveling for a short vacation is not a suitable choice.

It can be seen from this that although traveling is a behavior that can provide effective help for children's growth, it is not easy to implement, and it is not a behavior that can be performed daily.

So, In addition to traveling, is there any way that children can benefit from it in their daily lives?

The answer is yes, and this way is reading.

Many parents feel that if they want their children to broaden their horizons, they need to take their children to travel around the world more and let them appreciate the local customs, cultural customs, landforms, vegetation, etc. Comprehensive development is of great benefit to - DayDayNews

It can be said that everyone is very clear about the benefits of reading to children. If the child can have a good reading habit, it will have a good impact on the child's future study and life.

In addition to reading and traveling, children actually have another characteristic, that is, they are active. Children's curiosity is very strong, and their desire to do things becomes stronger, so we can find that children like to "play" very much, but in fact, children's play is not the same as entertainment. Children's play is a kind of seeking knowledge. process. Therefore, if the playful characteristic can be used well, it will also be very beneficial to the growth of children.

And if we can combine these three factors, the impact on children will be very positive.

However, how should we combine traveling, reading and playing games? The answer lies in "Traveling China and Playing Stickers".

Many parents feel that if they want their children to broaden their horizons, they need to take their children to travel around the world more and let them appreciate the local customs, cultural customs, landforms, vegetation, etc. Comprehensive development is of great benefit to - DayDayNews

▶Here is all the knowledge that can be gained from traveling

This set of books is divided into 7 volumes, covering various travel knowledge for up to 34 administrative regions, such as the geography and landforms, history and culture, map overview, and people of the target area. Customs, special animals, rare plants, etc. can improve children's general knowledge, allowing children to "travel" anytime, anywhere, explore different regions, and learn different knowledge.

Compared with the kind of photo-check-in travel, this set of books brings children more knowledge, is more comprehensive, and more scientific, allowing children to effectively expand their horizons and allowing children to appreciate the beauty of the motherland without going out. and prosperity.

Many parents feel that if they want their children to broaden their horizons, they need to take their children to travel around the world more and let them appreciate the local customs, cultural customs, landforms, vegetation, etc. Comprehensive development is of great benefit to - DayDayNews

▶The content design is vivid and interesting, attracting children to read

The content, graphic design, module design, structural design, etc. in this set of books are very attractive to children and can quickly make children interested.

For example, the cartoon quality of pictures can not only make children aware of the characteristics of the region, but also make them interesting.

Another example is the design of the gap filling module, which allows children to find the missing parts of the main image from the stickers and fill them in, which will be very interesting to the children.

At the same time, various geography, history, humanities and other knowledge will also stimulate children's curiosity and thirst for knowledge, thereby promoting children's reading, enhancing the stickiness of books to children, thereby improving the effectiveness of children's reading.

Many parents feel that if they want their children to broaden their horizons, they need to take their children to travel around the world more and let them appreciate the local customs, cultural customs, landforms, vegetation, etc. Comprehensive development is of great benefit to - DayDayNews

▶More than 400 stickers, allowing children to play happily

This set of books contains a total of more than 400 stickers of various types and sizes.

As we all know, children are born with a love for sticker players, especially these stickers with themes and purposes. When pasting stickers based on book titles, children can experience the fun of playing with stickers , you can also get a sense of achievement after completing the "task" , and at the same time, will also get corresponding knowledge improvements in the process of putting stickers, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

allows children to learn knowledge in happiness, and improves children's hand-eye coordination and hands-on ability , and is also very helpful in cultivating children's fine motor skills.

Many parents feel that if they want their children to broaden their horizons, they need to take their children to travel around the world more and let them appreciate the local customs, cultural customs, landforms, vegetation, etc. Comprehensive development is of great benefit to - DayDayNews

My cousin has a set of "Traveling in China and Playing Stickers". Now he not only knows a lot about history and geography, but he has also become very independent, motivated and self-confident.

And his structure and psychological level have also undergone great changes. When looking at things, he no longer just stares at the present, but knows how to take a long-term view. Sometimes I even feel a little inferior to my cousin. The state of my mind is high! Sigh: This may be the benefit of reading books to children!

Many parents feel that if they want their children to broaden their horizons, they need to take their children to travel around the world more and let them appreciate the local customs, cultural customs, landforms, vegetation, etc. Comprehensive development is of great benefit to - DayDayNews

Although this set of books is for "children", as an adult, I seem to have gradually fallen in love with it, because it not only broadens people's horizons, but also allows us to play without knowing it. Gaining knowledge is really great.

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