Written by: Ning'er [Original content, welcome to personal collection and forwarding] I came back to my hometown a few days ago. In the evening, I sat at the door with a few aunts, aunts, and sisters-in-law and chatted. Talk about work, ask about income, and of course the topic o

2024/07/0201:46:32 baby 1389

Written by: Ning'er [Original content, welcome to personal collection and forwarding]

came back to my hometown a few days ago. In the evening, I sat at the door with a few aunts, aunts, sisters-in-law, etc. chatting. Talk about work, ask about income, and of course the topic of having children is inseparable. Everyone knew that I was pregnant with my second child. When they asked if it was a boy or a girl, I said, "Anyway, it would be great if I can get pregnant, both genders are good." One of my sisters-in-law said: "It's better to have a girl. It would be great to have two daughters." , no pressure, no need to buy a house in the future, life should be as easy as possible, unlike my two sons, who are so worried that they can’t sleep every day.”

I smiled after hearing this, knowing that my sister-in-law likes my daughter, so I joked that she should have another daughter quickly. The third child might be a daughter. However, the other aunts and aunts were not happy. They all said that they still regarded their daughters as "hot cakes"? Although it is good to have a daughter, because when you get older you will have someone to visit relatives, take gifts, buy clothes and take care of you, but you still need a son. From the perspective of those who have experienced it, families giving birth to girls will face three major problems, and it is best for parents to make plans in advance.

Written by: Ning'er [Original content, welcome to personal collection and forwarding] I came back to my hometown a few days ago. In the evening, I sat at the door with a few aunts, aunts, and sisters-in-law and chatted. Talk about work, ask about income, and of course the topic o - DayDayNews

Raising a daughter is no less stressful than a son. Having no house or a small dowry will be looked down upon by the man.

Many people say that giving birth to a daughter is less stressful and there is no need to buy her a car or a house in the future. In fact, those who say this are saying this after looking at the current situation where there are more men than women born in the 1990s and 2000s, and the pressure to get married is high. When the children of our generation grow up, their daughters may be looked down upon by their men if they buy a house before marriage or if they get married with a small dowry. Because fertility is now open, many families in have two daughters and one son, or even three daughters. When they grow up, they may not necessarily have more boys than girls. Therefore, in terms of marriage, families with daughters may not be popular in the future.

Furthermore, with the popularization of the concept of equality between men and women, girls have to spend money on weddings and buying houses when they get married, because to be an independent woman, you cannot take everything from the man. Nowadays, many families who have daughters also love their daughters. If you want your daughter to have more confidence after marriage, you must accumulate property for her before marriage, and buy a house so that she can have the confidence to leave after a quarrel. is The best way. Therefore, the financial pressure on a family that gives birth to a daughter is no less than that of a family that gives birth to a son.

Written by: Ning'er [Original content, welcome to personal collection and forwarding] I came back to my hometown a few days ago. In the evening, I sat at the door with a few aunts, aunts, and sisters-in-law and chatted. Talk about work, ask about income, and of course the topic o - DayDayNews

After the daughter gets married, the home is deserted, and the parents feel depressed.

In addition, according to traditional marriage customs, the woman usually goes to live in the man's home after marriage. Although men and women have equal status now, and men can also live in their mother-in-law's house, they are still in the minority after all. Moreover, even if the couple buys a house and lives alone, in the end, they still take care of the man's family more. Most of the children born have the man's surname, which is equivalent to the family that gives birth to daughters. As soon as the daughter got married, the family became deserted. .

Especially as parents get older and their daughter gets married, the old couple will feel particularly lonely and empty. Looking at the family that gave birth to a son, the whole family is happy and happy, with grandchildren running around in front of them, it is inevitable to feel envious. If you are in a rural area, a family that gives birth to a daughter will basically be considered "discontinued" after the daughter gets married. Especially after being taken away by my daughter, the house at home has been unoccupied for many years. It has gradually either collapsed or been taken away. It feels a little sad to think about it.

Written by: Ning'er [Original content, welcome to personal collection and forwarding] I came back to my hometown a few days ago. In the evening, I sat at the door with a few aunts, aunts, and sisters-in-law and chatted. Talk about work, ask about income, and of course the topic o - DayDayNews

When parents take care of their daughters in their later years, they always feel that they are dependent on someone else, and they are worried about looking at their son-in-law's face.

Speaking of parents taking over their daughters, we have to bring up the issue of providing for them in old age. Legally, both sons and daughters have support obligations to their parents. Therefore, in a family where has a daughter, the parents do not have no one to provide for them in old age, but they can take care of themselves with their daughter. However, the traditional concept of "raising children for old age" is deeply rooted, and many parents cannot change it.

Just like my father, he doesn't like to live at his daughter's house. He said: "As long as I can still walk and move, I will not live at my daughter's house. I will learn from your grandpa." Because my grandpa has never stayed at my house for a day. . In their view, it is unfair for parents to live in their daughter's home for retirement. They live in their son-in-law's home. Depending on the son-in-law's face, it is equivalent to living under someone else's roof. Therefore, parents of families with daughters may worry about this pension issue in their later years.

No matter what, whether you have a son or a daughter is not yours to decide. Therefore, giving birth to a son is not necessarily stressful, and giving birth to a daughter is not necessarily easy. Especially families giving birth to daughters must be prepared in advance for these three major problems they will face in the future.

Today’s topic: netizens, do you think families giving birth to daughters will be in trouble because of these three issues in the future?


After becoming a mother, my mood every day is like riding a roller coaster. Just now I was so angry that my child was so naughty, but in the next moment I was so moved by her child's heartwarming words. Being a mother means going back and forth between anger and love... I hope to be constantly recharged and become the "mother" my children want most.

has been engaged in editing children's books, analyzing children's classics, and writing interviews with celebrities such as entrepreneurs, nursing home directors, and lawyers. Now he is passionate about parenting writing. Follow [Ningguo Parenting] where we learn together every day, make progress together, warm each other, and shepherd children on the clouds.

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