Through my own reflection, I hope that parents will stop taking detours, truly value our traditional culture, and let their children read and memorize classics from an early age. "Classics" are the crystallization of national wisdom, their value is timeless and new, and they can

2024/06/2820:18:33 baby 1433

What I mean here by "reading scriptures for children" refers to reading traditional classics, which are what we often call , the Four Books and the Five Classics, and other traditional books. Since ancient times, traditional classic culture has nourished and achieved countless capable people, and Chinese civilization has been passed down from generation to generation. Through my own reflection, I hope that parents will stop taking detours, truly value our traditional culture, and let their children read and memorize classics from an early age. "Classics" are the crystallization of national wisdom, their value is timeless and new, and they can give people People are infinitely inspiring.

Before I was six years old, I never thought about letting my children learn traditional classics. I had not even read " Three Character Classic " and " Thousand Character Classic ". My children could not recognize a few words. Reading was limited to what I gave them every day. Various picture books he reads.

Why do you suddenly want your children to read traditional classics? Let's start with a bit of history.

The Song-Mongolian (Yuan) War broke out in full force in 1235 AD. In the later period of the war, a group of loyal ministers in the Southern Song Dynasty retreated while fighting in order to preserve the Song Dynasty 's last hope, and supported the young emperor who retreated from Hangzhou to Fujian, and then Retreat to Guangdong, until cliff mountain , with the sea on three sides, there is no way to retreat.

In February of 1279 AD, Yashan was breached, and the Song army was at the end of its rope. Prime Minister Zuo Lu Xiufu first drove his wife and children to jump into the sea and committed suicide. Then he said to the 7-year-old little emperor Zhao Bing: "At this point in the state affairs, your majesty must die for the country. Emperor Deyou has been humiliated so much that your majesty must not humiliate him again. ! "

The waves are rough and the sea breeze is howling. Lu Xiufu jumped into the cold sea water with the little emperor on his back. The harem women and many ministers followed him and jumped into the sea together. Then many soldiers and civilians jumped into the sea and died for their country. "History of the Song Dynasty " records, "Seven days later, there were hundreds of thousands of corpses floating on the sea."

How tragic and heroic, it can be said that it is loyal and loyal for thousands of years!

Through my own reflection, I hope that parents will stop taking detours, truly value our traditional culture, and let their children read and memorize classics from an early age.

When the Southern Song Dynasty was struggling to fight against the Mongols, the number one prime minister Wen Tianxiang sold off his property and "used all his family assets as military expenses." Faced with the dissuasion of his friends, Wen Tianxiang replied, "Therefore, I do not consider myself capable, but use my body to favor others." He had long been determined to die and wanted to coexist with the country and the country.

Wen Tianxiang organized a rebel army and fought repeatedly. His wife and children were all captured. He had nothing, but he still continued to fight alone. If you are arrested and escape, you will be arrested again. If you cannot commit suicide, you will commit suicide again.

In order to force Wen Tianxiang to surrender and frighten the Song people into submission, Prime Minister Polo of the Yuan Dynasty personally interrogated Wen Tianxiang. Wen Tianxiang insisted on refusing to kneel down and said forcefully: "Everything in the world rises and falls. Countries have been destroyed and slaughtered, which has happened in all dynasties. I am loyal to the Song Dynasty, and I just want to die early!"

元大都,Kublai Khan Let the 9-year-old Song Gongdi Zhao 㬎 come forward to persuade Wen Tianxiang to surrender. When he saw Emperor Song Gong appearing in prison dressed as a Mongolian , Wen Tianxiang immediately knelt down in front of Emperor Song Gong and burst into tears. He said: "I can't protect the Great Song Dynasty , which makes your majesty feel deeply ashamed today. Holy Master, please come back, Holy Master, please come back!" At that time, Emperor Gong of the Song Dynasty was already sensible, and he burst into tears in front of Wen Tianxiang.

The Mongols also confiscated Wen Tianxiang's wife Ouyang and his two daughters Liu Niang and Huan Niang as slaves, and asked Liu Niang to write to him saying that as long as he was willing to surrender, he could enjoy glory and wealth, but Wen Tianxiang flatly refused. In a letter replying to his sister, Wen Tianxiang wrote:

"To accept the willow girl's letter, it hurts the stomach and intestines. Who doesn't have the love of his wife and children? But when things come to this point today, Yu Yi should die, it is his fate. What can I do?" No matter what! ... You can make Liu Nu and Huan Nu be good people, and their father can’t control them.”

It was so tearful to read!

A few days after Wen Tianxiang died calmly, his wife Ouyang collected his body and found his last words in his belt:

Kong said it was benevolence, Mencius said it was justice, but the justice is exhausted, so benevolence is the best. Reading the books of saints and sages, what have you learned? Now and in the future, you will feel nothing to be ashamed of.

Through my own reflection, I hope that parents will stop taking detours, truly value our traditional culture, and let their children read and memorize classics from an early age.

Many things in life are not actually incomprehensible or foolish and loyal, but the education they have received since childhood does not allow them to betray their beliefs and conscience.

This is the power of sage books.

The Song Dynasty was the heyday of ancient Chinese culture . The Song Dynasty is the most familiar scribes to this day.In the "weak Song Dynasty", which had fewer victories and more defeats and frequently sought peace, the literati and officials showed a strong and proud character, Xin Qiji, Fan Zhongyan, Zongze, Li Gang, Lu Xiufu, Wen Tianxiang ...

The generals charging into battle and being wrapped in horse leather are the embodiment of their brave character. The relatively weak literati's ability to persevere and regard death as home comes more from the influence of sages' books for decades. It was the infiltration of the thoughts of sages that gave them a deeper sense of family and country and a sense of responsibility for the world. This spirit of has condensed into the backbone of our Chinese nation and has become a huge force that continues the blood of China's five thousand years of civilization.

Today, the Chinese people enjoy long-lasting peace. The importation of Western civilization values, combined with the penetration of hostile forces that have been peacefully evolving for decades, has led to confusion in social values, and various ideas such as enjoyment, lying down, nothingness, and utilitarianism have flourished. Against this background, modern educational thinking has also gone awry.

Deputy Director of the Psychological Counseling Office of Peking University Xu Kaiwen once conducted a survey on Peking University freshmen. 30.4% of the students hated learning, and 40.4% of the students did not know why they were alive. They thought they did not know who they were alive for. It feels meaningless, so I want to give up on myself. Some students have no choice but to drop out of school due to severe depression, and some may even commit suicide. 40.4%! What an incredible number, the proud man of heaven doesn’t even know why he is alive! This is a great irony of modern education! What is the reason for

? Deep roots must lead to lush leaves, and the cause of wilted leaves must lie in the roots. The problem arises in our basic education. Over the years, our basic education has emphasized knowledge infusion and neglected the improvement of personal accomplishment. Students are studying all kinds of knowledge desperately for exams. Teachers rarely tell students how to be a good person except what they read. They never teach their children to be benevolent, loyal, filial, etiquette, trustworthy, respectful of their teachers, and patriotic. Students learn for the sake of learning, but do not know why they learn, and cannot apply what they have learned; teachers teach for the sake of teaching, but do not know what teaching is, and cannot preach or resolve doubts.

"The Great Learning" says: "Everything has its origin and end, everything has its beginning and end. If you know the sequence, you will be able to take the shortcut... From the emperor to the common people, all have been based on self-cultivation. If the origin is chaotic and the end is not governed, then it is wrong. ". The ancients' educational philosophy of putting morality first and knowledge first created countless talents who helped the world and gave birth to ancient China's splendid civilization that was unique in the world. Modern education instead emphasizes the last and neglects the basics. Such an attempt to cultivate pillars of society that combine knowledge and action with both political integrity and talent is tantamount to going in the wrong direction and seeking fish from a tree.

Try it out. In ancient China, let alone the glory of Han and Tang Dynasties, , even the Southern Song Dynasty, which was relatively peaceful, was full of capable people in various fields. In modern times, the base of educated people is dozens of times larger than in ancient times. However, in the past few decades, no matter which field, how many outstanding figures have produced world-famous figures? On the contrary, jaw-dropping shocking news such as killing fathers and mothers, poisoning in schools, etc. are endless. Isn’t it worth reflecting on?

"A gentleman should stick to his roots, and he should follow his principles." I have been familiar with "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you" since you were a child. Will there still be so many incidents of campus bullying? Since I was a child, I have been familiar with the saying "Old people are like the old people, young people are like the young people." Will there still be so many pampered, self-centered people? I have been familiar with the phrase "work hard and forget to eat, be happy and forget about worries, and don't know when old age is coming". Are there still so many people who are not enterprising and neglect their studies? I have been familiar with "A gentleman is understood by righteousness, and a villain is understood by profit" since I was a child. Is there still so many beautiful people who worship foreigners and foreigners and do not distinguish between right and wrong...

Many people claim to be in line with international standards. When it comes to loyalty, filial piety, justice, etc., they think it is Feudal dross, this is debatable. Loyalty to the country, filial piety to parents, love for classmates, and respect for teachers. If a child recites and accepts these ideas from an early age, then as he grows older and his understanding increases, he will be able to practice them in actual actions. I think a person with a benevolent heart, a world-wide mind, and poetry will be welcomed wherever he goes.

Some people deliberately misinterpret traditional classics for political purposes. As parents, we should distinguish right from wrong and should not blindly follow them.

There is also a tendency in society today to make moral education superficial. Many times, our parents think that their children are young and do not understand profound truths, so they usually teach their children some behavioral norms such as being civilized, polite, and hygienic, and the books they read are all about puppies and kittens. Rabbit and other stories. This approach is possible before the age of 3, but after the age of 3, the child’s understanding should be deepened.

According to my experience, after the age of three, children's understanding is already good. They can start with the "Three Character Classic" and "The Thousand-Character Classic" and gradually deepen, and they can learn the "Analects of Confucius" by the age of five or six. I only realized the importance of reciting classics when my children were 6 years old. I thought my children were already that old, so I went directly to "The Analects", then "University", " Doctrine of the Mean ", "Laozi", and "Zhuangzi" For the first seven chapters, I have now learned " and Mencius ". It only took half a year for children to read these classics such as so well that they can recite them in large sections. Not only that, in daily life, children can also quote words from the book at appropriate times. Children's ability to understand classics exceeds our imagination, and it is not that they understand nothing.

From this point of view, classics are not as difficult as we think, and children are not as naive as we think. Things like "watermelons are big and apples are small. Basketball is big and table tennis is small" are simply insults to children's IQ and can go as far as possible.

From an early age, we have taken the teachings of sages and sages as the criterion for life, and have taken the benefit of the world as our lifelong responsibility. We have stayed away from junk culture and rejected decadent ideas. Our next generation will be able to do this: Set up a heart for the world and a destiny for the people. Continuing the unique knowledge for the past saints and creating peace for all generations!

Returning to the classics is the best way to provide moral education to children, bar none. By reciting a large number of classics, the spirit of the sages is firmly engraved in the mind, deeply affecting the child's character and values, thereby improving the child's moral level and personal cultivation. "After cultivating the body, the family will be in order; after the family is in order, the country will be governed; if the country is governed, the world will be peaceful."

I am Qingshan Qingyue who loves life and is full of strength. Corrections are welcome! Thanks for the support! [zuoyi]

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