Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of "more children means more blessings" is still deeply rooted.

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Hello everyone, I am Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

A Hebei mother gave birth to quintuplets, and 20 years later she said frankly: If I were to be re-elected, I would rather not have any of them

One episode of the variety show " Mamma Mia " invited such an ordinary and special person Family: A mother with five children. As soon as the whole family appeared on the stage, the audience and judges sitting in the audience, as well as me in front of the screen, were extremely shocked.

Because these five children were wearing uniform clothes, three of them were girls and two were boys, and they looked almost exactly the same. Yes, they are the real-life "Fuwa" who once caused a sensation, quintuplets from Hebei. Their mother's name is Wang Cuiying .

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

The five children played " Listen to Mommy " with musical instruments, which brought tears to their mother's eyes. It also made the audience and judges sitting in the audience feel extremely moved: This mother is so great! Raising five children at the same time is not something that ordinary families can afford.

You should know that the natural conception rate of quintuplets is extremely low, with a probability of about one in 63 million. The earliest quintuplets in my country were born in the 1960s, but conditions were limited at that time, and none of the five children survived.

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

You can imagine why the appearance of the quintuplets made the audience so excited. It is really too rare. After watching the show, I also went online to learn about the situation of the quintuplets. I felt particularly sorry for the mother of the quintuplets, and I also lamented the greatness of maternal love!

After 20 years, when this mother appeared in the public eye again, she frankly said to everyone: "If I were to be re-elected, I would rather not have one..." Why did

's mother Wang Cuiying say this? Do you really regret it? Do you regret why you insisted on having so many children in the first place? After learning about the three concerns of the mother of quintuplets, netizens expressed their feelings: It hurts so much!

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

Heart knot 1: The pain of giving birth to quintuplets

Wang Cuiying was pregnant with quintuplets at the age of 34. She and her husband Jia Baocun had given birth to a child before, but the child died early. The couple has always been It is a pity that this is one of the reasons why Wang Cuiying insists on not reducing the number of babies.

The second reason is that fetal reduction surgery requires a huge operating fee, which is a bit difficult for the ordinary Wang Cuiying family. Just when her mother-in-law borrowed money from all relatives and friends to get the cost of the operation, she has missed the best opportunity. Time to reduce tires.

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

When an expectant mother gives birth to a child, she often cannot eat or sleep at night due to various pregnancy reactions, such as morning sickness in the first trimester, frequent urination in the second trimester, polyuria in the second trimester, edema and uterine contractions in the third trimester, etc. , that kind of hardship can only be experienced by a mother.

Not to mention that Wang Cuiying was pregnant with five babies at the same time. 's huge belly made it difficult for her to even walk normally. The presence of five babies even more oppressed her stomach, making her unable to even feel it. Feelings of hunger and difficulty breathing.

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

All mothers know that in order to ensure the healthy growth of the fetus in the belly, pregnant women must eat. The same goes for Wang Cuiying. She will vomit after eating every day, and then force herself to continue eating after vomiting, and so on.

During prenatal check-ups, it only takes a few minutes for others to listen to the fetal heartbeat , but it takes Wang Cuiying more than 2 hours to listen to the fetal heartbeat. She has to take a break every time she listens, because she is only seven months pregnant at this time. The weight is over 150 kilograms, but the height is only 160 centimeters .

The torture day and night made Wang Cuiying exhausted. Fortunately, she finally survived the delivery without any danger, and finally gave birth to five babies safely through caesarean section, including three girls and two boys.

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

Heart knot 2: The burden of raising quintuplets

After the quintuplets were born, Wang Cuiying named the children Fuqing, Fusen, Fuli, Fuxin and Fuyuan. The rare event of "five blessings coming to the door" also made people around Relatives and friends all came to visit me to get some blessings.

Since the birth of the five children, the life of Wang Cuiying's family has been like stepping into hell, because the quintuplets are premature babies and lived in an incubator as soon as they were born. It would be okay if there was only one, but now there are five, and the whole family is worried and their hair has turned gray.

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

The huge expenses made the already ordinary family even worse, so her mother-in-law suggested that several children be given away for adoption. However, Wang Cuiying disagreed. These were the five babies she had worked hard for, and it would not matter if one of them was missing. It's called "Five Blessings".

Next, Wang Cuiying’s family started a crazy parenting journey. The couple was so busy taking care of five babies every day that they couldn’t even eat. Even the mother-in-law often came over to help, but the couple was still so exhausted that they had nothing to do. spare time.

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

The five children are busy for a long time just drinking milk powder every day. After the children are all fed and drunk, they also have to wash the children's clothes. This is not the most tiring thing. The most tiring thing is that my husband has to work two jobs every day in order to support the family's life.

Because just drinking milk powder for the five children costs four to five hundred yuan a month, and the husband is the only one earning money for the family. More than half of the salary is spent on milk powder for the children, and this does not include Other expenses for children.

Wang Cuiying said: "I thought raising children would be very tiring, but I didn't expect it to be so tiring."

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

Raising a child, aside from the time, physical and mental costs to the parents, the financial cost to the family alone is already quite scary. , let alone Wang Cuiying has to raise five children at the same time, which is 5 times the effort. Can not be tired?

According to calculations, in today's society, it costs at least 500,000 to 1.3 million yuan to raise a child until he graduates from college. In other words, if all the quintuplets graduate from college, it will cost at least 2.5 to 6.5 million yuan.

This is also the main reason why the birth rate of newborns has dropped year by year after the two-child and three-child policies were relaxed. It’s not that people don’t want to have children, but the cost of raising a child is too high. This is just for an ordinary family. Basic parenting costs.

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

Concern 3: The difficulty of educating the quintuplets

In order to earn more money, Wang Cuiying’s husband had to leave his hometown to work and could not return home all year round. The task of taking care of the five children naturally fell on Wang Cuiying , One person played the role of father and mother.

Therefore, the five children have lacked the company of their father since they were young. In addition, Wang Cuiying dropped out of school early to work at home because of her poor family. , her knowledge and cultural level is not high, and cannot help the children in their studies. How busy.

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

Wang Cuiying feels that although such a life is difficult, seeing her children growing up healthily and being well-behaved and sensible every day is worth it no matter how hard or tired she is. Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances can happen. Her husband died of illness in another place due to overwork.

The pillar of her family collapsed, which undoubtedly dealt Wang Cuiying a fatal blow. However, facing the five children who were crying for food, she could only cheer up. In order to maintain her life, she had to send the five children back to her hometown to study, while she went to Working out of town.

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

It is said that the company of parents is indispensable in the growth process of children, but the quintuplets lacked the company of their father when they were young, and they lacked the company of their mother when they grew up. It can be said that family education is definitely incomplete.

Fortunately, the five children are very sensible. Although the educational conditions in their hometown are not very good, without the company of their parents, the influence of famous schools, and the guidance of famous teachers, the results of the five children are very good, and all of them have passed the exam. Went to college.

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

Having five children admitted to college at the same time is a gratifying event for any family, but the cost for five children to go to college at the same time is not a small amount of money. ’s mother Wang Cuiying is burdened Still heavy.

The "Green Paper on Social Security" shows that raising a college student in China requires 13.6 years of net income from a farmer. Wang Cuiying has to support five college students at the same time. You can imagine how huge the education expenses are.

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

I feel at the end

Although the pain of pregnancy, the burden of raising children, and the difficulty of education became Wang Cuiying's heart, they did not overwhelm her. In the end, she got over it. Her children were about to graduate from college and join the workforce. When blessing others, she frankly said the first sentence:

"If I could choose again, I would rather not have a child. |" The reason why she said this was not that she regretted giving birth to five children, but that she regretted giving birth to five children. I feel that I failed to provide a superior growth environment for my children and let them suffer hardships with me since childhood. I feel that I am too selfish.

Hello everyone, I am @C Mama Yu Shang Wa. I was a college teacher and raised two kids single-handedly. Follow me and you will not be confused on the road to parenting. In the traditional Chinese thinking, the concept of

As a mother, since I have chosen to bring my child into this world, I definitely want to accompany my child to grow up, want to give my child the best, and hope that my child can live a better life. Even if I know that my child will suffer if I talk too much about some things, bother.

"When the weather is cold, you need to add more clothes; when the weather is hot, eat less cold drinks; you are still young, so you should focus on your studies; you are not young now, when will you find a partner..."

When I was a child, I always couldn't I understand my mother's heart. Now that I have become a mother, I have experienced firsthand how difficult it is to be a mother. Today, Wang Cuiying is still worried about her quintuplets, and how long has it been since you "chatted" with your mother?

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