In modern society, good looks and height are also very big advantages, especially for girls. Therefore, in order to make their children taller, some parents do not hesitate to let their children drink some folk remedies or take their children to see a doctor to see if the doctor

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In modern society, good looks and height are also very big advantages, , especially for girls. Therefore, in order to make their children taller, some parents do not hesitate to let their children drink some folk remedies or take their children to see a doctor to see if the doctor can help their children grow taller.

In modern society, good looks and height are also very big advantages, especially for girls. Therefore, in order to make their children taller, some parents do not hesitate to let their children drink some folk remedies or take their children to see a doctor to see if the doctor  - DayDayNews

My best friend told me such a thing a few days ago. During a developmental physical examination organized by her daughter in the kindergarten, her daughter's test data turned out to be the highest in the class, and her physical skills and development indicators were also very good. The little girl who is only 4 years old is already 118 centimeters tall. All kindergarten teachers in asked their best friends in the WeChat class group what methods can be used to make children grow so tall, or what techniques are there?

In modern society, good looks and height are also very big advantages, especially for girls. Therefore, in order to make their children taller, some parents do not hesitate to let their children drink some folk remedies or take their children to see a doctor to see if the doctor  - DayDayNews

When I went to my best friend's house before, my best friend's daughter happened to be in the kindergarten class. At that time, the child looked like a little doll. He was not that tall. Even standing next to other children, he was taller than me. Other children are a few centimeters shorter and look like they are stunted.

Once my best friend said that her child performed on stage with the children in her class on Children’s Day. Every girl in the row on the stage looked tall and thin. When her daughter came there, , suddenly dented, my best friend thought to herself, could it be that she couldn’t breastfeed the baby just after birth?

On the one hand, my best friend is blaming herself for not taking good care of her daughter. On the other hand, it may be due to genetic problems. My best friend is not tall to begin with, and her husband is also about 175 centimeters. As the saying goes, "the mother is shorter than the rest of the family." My best friend is only 158 centimeters tall, and I was bothered by this height for a long time when I was in school.

In modern society, good looks and height are also very big advantages, especially for girls. Therefore, in order to make their children taller, some parents do not hesitate to let their children drink some folk remedies or take their children to see a doctor to see if the doctor  - DayDayNews

From this day on, my best friend thought that her daughter would not be like her and would not be troubled by her height. In order to help her daughter grow taller, her best friend searched everywhere for all kinds of information, and also bought a lot of books about children's height growth. She even went to the hospital to consult with experienced directors of three children's nutrition departments.

I wouldn’t know if I didn’t ask, but I was really shocked when I asked. It turns out that my best friend made a lot of mistakes when her daughter was growing up. I really don’t blame her daughter for not growing taller. It turns out It's all for a reason.

After the director’s detailed explanation, my best friend realized the mistakes she had made in taking care of her daughter. She also learned from the director the secret to making her child grow taller. After a few suggestions from the director, my best friend returned home and followed the doctor's advice non-stop to help her daughter scientifically chase the high.

In just over half a year, my best friend's daughter has grown by more than 10 centimeters. In this little more than half a year, my best friend's daughter has also gone from being the shortest in the class to being the tallest student in the class. My best friend also generously shared the doctor’s advice with everyone, let’s learn about it together.

In modern society, good looks and height are also very big advantages, especially for girls. Therefore, in order to make their children taller, some parents do not hesitate to let their children drink some folk remedies or take their children to see a doctor to see if the doctor  - DayDayNews

Let your children drink more water

You must know that people cannot do without the support of water. It can be said that the whole person is made of water. If a child does not drink water all day long, the person's metabolism will slow down and their digestion capacity will decrease. Moreover, the whole person has no appetite. Because the digestion is not good, the child does not feel hungry, so the child does not eat much and easily loses appetite.

Especially when the weather is hot, it is impossible not to drink water or not to drink enough water. If this continues for a long time, the nutrients and energy taken into the child's body will be lost. This is not only very detrimental to the child's height development, but the whole person will also be malnourished and look very thin.

In modern society, good looks and height are also very big advantages, especially for girls. Therefore, in order to make their children taller, some parents do not hesitate to let their children drink some folk remedies or take their children to see a doctor to see if the doctor  - DayDayNews

There are also some children who don’t like to drink water but like to drink carbonated drinks . They even regard carbonated drinks as water and will drink them when they are thirsty. Especially under the guidance of their parents, some parents themselves He loves to drink carbonated drinks, and often forgets to give them water when raising their children. Or the children see their parents drinking carbonated drinks, and the children themselves want to imitate them. Some parents even indulge in it while raising their children. Children drink carbonated drinks.The consequence is that the child's body is in a state of water shortage for a long time, which seriously affects the child's healthy growth and stunts development.

From a child's perspective, the daily water intake of a 2-7-year-old child is about 1,300 ml. Therefore, if parents want their children to grow taller, they must let their children drink more water and drink more water every day. The intake must be sufficient. If your child really doesn’t like drinking boiled water, you can also add some juice to the water to adjust the taste and make your child fall in love with drinking water.

In modern society, good looks and height are also very big advantages, especially for girls. Therefore, in order to make their children taller, some parents do not hesitate to let their children drink some folk remedies or take their children to see a doctor to see if the doctor  - DayDayNews

You must let your children exercise more and sit less at home.

Some children naturally like to be quiet, but some children naturally like to run around outside all day long. Comparing these two types of children, it is certain that their physiques and heights are different. Girls, in particular, usually like to be quieter, so as you can imagine, the amount of exercise they get in a day is very little.

Even when some children reach a certain age, they still need to be held by their parents and never go to the ground. Therefore, these children are seriously lacking in exercise, so their bones cannot develop. Without physical exercise, your height will naturally be affected over time.

If parents want their children to do more exercise, they can make an exercise schedule for their children and do regular and quantitative exercise every day. Especially after children have finished a day of school, you must know that they almost sit in their seats all day long, and their extracurricular time does not exceed 2 hours.

So if parents really want their children to grow in shape, they should let their children run and jump more after school every day. If possible, they can enroll their children in some swimming or dancing classes. If not, they can take their children with them. Running in the park often has the same effect.

In modern society, good looks and height are also very big advantages, especially for girls. Therefore, in order to make their children taller, some parents do not hesitate to let their children drink some folk remedies or take their children to see a doctor to see if the doctor  - DayDayNews

Children must eat a nutritionally balanced diet

External exercise alone is not enough. Children must eat more nutritious food. My best friend’s children are like this. They are very picky eaters and don’t eat very much vegetables or seafood. In addition, my best friend’s cooking skills are not very good. As a result, my best friend’s children are malnourished and their height is poor. There is no way to go up.

In modern society, good looks and height are also very big advantages, especially for girls. Therefore, in order to make their children taller, some parents do not hesitate to let their children drink some folk remedies or take their children to see a doctor to see if the doctor  - DayDayNews

Under the doctor’s advice, my best friend cooks nutritious and scientific meals for her children according to the recipes provided by the doctor every day. Not only can it stimulate children's appetite well, but the nutrition is also very balanced. In addition, doctors also provide some scientific exercise methods for children. The combination of the two, the child eats reasonably and exercises properly, makes the child grow more than 10 centimeters in just over half a year.

I am Lianzi, a young mother who cares about the growth of her children.

If you have children of appropriate age at home who are also not growing taller because of picky eaters, you can send a private message for consultation (there will be a surprise)! Code word: baby 520

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