These family soups shared are clear, moist, nutritious and delicious, suitable for all ages. They are very suitable for regulating the spleen and stomach of children in spring and summer, maintaining their spleen and stomach, and laying a good foundation for their growth. 1. Huai

2024/06/2713:34:32 baby 1239
These family soups shared by

are clear, moist, nutritious and delicious, suitable for all ages. They are very suitable for regulating children's spleen and stomach in spring and summer. Spleen and stomach , maintaining children's spleen and stomach, and laying a good foundation for children's growth

1. Huaishan malt soup

These family soups shared are clear, moist, nutritious and delicious, suitable for all ages. They are very suitable for regulating the spleen and stomach of children in spring and summer, maintaining their spleen and stomach, and laying a good foundation for their growth. 1. Huai - DayDayNews

Huaishan ➕ malt ➕ hawthorn ➕ Poria ➕ candied dates = 15+6+5+5+20 (g)

2. Pediatric Sishen Soup

These family soups shared are clear, moist, nutritious and delicious, suitable for all ages. They are very suitable for regulating the spleen and stomach of children in spring and summer, maintaining their spleen and stomach, and laying a good foundation for their growth. 1. Huai - DayDayNews

Huaishan ➕ Lotus seeds ➕ Gorgon ➕ Poria = 15+15+10+10

3 . Morels Huaishan soup

These family soups shared are clear, moist, nutritious and delicious, suitable for all ages. They are very suitable for regulating the spleen and stomach of children in spring and summer, maintaining their spleen and stomach, and laying a good foundation for their growth. 1. Huai - DayDayNews

Morels ➕ Huaishan ➕ Gorgon ➕ Lily ➕ Red dates = 8+15+10+10+20

4. Hericium Morels soup

These family soups shared are clear, moist, nutritious and delicious, suitable for all ages. They are very suitable for regulating the spleen and stomach of children in spring and summer, maintaining their spleen and stomach, and laying a good foundation for their growth. 1. Huai - DayDayNews

Hericium ➕ Morels ➕Huaishan➕Red Dates➕Wolfberry=24+4+10+20+5

5. Five-fingered Peach Huaishan Soup

These family soups shared are clear, moist, nutritious and delicious, suitable for all ages. They are very suitable for regulating the spleen and stomach of children in spring and summer, maintaining their spleen and stomach, and laying a good foundation for their growth. 1. Huai - DayDayNews

Five-fingered Peach➕Huaishan➕Shiitake Mushroom➕ Codonopsis pilosula Barley➕Red Date=20+12+6+10+15+ 20

6. Bawanghua Polygonatum odoratum soup

These family soups shared are clear, moist, nutritious and delicious, suitable for all ages. They are very suitable for regulating the spleen and stomach of children in spring and summer, maintaining their spleen and stomach, and laying a good foundation for their growth. 1. Huai - DayDayNews

Bawanghua➕ Adenophora Polygonatum odoratum ➕Fig➕Lotus seed=12+8+8+20+12


① Blanch meat (chicken/pork bone/lean meat/ Pig's trotters/beef, etc.)

② Soak morels/shiitake mushrooms/rex flowers in advance for about 15 minutes

Hericium erinaceus soaked for 30 minutes, soak until soft and tear off small florets, repeatedly scratch and wash with hands - change water - scratch and wash until washed The water is relatively clear, then use it to make soup, otherwise it will have a bitter taste.

③ Pour the prepared ingredients into the pot and cook for 1.5 hours. Add wolfberry and appropriate amount of salt to taste 5 minutes before turning off the heat.

(When making soup , you can also add some lotus root, fresh yam, sweet corn, chestnut, carrot and other fruits and vegetables to make it more nutritious and taste better)

⚠️The above are dietary supplements and do not involve medical advice and cannot replace drug treatment

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