Normally, if your child says something, would you take it seriously? Recently, a netizen shared his experience: For a while, his daughter kept telling him that he saw "ghosts" and was very scared and did not dare to sleep alone... If you hear your child say such things, what will

2024/06/2322:00:33 baby 1610

Usually, if your child says something, do you take it seriously?

Recently, a netizen shared his experience:

For a while, his daughter kept telling him that he saw "ghosts" and was very scared and did not dare to sleep alone...

If you hear your child say What would you do? Will you take it seriously?

Normally, if your child says something, would you take it seriously? Recently, a netizen shared his experience: For a while, his daughter kept telling him that he saw

And this father’s approach has been praised by many people in !

He did not think that she was cranky, but patiently asked for information about this "ghost",

asked her what this ghost looked like? Where did you see it?

Finally learned that his daughter saw it on the way home from school, so he took leave from get off work early and followed her behind her.

finally saw a middle-aged man wearing a hat following his daughter on the third day. Finally, He called the police and subdued the stalker.

Normally, if your child says something, would you take it seriously? Recently, a netizen shared his experience: For a while, his daughter kept telling him that he saw

This incident has also triggered heated discussions among netizens:

Should children’s words be taken seriously?

Normally, if your child says something, would you take it seriously? Recently, a netizen shared his experience: For a while, his daughter kept telling him that he saw


Sometimes, adults really have to put aside their "face" and "self-righteousness" to listen to and affirm their children's feelings.

We must stand together with our children, not only in a physical sense, but also in a psychological sense.

Let the children know that my parents understand me. As long as I speak, they can understand my feelings. I can get support and resonance from them, and I can ask them for help when I encounter difficulties.

Normally, if your child says something, would you take it seriously? Recently, a netizen shared his experience: For a while, his daughter kept telling him that he saw


When I was a child, I was bullied by my classmates one day because I was a transfer student. I cried all the way home. My family saw it and asked what happened. I told them that someone was bullying me in school.

They said, "That must be it." You provoked others first, so they bullied you. Otherwise, why would they bully you if there were so many people in the class? "

After that, I was no longer willing to express myself. When I grew up, I only reported good things but not bad things. I know that my grievances are not important in their eyes.

Normally, if your child says something, would you take it seriously? Recently, a netizen shared his experience: For a while, his daughter kept telling him that he saw


I think it’s better to discuss things as they happen. Parents’ energy and time are also limited, so they can’t pay so much attention to every word of their children. This is understandable.

Moreover, children do have limited cognition and expression. Most of the time they just talk and play, and sometimes they can’t take it too seriously. When you are busy, you can take care of everything. If you can distinguish them, you can take action according to the situation. .

Normally, if your child says something, would you take it seriously? Recently, a netizen shared his experience: For a while, his daughter kept telling him that he saw


In fact, children’s inner world is very rich, their emotions are more sensitive and delicate, and they need more attention from parents.

He usually deepens his knowledge and understanding of emotions through communication with his parents, and learns how to express and control his emotions.

If we blindly ignore the child's expression, it will not only make him feel left out and ignored, but also make him doubt himself, thus affecting the establishment of self-confidence, self-control, etc. Over time, he will no longer be able to express himself. No matter how much I trust my parents, I am no longer willing to tell them.

Once you encounter a dangerous situation like this father, parental neglect will really cause irreversible damage, and it will be too late to regret by then.

In fact, many parents make the same problem when educating their children - "not taking their children's words seriously".

We are always accustomed to using adults' thinking to define children , so it is inevitable to ignore them.

feels that what children say is insignificant. When children make requests, they will even use some "delayed gratification" excuses to perfuse children. .

For example: "Eat later", "Play again at night", "Buy next time"...

This will not only cause psychological trauma to the child, but also affect family intimacy.

Children are often more sensible and smarter than we think. Although they are young, they still have thoughts, a rich inner world, and complex emotional experiences.

Therefore, parents please listen carefully to their children, communicate with them patiently, and don’t let them Your neglect ruins your child's life.

What do you think about this?

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