Jellyfish that look as cute as poached eggs are deadly, while giant octopuses with strange looks are one of the smartest animals in the water... What do each of the vertebral sea creatures look like? What is the structure of their bodies? What are your living habits? Are there an

2024/06/2205:40:32 baby 1393

The jellyfish looks as cute as a poached egg, but it has deadly power. The strange-looking giant octopus is one of the smartest animals in the water...

What does each vertebral sea creature look like? What does it look like? What is the structure of their bodies? What are your living habits? Are there any other little-known bits of knowledge?

's interesting ocean wisdom picture book - "Things the Sea Teaches Us" is very suitable for children to read before going to the aquarium!

This book contains a wealth of marine knowledge, including an introduction to marine fish, various undersea creatures, and 16 popular science knowledge. In the story, little secrets about sea animals are answered for children.

Jellyfish that look as cute as poached eggs are deadly, while giant octopuses with strange looks are one of the smartest animals in the water... What do each of the vertebral sea creatures look like? What is the structure of their bodies? What are your living habits? Are there an - DayDayNews

The author of this set of books, Richard Harrington, is himself a biological oceanographer and writer. His experience working at the Marine Conservation Society has contributed to his exploration of marine life.
Real and informative popular science knowledge

How real is it? Every picture on the page is based on real scenes.

It was the first time I saw the marine iguana in the book lying on the rocks, with a lot of green seaweed growing around it. The colors of seaweed that appear in general marine picture books are not for the sake of beautiful pictures, but to faithfully restore the underwater ecology of the Galapagos Islands. You will suddenly realize: Wow, it turns out that there is such interesting knowledge in the ocean!

Jellyfish that look as cute as poached eggs are deadly, while giant octopuses with strange looks are one of the smartest animals in the water... What do each of the vertebral sea creatures look like? What is the structure of their bodies? What are your living habits? Are there an - DayDayNews

and seahorse baby is born from a seahorse father?

In Kaiba's world, the father is responsible for having children. Seahorses are the only animals in the world where males give birth to offspring. There is a brood sac on the outside of the male seahorse's abdomen. The female seahorse lays her eggs in the brood sac. After one month, the fertilized eggs develop into small seahorses. When the time is right, the father seahorse contracts the brood sac and releases the baby seahorse.

Jellyfish that look as cute as poached eggs are deadly, while giant octopuses with strange looks are one of the smartest animals in the water... What do each of the vertebral sea creatures look like? What is the structure of their bodies? What are your living habits? Are there an - DayDayNews

Haima is actually a super dad. Not only does he have a special pouch for babies, he can also protect the babies from enemy attacks. The fathers who are responsible for raising and hatching work hard to protect and take care of their babies and show their strong fatherly love.
Coral Isn’t it really a plant?

Coral, also called oxblood, likes to eat meat. It is mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical seas. It likes to live in rocks, slopes and crevices in calm seas with good water quality. Common species include soft coral , gorgonian , stony coral, etc.

Jellyfish that look as cute as poached eggs are deadly, while giant octopuses with strange looks are one of the smartest animals in the water... What do each of the vertebral sea creatures look like? What is the structure of their bodies? What are your living habits? Are there an - DayDayNews

All corals are animals of the phylum Cnidaria . They are more like bugs, therefore, they are also called coral polyps. The body structure of corals is very simple, cylindrical, with some tentacles. There is a mouth in the middle of the tentacles, and the digestive tract is connected behind the mouth. They feed on small plankton in the seawater. They not only eat with their mouths, but also undigested food. The food is also discharged from the mouth.
"Emotional Intelligence Series" for learning species development

The "Emotional Intelligence" of each species is a common theme, and each one revolves around an "Emotional Intelligence Keyword". This keyword is not forcibly posted, but is mined based on the characteristics of the species.

Jellyfish that look as cute as poached eggs are deadly, while giant octopuses with strange looks are one of the smartest animals in the water... What do each of the vertebral sea creatures look like? What is the structure of their bodies? What are your living habits? Are there an - DayDayNews

white whale . Everyone sees beluga whales always smiling, but in fact, they go through dangerous migrations every year, and those who can successfully reach their destination are the brave ones. Their bravery is in sharp contrast to their soft and cute appearance, so talking about "courage" with children through the story of Moby Dick will definitely impress them.

The clownfish found a sea anemone that can settle down. The sea anemone is the protector of the clownfish in the sea. The sea anemone helps the clownfish block enemies and share food with her. The clownfish helps the sea anemone remove dirt, debris and parasites, and often acts as bait to attract prey to the sea anemone. If the anemone is attacked, the clownfish will help fight the enemy away.

Jellyfish that look as cute as poached eggs are deadly, while giant octopuses with strange looks are one of the smartest animals in the water... What do each of the vertebral sea creatures look like? What is the structure of their bodies? What are your living habits? Are there an - DayDayNews

They are lifelong friends. When the storm comes, the clownfish fights to protect its children and the anemone.

talks about "friends" with children through the story of clownfish and sea anemone. Good friends mean mutual help and reciprocity.

"Things the Sea Teaches Us" not only enjoys the enjoyment of popular science and ocean knowledge, but also conveys such a good relationship between man and nature coexisting harmoniously.

We can obviously see all kinds of fish in the aquarium, why do we need to go to the sea to get to know them?

Jellyfish that look as cute as poached eggs are deadly, while giant octopuses with strange looks are one of the smartest animals in the water... What do each of the vertebral sea creatures look like? What is the structure of their bodies? What are your living habits? Are there an - DayDayNews

The illustrator of this book is Anne Davidson. Her innocent and quirky paintings are full of delicate patterns and subtle touches on details. From color matching to composition to creativity, they are all very thoughtful.

She likes underwater scenes, and she doesn't want to grow up. So far, her favorite vacation spot is Slovenia The country's blue lake.

She loves traveling and close contact with nature, so her paintings can help us explore the indexical power of perceiving nature.

Jellyfish that look as cute as poached eggs are deadly, while giant octopuses with strange looks are one of the smartest animals in the water... What do each of the vertebral sea creatures look like? What is the structure of their bodies? What are your living habits? Are there an - DayDayNews

There is still a lot of knowledge in the ocean waiting for us to explore, start the lively and fun exploration of the ocean kingdom, and spend time on the journey of verification, discovery, and sharing. The Chinese white dolphin is called the "giant panda on the water". The manta ray swims like a bird flying. Who is the king of aquatic plants? Where is the clownfish's home? There is also the polar bear that looks white all over, but its skin is actually black? We can all find the answers in books.

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