Giving birth is a happy event for a new mother, and many relatives and friends will visit the new mother in the hospital. Visiting a new mother can bring comfort and recovery to the new mother, but it can also bring disadvantages to the new mother. If there are too many people vi

2024/06/2303:37:32 baby 1663

Giving birth to a new mother is a happy event, and many relatives and friends will visit the new mother in the hospital. Visiting a new mother can bring comfort and recovery to the new mother, but it can also bring disadvantages to the new mother.

If there are too many people visiting and the time is too long, it will affect the rest of the new mother, especially the fatigue of the new mother who gave birth through surgery. Therefore, hospitals have clear regulations for family members to visit new mothers. The purpose is to allow family members to take care of new mothers and provide necessary care; it is also to allow new mothers to have appropriate rest time to recuperate and recover. Especially soon after giving birth, new mothers and newborns who have worked hard need more rest. It is best to arrange visits from some relatives and friends 10 days after delivery, when the new mother returns home from the hospital.

Giving birth is a happy event for a new mother, and many relatives and friends will visit the new mother in the hospital. Visiting a new mother can bring comfort and recovery to the new mother, but it can also bring disadvantages to the new mother. If there are too many people vi - DayDayNews

A new mother’s resistance is very weak just after giving birth, and the baby is also very delicate. The baby needs an adaptation process from being dependent on the mother's embryo to living independently after birth. The baby has poor responsiveness and resistance to the outside world and is prone to disease. If there are too many visitors, the sound is noisy, the ward environmental conditions are limited, and the new mother is reluctant to open the window for ventilation, this will inevitably cause the indoor air to be polluted. If relatives and friends suffering from colds and other illnesses enter the rest room to see the baby, bacteria and viruses will be transmitted to the new mother and baby, affecting the health of the mother and baby.

Therefore, in order to avoid and reduce the occurrence of diseases, and for the health and safety of both mother and baby generations, it is necessary to control visits by relatives, friends and family members to the hospital. Family members must also pay attention to hygiene in order to care for and care for new mothers. They should wash their hands with disinfectant first and wear a mask if necessary before entering the mother and baby room.

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