Daycare and early education life is mainly suitable for children under three years old. In daycare classes, babies can learn some simple and routine basic self-care skills. What is the difference between daycare education and family education? First of all, we need to understand

2024/06/2504:07:33 baby 1097
Daycare and early education life is mainly suitable for children under three years old. In daycare classes, babies can learn some simple and routine basic self-care skills. What is the difference between daycare education and family education? First of all, we need to understand  - DayDayNews

Early childhood education life

Mainly suitable for children under three years old

Daycare and early education life is mainly suitable for children under three years old. In daycare classes, babies can learn some simple and routine basic self-care skills. What is the difference between daycare education and family education? First of all, we need to understand  - DayDayNews

In nursery classes, babies can learn

some simple and conventional

basic self-care skills

Daycare and early education life is mainly suitable for children under three years old. In daycare classes, babies can learn some simple and routine basic self-care skills. What is the difference between daycare education and family education? First of all, we need to understand  - DayDayNews

What is the difference between childcare education and family education?

First of all, we need to understand the stages of children’s brain development and self-care ability: 0-3 years old is the most active period for children’s brain development, and should be given rich sensory stimulation and a good educational environment. 1-3 years old is a critical period for children to develop basic self-care abilities such as eating and defecation. According to Freud , 2-3 years old is the anal stage of children. At this stage, emphasis should be placed on training children's self-care abilities such as urinating and urinating.

Daycare and early education life is mainly suitable for children under three years old. In daycare classes, babies can learn some simple and routine basic self-care skills. What is the difference between daycare education and family education? First of all, we need to understand  - DayDayNews

If you think that raising children at home is the same

, you are totally wrong...

Child care VS family life and self-care

1 In terms of eating

Family : Parents feed, making the baby dependent, and the eating habits are not good, and some even You have to chase the baby around, or eat a meal for an hour or two.


Daycare : Teachers will guide children to use tableware correctly and form good dining habits.

2 Toilet aspects

Family : In daily life, parents usually ask their children whether they need to defecate or not. Children basically defecate passively, which is not conducive to the development of the baby's active defecation habit.


Daycare : The teacher will guide the children to take off their pants, lift their pants, wash their hands and other self-care skills; guide the children to express themselves actively, and remind them regularly to help them develop good toilet habits.

Daycare and early education life is mainly suitable for children under three years old. In daycare classes, babies can learn some simple and routine basic self-care skills. What is the difference between daycare education and family education? First of all, we need to understand  - DayDayNews

3 In terms of sleep,

family : highly random, with irregular sleep and wake-up times. Sometimes I nap in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, sometimes for an hour at a time, sometimes for the whole afternoon at a time.


daycare : Nap at 12 o'clock every day, sleep time is about 2 hours, the arrangement is scientific and reasonable, which can not only ensure that children get enough sleep, but also help children develop good sleeping habits.

Children’s social communication skillsPk

Daycare and early education life is mainly suitable for children under three years old. In daycare classes, babies can learn some simple and routine basic self-care skills. What is the difference between daycare education and family education? First of all, we need to understand  - DayDayNews-3 years old is a critical period for the development of children’s social communication skills. If there is a lack of opportunities to interact with peers at this stage, children will develop negative character traits such as timidity, withdrawal, squeamishness, and strong dependence.

Daycare and early education life is mainly suitable for children under three years old. In daycare classes, babies can learn some simple and routine basic self-care skills. What is the difference between daycare education and family education? First of all, we need to understand  - DayDayNewsDaycare and early education life is mainly suitable for children under three years old. In daycare classes, babies can learn some simple and routine basic self-care skills. What is the difference between daycare education and family education? First of all, we need to understand  - DayDayNews

If you think these are very simple and can meet the requirements at home, then you should really learn...

Family : Most families have only one child. Children basically interact with adults at home and lack opportunities to interact with peers. Even if they go to public Playing in places is also under the protection of parents, and children cannot conduct social interactions independently.


nursery class : Provide a collective environment suitable for children, allowing children to naturally interact with other children and improve their problem-solving abilities; teachers will organize a variety of group games to guide and encourage children to express themselves and communicate proactively.

Daycare and early education life is mainly suitable for children under three years old. In daycare classes, babies can learn some simple and routine basic self-care skills. What is the difference between daycare education and family education? First of all, we need to understand  - DayDayNews

Who can make a better and smoother transition to kindergarten

Family : Difficulty in adaptation, which can easily lead to "phobia of entering kindergarten". Kindergarten classes have a large number of people, so they are easily ignored. If independence is not strong, it is easy to develop timidity and other psychology.


daycare : Adapt quickly, and can quickly integrate into collective life in the class, and will be more lively and confident.

In short, the current situation of family childcare: the elderly or nannies can only play a basic role in caring for children. Most parents are busy with work and cannot provide comprehensive early education. What about early childhood education on

Daycare and early education life is mainly suitable for children under three years old. In daycare classes, babies can learn some simple and routine basic self-care skills. What is the difference between daycare education and family education? First of all, we need to understand  - DayDayNews


This can not only help families solve the child care problem, but also develop physical, psychological, intellectual and social aspects. It can also improve self-care ability and help children develop good living habits. It can also help young children make a smooth transition to kindergarten!

This article is contributed by: Pediatric Health Department -Liu Jia

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Henan Maternal and Child Health Association

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