Many parents always think that baby teeth will fall out automatically, and it doesn’t matter whether they are beautiful or not. In fact, this is not the case. The degree of calcification of deciduous teeth is low and not very strong. If they are not cared for properly in early ch

2024/06/2523:07:32 baby 1237

Many parents always think that deciduous teeth will fall out automatically, and it does not matter whether they are beautiful or not. In fact, this is not the case. The degree of calcification of deciduous teeth is low and not very strong. If they are not cared for properly in early childhood, they are prone to dental caries and .

Once there is dental caries, the baby's chewing and digestive functions will be affected, the gastrointestinal tract cannot absorb nutrients better, and the baby's growth and development will also be affected. In addition, the baby's deciduous teeth are not healthy and cannot ensure oral hygiene, which is also detrimental to the growth of permanent teeth in the future.

Therefore, whether the child's "dental mouth" will be good in the future depends on whether the dental care is done properly in early childhood.

Many parents always think that baby teeth will fall out automatically, and it doesn’t matter whether they are beautiful or not. In fact, this is not the case. The degree of calcification of deciduous teeth is low and not very strong. If they are not cared for properly in early ch - DayDayNews


Pay attention to oral hygiene from birth

Many parents always think that baby teeth will fall out automatically, and it doesn’t matter whether they are beautiful or not. In fact, this is not the case. The degree of calcification of deciduous teeth is low and not very strong. If they are not cared for properly in early ch - DayDayNews

1. Whether the baby eats breast milk or milk powder, if the baby does not rinse his mouth "after meals", the remaining milk will ferment in the mouth, breed bacteria, and affect oral health. If the environment for the growth of teeth is not good, the erupted deciduous teeth will certainly be unhealthy. Therefore, from the time the baby is born, the mother should pay attention to the baby's oral hygiene. After each meal, she should feed the baby boiled water to rinse away the residual food attached to the oral mucosa, or use gauze dipped in water to wipe the baby's upper jaw, Gums and tongue, this not only cleans the mouth, stimulates the gums, but also promotes the eruption of deciduous teeth.

2. After the baby’s deciduous teeth erupt, parents should take better care of them. First of all, night feeding should be gradually stopped. Babies generally no longer clean their mouths after feeding at night, and night is a good time for bacteria to breed. Therefore, if the night feeding is constant, the baby will easily get tooth decay .

3. When the baby is about one and a half years old, molars will slowly grow in. The molar teeth have a large biting surface and are prone to accumulation of food residues. Just rinsing the mouth with water and wiping the teeth can no longer achieve the purpose of cleaning the mouth. At this time, the mother must teach Brush your baby's teeth in the morning and evening, cleaning all sides of the deciduous teeth in order.


Cultivate good eating habits

Many parents always think that baby teeth will fall out automatically, and it doesn’t matter whether they are beautiful or not. In fact, this is not the case. The degree of calcification of deciduous teeth is low and not very strong. If they are not cared for properly in early ch - DayDayNews

1. Feeding should be done regularly and quantitatively

Let children develop good eating habits from an early age and strengthen the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract. With good digestion and absorption, children's teeth can grow healthier and form a benign form. cycle.

2. Overcome the habit of partial eclipse and ensure balanced nutrition

Add complementary foods to the baby in time to correct the bad habit of the baby and ensure that the baby gets enough and balanced nutrition every day to ensure the normal structure and shape of the teeth and improve the resistance of the teeth to dental diseases. . In addition, when the baby's deciduous teeth erupt, attention should be paid to supplementing nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin C. This can promote the development and calcification of the baby's teeth, keep the periodontal tissue in a healthy state, and thus reduce the chance of dental disease.

3. Develop a correct feeding posture

When some babies are feeding, due to incorrect posture or improper positioning of the bottle, mandibular protrusion or retraction will occur. If this happens for a long time, it will cause damage to the baby's teeth and jaws. Deformity will not only affect the baby's appearance, but also affect the development of chewing function. When the baby is feeding, the best position is semi-recumbent position , with the bottle and lips at a 90-degree angle, and the pacifier does not press the upper and lower lips.

4. Let the teeth do exercises

Babies in the teething period especially like to bite people or hard things. This is because the deciduous teeth will squeeze the surrounding areas when they grow, causing the gum tissue to feel itchy and painful. At this time, the mother can let the baby chew some hard things, such as biscuits, toast, apple slices, carrot slices, etc., on the one hand, it can relieve the discomfort of the gums, on the other hand, it can exercise the masticatory muscles and promote the development of teeth and jaws. development.


Correct bad habits

Many parents always think that baby teeth will fall out automatically, and it doesn’t matter whether they are beautiful or not. In fact, this is not the case. The degree of calcification of deciduous teeth is low and not very strong. If they are not cared for properly in early ch - DayDayNews

1. Stop using bottles and use cups early

Some babies like to suck empty bottles for a long time, or sleep with bottles in their mouths. This will cause food residues on the teeth to stick to the mouth for a long time, promoting bacteria. Reproduction, affecting dental health. In addition, babies often hold bottles, which can easily lead to problems such as a warped mouth, abnormal bite of the teeth, and even an inability to close the mouth. Therefore, mothers should let their babies give up the bottle and switch to drinking milk from a cup.

2. Get rid of the bad habit of biting foreign objects and licking teeth

Exclude the " oral stage " stage when babies love to explore the world with their mouths. If the baby still likes to bite fingers, fingernails or other foreign objects after 2 or 3 years old, teeth replacement If the baby in stage 2 likes to lick loose baby teeth with his tongue, the mother should intervene. These bad habits will affect the arrangement of the baby's teeth, and may even lead to problems such as left-right asymmetry in the baby's facial development and abnormal pronunciation.


Go to the hospital for dental checkup on time

Many parents always think that baby teeth will fall out automatically, and it doesn’t matter whether they are beautiful or not. In fact, this is not the case. The degree of calcification of deciduous teeth is low and not very strong. If they are not cared for properly in early ch - DayDayNews

From the time the baby's first deciduous tooth grows, the mother should take the baby for an oral examination every six months to detect problems and intervene early. At the same time, the doctor will give advice based on the child's age and living habits. Professional advice.

(Source: Ma Liqiong, Department of Dental Endodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Anhui Provincial Stomatological Hospital)

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