"Hyperopia reserve" means that when a child is young, optometry will reveal a certain degree of low-level hyperopia. This part of the hyperopia is considered physiological hyperopia. Physiological hyperopia is related to the curvature of the cornea and the axial length of the eye

2024/06/2512:04:32 baby 1087

Meiya will first introduce to parents what is " hyperopia reserve "

"hyperopia reserve" refers to: when the child is young, optometry will find that there is a certain degree of low hyperopia. This part of the hyperopia It is physiological hyperopia, which is related to the curvature of the cornea and the axial length of the eye. Vision gradually develops and matures with the development of the refractive system and retina. The period 0 to 6 years old is a critical period for a child's vision development, and it is also the stage where the eye's refraction changes the fastest. As children grow and develop, the eyeballs gradually grow larger, the axial length of the eyeballs becomes longer, and the degree of hyperopia gradually decreases toward emmetropia. This process is called the "emmetropia process."

You can go to a professional optometry institution to examine your child, and then compare your child's hyperopia reserve according to the table below.

It is important to note that the farsighted reserve is like a fixed reserve in a bank account when a child is born. And this reserve will only be consumed and will not grow. Facing electronic products for a long time, using your eyes at close range, and lack of outdoor activities will all lead to the depletion of your farsightedness reserve. Once your farsightedness reserve is exhausted, it will begin to overdraw and become myopia, so you must save and protect your precious farsightedness reserve. How does

protect myopia reserve?

1. Standardize reading and writing postures

The three points of "one foot, one punch, and one inch" must be achieved, that is, the eyes are one foot away from the book, the chest is one fist away from the table, and the hand holding the pen is one inch away from the tip of the pen.

2. Pay attention to the time of using your eyes.

You should not use your eyes continuously for more than 40 minutes. You should rest for about 10 minutes every 40 minutes. You can look into the distance or do eye exercises.

3. Increase outdoor activities

Outdoor activities should last more than two hours during the day. Natural light stimulates the retina to secrete dopamine . Dopamine can hinder the occurrence of myopia.

4. Maintain a balanced diet

with a reasonable mix of meat and vegetables, eat less sweets and sugar, and eat more fruits and vegetables.

5. Regularly screen vision

Establish children's vision health files and do a good job in vision monitoring and evaluation. Children should have their vision checked at least twice a year.

Meiya I often take my two cubs to Shilimei for eye screening. They can create a free vision profile for the children, then conduct free vision tests, and finally take the children for free vision training. Sometimes I receive regular follow-up visits to remind me that it’s time to take my two children to have their eyesight tested. I have to say that the service is quite considerate.

Parents can also check out any professional vision screening hospitals around your home, and be sure to pay attention to your children's vision health.

is written at the end: I am Meiya, a mother born in 1985, a surfer and a dedicated optometrist . Let us share the ups and downs of parenting together, grow together, and become qualified mothers and fathers ~

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