Hello everyone, I am Amy~ If the baby is born in the summer, many mothers will worry about one thing, which is how to dress the baby on hot days so that the baby will not be cold or hot, and will be more comfortable. . Regarding this point, it is easy for the elderly and mothers

2024/06/2404:08:33 baby 1395

Hello everyone, I am Amy’s mother~

If the baby is born in summer, many mothers will worry about one thing, which is how to dress the baby on hot days so that the baby will not be cold or overheated. More comfortable.

Regarding this point, it is easy for the elderly and mothers to have different opinions, especially for babies in confinement. Many elderly people do not even advocate turning on the air conditioner.

My colleague Lili just gave birth to her second child less than half a month ago. Her mother-in-law took care of her during the confinement period. When we went to visit Lili and the baby at her home, we found that although the air conditioning was on, the baby was wrapped tightly. .

Hello everyone, I am Amy~ If the baby is born in the summer, many mothers will worry about one thing, which is how to dress the baby on hot days so that the baby will not be cold or hot, and will be more comfortable. . Regarding this point, it is easy for the elderly and mothers  - DayDayNews

At that time, several of our female colleagues put forward suggestions tactfully, thinking that if this was the case, the baby might be covered with prickly heat . When I held her baby, I found that the little face was red and there were small red spots on the neck. .

Speaking of this, Lili glanced at her mother-in-law in the living room and whispered that she was already unhappy with her mother-in-law because of this matter. Her mother-in-law began to refuse to turn on the air conditioner, saying that it was not good for the mother and the baby, and would cause confinement. Disease and the like.

After that, Lili insisted on turning on the air conditioner. After all, the temperature here had exceeded 40 degrees some time ago. After turning on the air conditioner, her mother-in-law was afraid that the baby would catch a cold, so she started to add clothes to the baby and wrapped the baby tightly.

She told her mother-in-law many times, but her mother-in-law didn't listen, so Lili could only fight guerrilla warfare with her mother-in-law. When her mother-in-law didn't see it, she loosened the baby's grip, and then tidied up the baby again when her mother-in-law came.

1. Are newborn babies afraid of cold or heat? Contrary to expectations

many people believe that a newborn baby must be afraid of the cold due to its small size and the fact that it has just come out of the mother's belly. Therefore, many family members always dress the baby too thickly.

Hello everyone, I am Amy~ If the baby is born in the summer, many mothers will worry about one thing, which is how to dress the baby on hot days so that the baby will not be cold or hot, and will be more comfortable. . Regarding this point, it is easy for the elderly and mothers  - DayDayNews

Especially in cold weather, many elderly people will wrap their babies tightly because they are too attentive to taking care of their babies. In our place, many elderly people even wrap their babies' hands and feet in order to make their babies grow up and have straighter legs. No.

So, are newborn babies afraid of cold or heat?

For this reason, I specifically consulted an obstetrics and gynecology pediatrician. She said that after the newborn baby is born, the cerebral cortex is still in a state of development and the central function of regulating body temperature has not yet been fully developed. Therefore, the newborn baby's own body temperature will change. Changes as the surrounding environment changes.

In addition, the sweat gland function of newborn babies is not yet mature, and their body temperature regulation ability is still relatively weak. If they sweat under a cover, they cannot evaporate quickly.

The result of this is that the baby's delicate skin is prone to prickly heat when exposed to damp clothes or quilts. If the family cannot change the baby's clean and tidy clothes in time, the baby can easily get sick.

Hello everyone, I am Amy~ If the baby is born in the summer, many mothers will worry about one thing, which is how to dress the baby on hot days so that the baby will not be cold or hot, and will be more comfortable. . Regarding this point, it is easy for the elderly and mothers  - DayDayNews

Therefore, family members should dress and undress the baby in time according to the temperature of the environment. If it is summer and the weather is too hot, the air conditioner should be turned on reasonably and adjusted to a comfortable temperature so that the baby will be comfortable.

In short, if the ambient temperature of the baby is too high, the baby's body temperature will rise, which may cause the baby to develop prickly heat. If the ambient temperature of the baby is too low, the baby's own body temperature will also become low, which will easily cold.

In addition, no matter what season it is, how much to wear for a newborn baby must be determined according to the temperature of the surrounding environment. Family members should adjust the baby's clothing in time according to the temperature of the baby's environment, so that the baby is neither cold nor hot, comfortable, and grows up healthily.

2. It is recommended that family members keep in mind "one cool and two warm" when dressing in summer

Therefore, newborn babies are afraid of both cold and heat. When family members take care of the baby, they must achieve "one cool and two warm" so that the baby can healthier.

Hello everyone, I am Amy~ If the baby is born in the summer, many mothers will worry about one thing, which is how to dress the baby on hot days so that the baby will not be cold or hot, and will be more comfortable. . Regarding this point, it is easy for the elderly and mothers  - DayDayNews

First of all, "cooling" means that the baby's feet should be kept cool.

Many parents like to touch the baby's hands and feet when judging whether the baby is cold or hot. Some parents think that the baby's hands and feet must not be cold, otherwise the baby will be well protected.

If the baby's hands and feet are cold when you touch them, you feel that the baby must be cold. You feel like adding clothes and quilts to the baby. Don't you know that the baby's hands and feet are cold because the baby's nervous system is not fully developed and cannot control all parts of the body well? due to the temperature.

Because the feet of newborn babies are covered with nervous system , they are also one of the important parts of the baby's heat dissipation and sweating. If you cover them too tightly, your feet will easily sweat.

As the baby matures and grows up day by day, the baby's nervous system becomes more and more perfect, and the cold feet will gradually improve.

Hello everyone, I am Amy~ If the baby is born in the summer, many mothers will worry about one thing, which is how to dress the baby on hot days so that the baby will not be cold or hot, and will be more comfortable. . Regarding this point, it is easy for the elderly and mothers  - DayDayNews

Therefore, if the temperature is moderate, parents can let the baby have bare feet. This may not only help the baby cool down and perspire, but the feet can be stimulated by different touch sensations, and can also make the baby smarter.

Secondly, it is what we often call the "second warmth", that is, the belly and back of the newborn baby should be kept warm.

After the baby is born, many elderly people will tell you that you must keep the baby's belly warm and not leave it dry. Especially in the summer when the air conditioner is on, you must pay more attention to keeping the belly warm.

Therefore, many elderly people will prepare a few bellybands for their babies in advance to enhance the warmth of the baby's abdomen. In fact, these practices of the elderly have scientific reasons.

This is because the abdomen is the place where the human spleen and stomach are digested. If the baby's abdomen catches a cold, it is easy for digestive system problems to occur, causing diarrhea, stomach pain and other situations.

Hello everyone, I am Amy~ If the baby is born in the summer, many mothers will worry about one thing, which is how to dress the baby on hot days so that the baby will not be cold or hot, and will be more comfortable. . Regarding this point, it is easy for the elderly and mothers  - DayDayNews

The five internal organs and many meridians of the human body are on the back. If the baby's back gets cold, it will affect the nerves in the back spine and easily cause adverse reactions such as coughing in the baby.

Therefore, if the abdomen and back of a newborn baby get cold, the baby will have some adverse reactions. Therefore, for the baby's health, especially when the air conditioner is turned on in summer, it is necessary to keep these two parts warm.

would like to remind all parents that some parents feel that the weather is so hot that they simply leave their babies bare-backed, thinking that this way the baby will be more comfortable. In fact, this is not the case, and it is easy for the baby to dry out.

3. Three points should be kept in mind when the air conditioner is used for newborn babies in summer

In summer, because the weather is too hot, even during confinement, it is impossible not to turn on the air conditioner. Therefore, when the air conditioner is used for newborn babies, family members should keep three points in mind. :

Set the most comfortable temperature: In the summer, the air conditioner is turned on. In order to make the newborn baby feel comfortable, it is best to set the temperature between 26-28 degrees. Because this indoor temperature is also the most comfortable temperature for the human body.

Hello everyone, I am Amy~ If the baby is born in the summer, many mothers will worry about one thing, which is how to dress the baby on hot days so that the baby will not be cold or hot, and will be more comfortable. . Regarding this point, it is easy for the elderly and mothers  - DayDayNews

This temperature is not much different from the temperature in a room without air conditioning. This temperature is conducive to the baby's heat dissipation, making the baby feel comfortable and in a good mood.

It is also recommended to adjust the air volume to the minimum. Even if you hold the baby around the house, it will not blow directly on the baby. It is recommended to add a windshield to the air conditioning outlet, which is safer.

Pay attention to ventilation every day: If the baby stays in an air-conditioned room all the time, it will not be good for the baby's health. Therefore, when it is not too hot in the morning and evening, you can hold the baby around in the living room or other areas of the home.

If the room is always closed and air-conditioned, it is easy for bacteria to breed indoors. Therefore, in the morning and evening when the outside temperature drops, you can open the windows for ventilation to discharge the dirty air in the air. If there is a fresh air system, does not need to be turned on. window.

4. Suggestions for families of newborn babies

As the saying goes, if you want to keep your child safe, you have to be hungry and cold. After the baby is born, his metabolism is much faster than that of ordinary people, so the baby's perspiration will be accelerated.

Hello everyone, I am Amy~ If the baby is born in the summer, many mothers will worry about one thing, which is how to dress the baby on hot days so that the baby will not be cold or hot, and will be more comfortable. . Regarding this point, it is easy for the elderly and mothers  - DayDayNews

Therefore, family members should not always feel that the newborn baby is too small and will be afraid of the cold, so they always want to dress the baby more. In this way, the baby will not only be prone to prickly heat, but will also be more likely to get sick due to excessive sweating.

When turning on the air conditioner in the summer, protect the baby well and achieve "one cool and two warm" to make the baby feel comfortable. Do not dress the baby too thickly, as this will reduce the baby's immunity.

A newborn baby is the hope of the whole family and the focus of their care. Therefore, the whole family can feel more at ease when the baby is healthy.

How did your baby achieve "one cool and two warm" after he was born?

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