Many new fathers who have a wife who is in confinement and a newborn son will generally go through a process of being exhausted, disheveled, and haggard in appearance. Some people jokingly call the new father who is in confinement a "confinement" father. "Young Master Yue" cannot

2024/06/2301:23:32 baby 1349

At home, there is a "confinement child" wife and a newborn baby. Many new fathers will generally go through a process of being exhausted, disheveled, and haggard in appearance. Some people jokingly call the new father who is "confinement child" a "confinement child." It’s not an exaggeration to call him “Yue Gongzi” - after all, it is a major event for the family to add a new child, and it is inevitable to be a little busy. The important thing is to be busy but not chaotic, and to take care of the clues in the housework. New fathers should always pay attention to the following details:

Avoid quarrels

Some experts believe that a little quarrel between couples has certain benefits and can help new fathers and new mothers reduce psychological stress. But it is worth noting that if the quarrel escalates during the confinement stage, it will hurt the relationship between the couple. Moreover, during the confinement period, new parents will devote all their love to their baby, but they tend to neglect each other's care and become unhappy over trivial matters. Therefore, new parents should try to be tolerant of each other and avoid arguments.

Many new fathers who have a wife who is in confinement and a newborn son will generally go through a process of being exhausted, disheveled, and haggard in appearance. Some people jokingly call the new father who is in confinement a

Pay attention to room ventilation

Most urbanites do not pay attention to the "breathing function" of doors and windows, especially in the rooms where new mothers rest, the doors and windows are kept tightly closed all day long. If bags of garbage are still stored in the room and left to be stuffy all day and night, the people sleeping there will inevitably feel dizzy when they wake up early in the morning, which is not good for themselves, their wives and children. Therefore, new fathers should not forget to ventilate the room at all times. Breathing fresh air will refresh people's spirits and improve their mood.

Throw away packaging bags and sundries at home

Although there is only one more baby, the home will suddenly become like a "garbage dump". We should be based on "doing it now, immediately" rather than "waiting a little longer". Whenever you see any debris, immediately collect the random packaging bags or debris and throw them away, and put the utensils that are not used temporarily into the closet. , put the unworn clothes in the wardrobe.

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