Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c

2024/06/2504:23:33 baby 1486

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their children. However, it is recommended that parents buy less of these four seasonal fruits in summer and give them to their children less, as they are easy to harm the body.

Give children less of the four seasonal fruits in summer. Parents should pay attention to

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews and carambola

Carambolas are both excellent in appearance and taste, and have high nutritional value. It is rich in sugar, vitamin A, vitamin C and various fibers and acids, which are very helpful to human health. In addition, star fruit also has the effects of laxative and heat-clearing.

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews

However, because star fruit also contains oxalic acid, a slightly toxic substance, it is not suitable for people with kidney function problems, let alone large amounts.

If a child kidney metabolism function is not good , oxalic acid cannot be excreted from the body after eating star fruit, which will affect health. Therefore, these kind of children should avoid fruits like star fruit.

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews, Pineapple

Pineapple’s sweet and sour taste is also the favorite of many children. Moreover, pineapple is also rich in a variety of vitamins, among which vitamin C has the highest content. Eating pineapple can not only increase children's appetite, but also remove greasiness and help meat lovers' stomachs digest.

However, there is also an ingredient in pineapple called "pineapple prionase" . This ingredient has the effect of decomposing protein. Moreover, eating pineapple also has a certain stimulating effect on the oral mucosa. I believe everyone who has eaten pineapple knows this.

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews

Some children will develop allergic symptoms after eating pineapple. In severe cases, they may suffer from vomiting and diarrhea. For these children, try not to be greedy, even if the symptoms are mild.

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews. Chilled watermelon

The best-selling fruit in summer is probably watermelon. It relieves heat, promotes body fluids, diuresis and reduces swelling. In addition, it is cheap and delicious, especially if it is chilled in the refrigerator, the taste will be even better.

However, for children with weak spleen and stomach, watermelon should be eaten in moderation. After all, it is a cold fruit, and eating too much can easily cause stomach upset. Especially iced watermelon is very harmful to children's spleen and stomach. It is recommended that parents give less to their children.

4, lychee

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews

lychee meat is golden and clear, and the juice is sweet, so it is also very popular with children. In addition to good looks and good taste, lychees are also rich in vitamin C and protein, which can supplement energy, nourish brain tissue, improve insomnia and fatigue, and enhance immunity.

However, although things are good, don’t be greedy for too much. Although lychees are rich in nutrients, they have the effect of lowering blood sugar. If a child eats too much on an empty stomach, it may cause dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and in severe cases, coma, irregular heartbeat, and even Threaten the child's life. This condition is called " litchi disease " and is more common in children. Parents must be careful.

Fruits suitable for children to eat in summer

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews, apples

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews

Apples are rich in vitamins and minerals. They not only taste good, but also have the functions of producing fluids and quenching thirst, regulating the spleen and stomach, helping digestion, etc., and can also prevent iron deficiency anemia. In addition, there are no special taboos about eating apples, so it is very suitable to buy for children.

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews. Grapes

Grapes are rich in more than 10 kinds of amino acids and multiple vitamins, which are very good for children's health.In addition, the taste is sour and sweet, and it has the effect of appetizing and strengthening the spleen, which is very suitable for children with indigestion.

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews. Pears

Pears contain more sugars and multivitamins, which are good for increasing children's appetite and clearing away heat and reducing fire. If your child has a loss of appetite in summer or gets angry due to heat, he can eat pears. Moreover, pears are rich in water, so they are very effective in producing body fluids and quenching thirst on hot days.

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews

4, peach

Peaches are rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals and fruit acids, especially the content of iron, which is particularly high. Iron is the main substance in the body's and hematopoiesis, so eating more peaches is also good for your health.

When giving fruits to children in summer, the following precautions should be taken.

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews. In-season fruits are better, and eat less out-of-season fruits.

Out-of-season fruits may contain ripening ingredients, which are detrimental to children’s health. Frequently feeding children out-of-season fruits may also lead to precocious puberty. Therefore, it is recommended that parents buy fruits in season.

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews. Make a clear distinction between vegetables and fruits

Although vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins, vegetables are vegetables and fruits are fruits. The two cannot be replaced by each other. The content of inorganic salt and crude fiber in vegetables is not found in fruits. Parents should not think of using fruits instead of vegetables because their children are picky eaters.

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews

Summer is the season when all kinds of fruits are on the market, and it is also a paradise for children who love to eat fruits. Originally, fresh fruits were rich in a variety of vitamins and were good for children's health, so parents should be encouraged to buy them for their c - DayDayNews. Do not eat fruits immediately after meals. Many fruits contain monosaccharide substances. If eaten immediately after meals, it may cause gastric bloating in children. will not only affect digestion, but also lead to constipation.

4. Buy now and eat now, eat more fresh fruits

Whether it is vegetables or fruits, the fresher the better. If the mother wants to save trouble and buy too much at one time, firstly, the child will not be able to finish it, and secondly, if the fruit is left for too long, the water and nutrients of the fruit will be lost, and it will easily deteriorate, causing the child to have a stomachache.

5. Peel as much as possible

Today's fruits are basically sprayed with pesticides by fruit farmers during the ripening process. In order to remove pesticide residues, it is recommended that parents not only wash the fruits carefully but also peel them as much as possible when giving them to their children. This will make it more convenient. Be safer.

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