If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating,

2024/06/2822:54:33 baby 1385

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. You cannot compromise with your children without a bottom line, and you must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with your mobile phone while eating. To concentrate on eating, the most important thing is for parents to set an example and help their children correct bad behaviors.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews

Children’s eating is like fighting. Don’t worry, just use a few tricks to make your baby eat well.

In the process of raising children, many parents have a headache when their baby does not eat well. Some children are very good when eating and eat alone. The food is particularly fragrant; and some children not only need to be fed by their parents, but also chased and coaxed to eat, and it takes more than an hour to eat a meal. In fact, parents don’t have to worry, just a few tricks can make their children eat well and develop well.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, Cultivate the habit of eating together with the whole family when the meal is served. If you miss it, the children will be hungry.

I believe many parents have done this. At meal time, parents will urge their children to eat many times, and they will not let their children sit down until they are urged. dining table is very troublesome for parents. In fact, parents only need to notify them once, and do not urge their children to eat after that. If the baby does not come to eat, parents can just eat by themselves. After the parents finish eating, put away the dishes on the table and do not leave the children alone. meal. Of course, when implementing this matter, parents must discuss the rules with their children in advance, and they can only operate after the children know that there is this rule. Otherwise, the children will not listen to the parents' reasoning because the rules are not clear.

Even if the baby is hungry and wants to eat later, parents must hold back and not give snacks to the baby. In fact, the child will not starve after one or two meals. Let the children know the rules at home. Over time, the children will naturally develop the good habit of eating on time.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, Don’t coax your children to eat, don’t blindly spoil your children

Some children are indeed very difficult to handle when eating. They will not eat obediently every time they eat, which poses various problems to parents, such as when it is time to eat. If you want to watch TV, play on your mobile phone, or not eat if the parents do not agree, parents will often agree to all kinds of unreasonable requests of their children in order to let their children eat. Is this really the right thing to do? If parents have no bottom line and blindly compromise with their children, in the end they will only allow the children to push their limits and do things that make the parents collapse again and again.

Parents can try their best to satisfy their children's reasonable demands. They must refuse unreasonable demands and cannot give in blindly. As long as the children find that their unreasonable requests are not responded to by their parents, they will naturally give up and will not make such requests next time.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, Notify the baby in advance to eat, do not teach the child often

Be sure to notify the baby in advance when asking the baby to eat. If the baby is suddenly interrupted by the parent while playing or watching TV, he must have some small emotions in his heart, so It is very necessary to call the child in advance so that the child can calm down and prepare for the subsequent meal.

In fact, the reason why children don’t like to eat is because parents care too much about their children eating, coax and coerce their children to eat, or often teach their children during meals, which causes children to have a strong resistance to eating and makes eating a mental burden for them. , and even become a kind of torture. On the contrary, the children will feel very disgusted by the parents' behavior. The more they discipline the children, the more the children will rebel against their parents and skip meals. Therefore, do not scold the children at the dinner table, because it will have no effect at all and will affect the parent-child relationship.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, Don’t disturb your children when they eat, and don’t force them to eat food they don’t like.

If you want your children to eat well, parents must not disturb your children, let them concentrate on eating, and don’t force your children to eat food they don’t like, such as Children don't like to eat fish. Parents think that eating fish is good for their children's health, so they force their children to eat it. This eventually leads to children's strong rejection of fish and even causes painful memories of their childhood when they grow up. If your baby doesn't like to eat fish, you can replace it with ingredients that have the same nutrients as fish. There is no need to eat fish.

There are also some parents who dislike their children dropping food on the table. Although it will cause food waste, the parents' "verboseness" will affect the children's good mood when eating. Parents should tell their children that waste is shameful and teach them to chew carefully. Swallow slowly.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, Choose appropriate tableware, create a good dining environment, and feel the fun of eating.

When the baby does not like to eat, parents can choose the tableware that the baby likes. Those small and cute tableware can cultivate the baby's pleasure in eating and can also arrange the meals. Create cute and beautiful plates to attract the baby, divert the baby's attention, and make the baby feel that eating is such a happy thing. Parents can also put more thought into the dishes and create different patterns to attract their babies. Parents do not need to cook too difficult dishes. In fact, babies have very simple ideas. When they see their favorite food on the table, they will definitely be willing to eat. .

The atmosphere when eating at the same time should be warm and relaxed. Parents can consult their babies' opinions on what to eat and listen to their babies' opinions, so that babies can choose their favorite ingredients independently. Everyone can eat happily together so that babies like eating. thing.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews

There are several symptoms of babies not eating well. There is always one that belongs to your baby.

There are many families. When the children eat, there will be a phenomenon of jumping around in the house. Different children have different symptoms of not liking to eat. So what are the behaviors of children that drive parents crazy?

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, Children eating and playing at the same time

I believe many parents have encountered this situation. Children like to play and eat at the same time, playing with different things, such as dishes, toys, food, etc. Parents use all kinds of tricks to get their children to eat. Even if they feed the food into the baby's mouth, the child will only hold the food for a long time before swallowing it. Some babies eat very slowly. When everyone in the family has finished eating, and there is still more than half of the food in the child's bowl, parents often lose patience and take the bowl away and start feeding the child.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, Children love to eat snacks. Naturally they don’t like to eat when they are full of snacks.

No one can resist the temptation of snacks. Even adults love to eat snacks, not to mention children with poor resistance. When parents love to eat snacks, Naturally, I will buy a lot of them at home, and my children will eat them too. If they accidentally eat too much, they will not be able to eat when it is time for the main meal.

Some parents are too doting on their babies. As long as their children clamor for snacks, parents will buy a lot of snacks for their children without principle. You must know that children cannot withstand these temptations and will not want to eat when they eat too many snacks. Sometimes, parents will blame the baby for not eating. Parents should examine whether it is their own reasons that cause the baby to be unwilling to eat.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, If parents do not force their children, the children will not eat.

Some babies will do all kinds of tricks at meal time. They must turn on the TV, look at their mobile phones, etc. before they are willing to eat, which gives parents a headache. Often at this time, many parents can't help but lose their temper and force their children to eat the food. Children will definitely be very scared when they see their parents angry. Even if the children finish the food in the end, the atmosphere of the meal has been destroyed. Under pressure, Eating in the environment will not only affect your mood, but also cause gastrointestinal dysfunction and lead to indigestion.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews

Why do children not eat well? Parents should understand the reasons.

I believe many parents are very curious about why other people’s babies eat so well and why their own children are different. In fact, there are many reasons why children do not want to eat. Parents Only by finding out the reasons can we help the child in a targeted manner.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, The baby is having too much fun and doesn’t want to eat.

The baby is playing games before eating. When he is having fun, he has to eat. At this time, the baby is still excited and has no appetite at all, so his attention is all on the toys. Let me ask. How could he eat obediently all of a sudden? In fact, this kind of psychology of babies is very normal. It is a sign of too much curiosity. Anyone immersed in an emotion will be unable to extricate themselves.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, Being attracted by other things while eating

Some babies have poor concentration and are easily attracted by other things. When the baby is eating, he suddenly hears the sound of children playing outside and will run out to take a look. . This type of child has too much curiosity and weak concentration. If parents don't pay attention to it, the child's concentration will get worse and worse. Parents should cultivate their baby's concentration, so that they can solve the problem of being distracted while eating.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, Parents like to feed their children

When their children do not eat well, parents often lose patience and want their children to finish the meal as soon as possible, so they take the initiative to grab the child's bowl and feed the child directly. In particular, the elderly at home love their children very much. They are afraid that the children will be hungry, so they always feed them, which leads to the development of children who are unwilling to eat by themselves.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews

For the health of their children, parents must understand the disadvantages of feeding

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, Feeding will cause the child to lose interest in eating

Parents who often feed their babies must pay attention to why the baby always does not eat well and has no interest in eating. interest? In fact, it is all caused by parents feeding their children frequently. The children are not hungry at all and do not want to eat. The parents follow behind and feed the baby one mouthful after another. Although the food is eaten, the child is no longer interested in eating.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, will cause children to be obese

Sometimes the child is really not hungry, but the parents still force the child to eat, and do not believe that the baby is really full until the child spits out the food in his mouth. Feeding too much will not only make the child lose the sense of fullness, but also cause the child to eat uncontrollably, eventually leading to the baby eating too much and becoming obese.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, affect children's hand-mouth coordination

Parents often feed their children, and the children only need to open their mouths to eat, without having to do it themselves. Therefore, the children will play here and look there, and their attention will not be focused on eating. , not only affects digestion, but also affects hand-mouth coordination and unbalanced movements.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews, Children lack the ability to be independent.

A child's character development is a very important matter. It can be said to be a major event in the child's life. If others need help with even such a small thing as eating, then when the child grows up, he will not only have poor living ability , but also become lazy and like to rely on others. Let me ask you how to compete with others when entering society, and how to become a useful person to society.

If the baby does not eat well, parents must set rules for the baby. When the meal is over, there will be no food. They cannot compromise with their children without a bottom line and must refuse unreasonable requests. Do not turn on the TV or play with mobile phones while eating, - DayDayNews

is written at the end

In summary, parents must help their babies eat well and develop good eating habits so that their babies can grow up happily and healthily. Parents can give their babies encouragement and hints through words, and do not force the baby to do anything, let alone do everything for the baby. This will inhibit the baby's independent behavior. How can a person without unique behavior be creative in the future? Don't restrict or control your baby's behavior too much.

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