I am Sister Haitanghua. I am learning to review and grow for life. All the stories are my real experiences. If you resonate with them, please follow, like and repost them. Today I read in the book that we think too much, plan too much, and have too little influence on work and li

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I am Sister Haitanghua, and I have learned to review and grow for life. All the stories are my real experiences. If you resonate with them, please follow, like and repost them.

I am Sister Haitanghua. I am learning to review and grow for life. All the stories are my real experiences. If you resonate with them, please follow, like and repost them. Today I read in the book that we think too much, plan too much, and have too little influence on work and li - DayDayNews

Today I read a book saying that we think too much, plan too much, and have too little focus on work. We analyze everything and life too carefully, and as a result we invest a lot of time, which is neither effective nor good for our health.

In fact, the key to success does not lie in everything we do, but in the few key things we can do well.

In fact, the secret is to start taking action, break down the complex and large project into small manageable things, and then choose one of them to start with.

Some people may ask, how do you know where to start? That is to start from the key questions. All answers come from questions. If you ask the wrong question, the answer you get will definitely be wrong.

Voltaire wrote: Judge a person by the questions he asks rather than the answers he gives; Bacon also said that half of cautious questions are wisdom.

Life is always a question, and how to live is the answer to this question.

Based on what I said in today’s book, I will continue to analyze why I have been a full-time mother for several years and why my energy has always been very high and my sense of value has also been high.

Having two children is one of the most important plans in our life goals. The most important thing we can do at that time is to do our best to raise our two children.

In nearly 8 years, I have done one thing well, that is, to be a full-time mother, because this is my own choice, and I can be responsible for my own choice.

From the time we got married, we knew that we could only rely on ourselves, and our family environment determined it. If the two of us wanted to have two children, it would definitely be one who would lead the outside and the other the inside.

So from the moment we prepare to have a second child, we are responsible for our own choices. I am a member of the Lord, so I will not be anxious about going to another place to make money, nor will I choose to be a stay-at-home mother and not be able to work. And anxious.

1 A stay-at-home mother with a child of 2 must have a lot of trivial things to do. I rarely complain. Sometimes I will complain to my husband when I am tired, but I can only complain to my husband.

My husband is under a lot of pressure at work, and he can only complain to me when he is tired. As we are nearly 30 years old and getting married, we know very well that we will rely on each other for the rest of our lives.

The two of us have surprisingly similar ideas. Children can only accompany us for a period of life. In the future, they will have their own path to walk. What we have to do now is to work hard to create better conditions for cultivating them.

In fact, I have discussed with many neighbors. The two places are separated and the husband's income is not bad. Are you really not anxious or worried about what other situations he will have outside?

I am really not afraid at all. First of all, I definitely believe him. Secondly, what is the use of being afraid? This problem is very simple. I can create a stable and stable family environment.

After my husband broke up with his ex-girlfriend, when we were just golfers at the gym who loved to play billiards, his girlfriend asked him for breakup fees, and my husband had a lot of debt because he bought a house, and he was threatened by his ex-girlfriend. , I immediately transferred the money to him. I don’t like such a woman either.

When he had nothing during our relationship, I could use all my savings to let him renovate the house. What I said at the time was that if we got married, it would be for the sake of our common home and you wouldn't have to pay it back.

If we don't get married, I will borrow this money from you and you can pay it back at any time. We are both still young and there are plenty of opportunities to make money.

can raise two children who shout that they miss him and love him every day, are healthy, and have never been to the hospital or received a single injection since they grew up.

When his blood fat is high, I can cook for him and adjust his diet to lower it. I can adapt to any environment with him, and I can go out with him to socialize with any of his leaders and colleagues.

I can tell him when he is confused and helpless that nothing matters except life and death. You still have me. You are not alone. I will accompany you no matter what.

I think I am very good. You have to become better and better to be worthy of such an excellent me. Even if there is nothing, it is because I am too good and I am passed up by others, haha.

If you don’t cherish such a warm family and such a wife, then people like you are not worthy of me cherishing, because I deserve better.

What my husband has always said is that I can’t buy such confidence with money.

When he said it more often and people around me also said it, I summarized my life experiences along the way with awareness.

Everyone's different growing environment and different life experiences, as well as different thinking and different cognitions, create different people.

Everyone’s experience cannot be replicated, regardless of failure or success, but I hope that the process I shared can bring some inspiration and reference to everyone.

follows @海棠花哥, reviews every day, and grows with you for life!

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