This is a mini workshop, welcome everyone to my text channel! As the title says: Purposeful parenting is a transaction, not a favor. I hope I have the ability to truly love my children before giving birth! Pictures come from the Internet. Pictures come from the Internet. Pictures

2024/06/2505:10:32 baby 1071

This is a mini workshop, welcome everyone to my text channel!

As the title says: Purposeful parenting is a transaction, not a favor. I hope I have the ability to truly love my children before giving birth!

This is a mini workshop, welcome everyone to my text channel! As the title says: Purposeful parenting is a transaction, not a favor. I hope I have the ability to truly love my children before giving birth! Pictures come from the Internet. Pictures come from the Internet. Pictures - DayDayNews

Pictures come from the Internet

This is a mini workshop, welcome everyone to my text channel! As the title says: Purposeful parenting is a transaction, not a favor. I hope I have the ability to truly love my children before giving birth! Pictures come from the Internet. Pictures come from the Internet. Pictures - DayDayNews

Pictures come from the Internet

This is a mini workshop, welcome everyone to my text channel! As the title says: Purposeful parenting is a transaction, not a favor. I hope I have the ability to truly love my children before giving birth! Pictures come from the Internet. Pictures come from the Internet. Pictures - DayDayNews

Pictures come from the Internet

Since ancient times, life is easy to raise but education is easy to teach! The amount of money a child spends from birth to adulthood, not to mention the energy, is endless! With the development of the times, various old ideas also need to slowly undergo qualitative changes. Among them, the concept of parenting should be changed the most!

The reason why a child is precious is because his birth means the future rise and fall of a family. A child is the future of a family and is a priceless treasure! But it seems that many parentsā€™ parenting concepts are still stuck at the stage they were twenty years ago!

Some parents have not thought clearly about raising children in advance. The reason why they have children is because other people have children, so they themselves have to be afraid of making others laugh. There is also the old idea that the family name must be passed down from generation to generation, so I have children! If you ask these parents how much they love their children, they donā€™t seem to like them very much!

The birth of a child brings happiness and hope to a family. It can bring endless joy and happiness to a family, especially children. Directors know that children who are filial to their parents are the reason why many people want to have children!

But as a parent, before deciding to have a child, have you ever thought about what kind of quality of life your own abilities can give your child? What level of education! What kind of growing environment! Have these people thought clearly?

Many of my colleagues say that their children are really suffering from old age with their parents. One of them is almost 40 and has no wife and children but still rents a house with him. I donā€™t even have a stable place to live, so I wonder what I will do in the future!

I feel that the current overall environment seems to no longer allow today's parents to blindly have children without money, because they may not be able to support the children after they are born!

The market situation here is like this. Without the support of parents, parents have no ability to support their children! The kindergarten fees here are about 1,500 yuan a month, but many peopleā€™s monthly salary is only 4,000 yuan! Including this year, a friend of mineā€™s child happened to go to high school. He was unprepared and thought that the cost of going to high school is so much. The total cost for a semester is almost 8,000 to 9,000. Finally, I discussed it with my children at home. Next time I will go back to the county town and go to high school. Because the cost was too high and I couldnā€™t afford it, in the end, the cost was lower in my hometown and I was in my hometown in the county where I could help take care of the children at home!

Every parent should ask themselves whether they have the ability to give their children a carefree life before deciding to have a child! I would like to ask, is it necessary to have a child if you know that the child will have to endure hardships along with you and there is still no protection?

You need to know that as soon as a child goes to school, he will have his own circle and group. It is from this time on that he begins to know how to compare and contrast, which is the beginning of the expansion of vanity!

Although children are not encouraged to be extravagant and wasteful, if every time they just see other peopleā€™s friends eating well, wearing well, and seeing well! But I can only envy others. Over time, children from such families will only have one quality, which is "low self-esteem and taciturnity"! Maybe your whole life will be spent in a state of cechenono!

So giving birth to a child is definitely one of the happiest and happiest things in a personā€™s life! But before giving birth, you should check your wallet to see how many steel and you can give your child. What kind of life can you give your child?

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