Practicing yoga, how to lift and stabilize the body in the firefly pose?

2021/10/0606:57:02 lose 1041

firefly pose is a very interesting pose, with a certain degree of difficulty, it requires deep hip flexion, opening hamstrings and excellent balance. You also need to train the connection between your upper arm and thigh; by connecting these parts of your body, you can lift your body and maintain stability.

Practicing yoga, how to lift and stabilize the body in the firefly pose? - DayDayNews

Entering this position (and many more difficult arm balances) is partly determined by the structure of the hip joint. Practitioners with a lot of hip flexion and longer arms will find it easier to enter.

Practicing yoga, how to lift and stabilize the body in the firefly pose? - DayDayNews

's take a closer look at decomposition:

peak posture: firefly type

Practicing yoga, how to lift and stabilize the body in the firefly pose? - DayDayNews


  • hamstring open
  • hip flexion
  • li61 li li 64 li li 64 li li 64 li 64 li li 64 li li 64 li li 64 li li 64 li li 64 li li 64 squeeze the core of the medial adductor muscle

Practicing yoga, how to lift and stabilize the body in the firefly pose? - DayDayNews

In flow yoga ,Most conversions are done through vinyasa. I often start the transition from single-leg down dog pose. In this case, you bend forward and pull your knees to the outside of your chest or upper arm. This action helps to train the core, hip flexion, midline adductor muscles, and continuous engagement and lifting of the hind legs-all of which are essential in many arm balances.

Practicing yoga, how to lift and stabilize the body in the firefly pose? - DayDayNews

recommended sequence:

  • simple sit
  • salutations A3-5 round
  • small step stepped in front of the mat
  • low lunge, (start to open the hamstrings)
  • side angle stretch, hand on the inner leg (put Put your shoulders on the inside of your knees and hug)

Practicing yoga, how to lift and stabilize the body in the firefly pose? - DayDayNews

  • Stand forward and bend your chest to the inner thigh _li64s
  • Lizard pose: Raise the hind legs (training hip flexion and shoulder/thigh connection,And teach the hind legs to keep in contact with the back hip elevation).

Practicing yoga, how to lift and stabilize the body in the firefly pose? - DayDayNews

  • By clamping the front knee to the upper arm and holding the back thigh up, bend the front knee to raise the front foot from the floor (transition from ineka pada Bound) Dog style. You can add a mini four-pillar support here.
  • humble warrior 2 with hands on the inside of the legs, trying to put the forearms on the floor

Practicing yoga, how to lift and stabilize the body in the firefly pose? - DayDayNews

  • _span
  • span1 span _span _span li 64 li 64 li _span _span li 64 li Pose
  • crescent pose, with the feet slightly slanted toward the front corner of the mat (stretching the adductor muscle line)
  • One-legged Sage Condia B (flowing to the low lunge pose) _li64_li

Practicing yoga, how to lift and stabilize the body in the firefly pose? - DayDayNews

Peak: cross-footed and double-arm support type (with yoga bricks under his hands)

Practicing yoga, how to lift and stabilize the body in the firefly pose? - DayDayNews

firefly pose (with pimg_p5 ppan0 pimg_p5 ppan0 pimg_p5 ppan0 pimg

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ppan0 non-weight-bearing modification: tortoise,Straighten your legs (you can extend your arms into your legs to approach the firefly pose)

Practicing yoga, how to lift and stabilize the body in the firefly pose? - DayDayNews

Cooling posture:

    • span 3 hip extension
    • Head-to-knee forward flexion twist (open sideways, stretch adductor muscles)-(Extend to the bent knees, raise the arms above your head, you can stretch sideways and open the front body well)

Practicing yoga, how to lift and stabilize the body in the firefly pose? - DayDayNews

  • supine twist
  • happy baby style
  • corpse style

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