Patients with high blood pressure should beware of hypotensive syncope in summer. The doctor will teach you how to take medicine in summer with hypertension

2019/07/3119:26:28 health 2374

In recent years, hypertension has gradually become one of the most common and serious diseases threatening the health and life of the elderly. With the increase of age, the blood vessels of the elderly gradually age, the elasticity of the blood vessels decreases, and the blood pressure gradually rises. More and more elderly people are diagnosed with high blood pressure. Once diagnosed with high blood pressure, many people begin to regularly use antihypertensive drugs. However, when we have paid enough attention to the treatment of hypertension, many people know little about the hypotensive syncope in hypertensive patients. In fact, patients with hypertension have a very high probability of hypotension in summer, which greatly threatens people's health.

Patients with high blood pressure should beware of hypotensive syncope in summer. The doctor will teach you how to take medicine in summer with hypertension - DayDayNews

Zhang Ayi is in her 70s this year and has been diagnosed with hypertension for 10 years. She has been taking antihypertensive drugs regularly for these years. After getting up in the morning, she took antihypertensive drugs and went to the vegetable market to buy food. Before going out, she felt dizzy and panicked. After sitting down and resting for a while, she went out to buy groceries. Who knew that Aunt Zhang felt dark in front of her eyes when she arrived at the vegetable market and suddenly fainted. Fortunately, she fainted. There were so many people, I quickly dialed 120. After being sent to the hospital, the nurse took a blood pressure measurement of 58/30mmHg. It turned out that Aunt Zhang had hypotensive syncope. Aunt Zhang's family rushed to the hospital with a look of confusion, "Doctor, the elderly have always had high blood pressure, how did they become low blood pressure?"

What is hypotensive syncope?

Hypotensive syncope is generally more common in acute hypotension. The blood pressure of the patient drops suddenly from normal or higher levels. Clinically, dizziness and dark eyes are often caused by ischemia of important organs such as the brain, heart, and kidney , Soft limbs, cold sweats, heart palpitations, oliguria and other symptoms, severe cases manifested as syncope or shock.

Patients with high blood pressure should beware of hypotensive syncope in summer. The doctor will teach you how to take medicine in summer with hypertension - DayDayNews

So why does hypotensive syncope happen in summer?

We all know the principle of thermal expansion and contraction. The same is true for our blood vessels. In summer, the blood vessels on the body surface dilate and the vascular resistance decreases. In addition, the hot weather increases sweating and more body surface water evaporates. Salt is lost, which lowers blood pressure. In addition, the blood pressure of the elderly has more obvious changes in temperature. It is precisely because of this that Aunt Zhang went shopping for vegetables in hot weather after taking antihypertensive drugs. Hypotensive syncope occurred as soon as she sweated.

What should I do after hypotension?

Basically, every family has a sphygmomanometer. If the blood pressure is found to be lower than 90/60mmHg during measurement, it is called hypotension. If it is pure hypotension without any symptoms, no treatment is needed, but if it is obvious The causes of hypotension, such as cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, endocrine and other system diseases, should be actively intervened for these diseases.

Patients with high blood pressure should beware of hypotensive syncope in summer. The doctor will teach you how to take medicine in summer with hypertension - DayDayNews

How to adjust medication for hypertensive patients in summer?

Many people will ask, since blood pressure is easy to drop in summer, can I not take antihypertensive drugs in summer? the answer is negative. Hypertension patients are different from normal people because their blood pressure fluctuations are poor in adapting to environmental temperature due to changes in blood vessel elasticity. If the drug is stopped blindly, the risk of stroke will greatly increase. In addition, some patients have increased blood viscosity and are prone to thrombosis. Moreover, some patients will experience increased blood pressure rebound after stopping the drug by themselves, which not only fails to achieve the therapeutic effect, but also can easily cause serious complications in the heart, brain, and kidney due to blood pressure fluctuations, and even life-threatening.

Therefore, it is generally recommended to use long-acting, slow-release antihypertensive drug for hypertensive patients in summer. Especially for long-term hypertension patients with acute or chronic heart failure, once angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor antagonist drugs are blindly stopped, the protective effect of the heart disappears, and heart failure is more likely to occur. Myocardial infarction, such as certain diabetes or nephropathy, especially patients with large proteinuria, often need to use angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor antagonist drugs to reduce proteinuria and protect kidney function.

In addition to , get enough rest, ensure adequate sleep, and adjust your diet in summer. Appropriate increase in salt intake can also effectively prevent the occurrence of hypotension.

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The Breeze Program Summer Health Care

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