Many people don’t know the efficacy of Xiaomi, so it’s better than anything else!

2020/03/3010:44:10 health 843

Millet is the first choice food for health professionals. Millet is rich in nutrients such as high-quality protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, inorganic salts, starch, etc. The greatest effect is to nourish the stomach and spleen, promote digestion, It is a more popular type of cereals. Millet not only has the function of nourishing the stomach, but can also help sleep and calm the nerves, which is very effective in relieving stress and tension. So if you can't sleep at night, you might as well drink some millet porridge.

Many people don’t know the efficacy of Xiaomi, so it’s better than anything else! - DayDayNews

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Eat more millet to reduce the growth of bacteria in the mouth and remove bad breath.

2. Prevent indigestion

Millet is rich in dietary fiber. Eating millet and supplementing fiber can moisturize the intestines and stomach, promote digestion, and facilitate detoxification. People who have suffered from spleen and stomach diseases for a long time often drink millet porridge to treat gastrointestinal diseases caused by various reasons.

3, Yangxin Anshen

Millet is rich in tryptophan, which has the effect of regulating sleep. Middle-aged and elderly people with frequent insomnia can drink some millet porridge before going to bed to help sleep.

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millet is rich in vitamin E and iron. Eating millet can supplement vitamin E and iron, moisturize the skin, beautify and nourish the skin, reduce wrinkles, remove stains, and reduce pigment The effect of composure.

5, tonifying the kidney

All grains have the effect of nourishing essence and qi, and in the grains, millet has a strong kidney tonifying effect.

Many people don’t know the efficacy of Xiaomi, so it’s better than anything else! - DayDayNews

4#4da1a0#明目da1a04a7#Xiaomi is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and other vitamins. Eating millet and supplementing vitamins can improve eyesight and promote good vision.

7. Improve body immunity

Millet is rich in high-quality protein. Eating millet can supplement protein, improve body immunity and enhance resistance.

Suitable people for millet

Millet is generally edible for everyone. Millet has the functions of nourishing the human body, nourishing blood and blood, beautifying the skin, protecting cardiovascular health, strengthening the spleen and stomach, etc., especially suitable for digestion It is eaten by the elderly with poor, loose teeth, the sick and the mothers who are weak after delivery. However, special people such as perennial diarrhea, cold physique, and heavy but clear urine should not consume millet.

Although millet porridge is a very good method, based on the principle of eating mixed grains, you can add pumpkin, yam, wolfberry, potatoes, sweet potatoes, dates, lotus seeds, lilies, etc. to millet porridge. , Balance its nutrition.

Many people don’t know the efficacy of Xiaomi, so it’s better than anything else! - DayDayNews

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