Autumn is here, lung cancer patients should pay attention to these three main points in autumn health

2021/09/1020:16:07 health 2636

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Order" season. Although there is still heat, the gradually dry weather and the increasing temperature difference between day and night remind us that autumn has already begun. After autumn, the weather turns cooler and the climate is changeable. This changeable temperature difference creates a good environment for the virus to invade, so how to maintain it is very important.

Then autumn is here, how should lung cancer patients take care of their bodies?

AUTUMN autumn "harvest"

p6span 6span 6span Yiming...this autumn is the answer to the harvest. "The weather turns cooler in autumn, which is a harvest season and a terrifying climate. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lung and the Qiu Qi are compatible, and the lungs are purged and descended, which is "Yin in Yang". The suppression of lung qi is too restrictive to 's heart-fire upper inflammation, so the lung and Qiu Qi Universal.

regimen should follow the fall harvest characteristics: about 9 pm to 10 pm:

1. Zaoshuizaoqi Falling asleep ,Getting up at around 6 am is conducive to the propagation of lung qi and the rise of yang qi in the body.

2. Pay attention to keep warm: After the white dew solar term, the clothes should start to keep warm and avoid the cold. Although the old saying always says that the spring is cold in the autumn, , but for the elderly and the weak and people with frail health, it is not recommended to overdo it at this time. After getting up, you should add a piece of thin clothing to protect the abdomen, feet and shoulders and other key parts. Remove the summer mat in time and change to a thin and suitable quilt, so as not to catch the cold at night and cause the relapse of the old disease.

3. Emotional maintenance _span _strong to adapt to the aggressive and convergent look of span 8span _strong in autumn. The lungs are sorrowful for the aspiration, avoid sorrowful emotions, protect the lung qi, and adjust the mind through meditation.

4. Patients with lung cancer should prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases in the fall.Weak Qi of the lung guard is prone to respiratory diseases. Nowadays, the new crown epidemic has rebounded from time to time. Everyone should do a good job of protection. wear masks when going out to avoid crowds.

AUTUMN autumn “dryness” _


. The second is "Dryness easily hurts the lungs". The lungs are delicate organs, moisturizing and nasty. Dryness evil wounds and lungs have dry lips and nose, dry itchy or sore throat, dry cough and little sputum, thick sputum and difficult to cough. Patients with lung cancer are more likely to have dry mouth, dizziness, irritability, or insomnia in this season.

is important to prevent dryness in the autumn regimen. The autumn dryness :

can prevent dryness in the diet 1. Mainly and supplemented by the effect of moisturizing the lungs and promoting body fluid.

mentioned in the five elements and five colors of Chinese medicine,Autumn is white, so you should eat more white foods , such as white radish, cabbage, winter melon, , lily, white fungus, lotus root, etc. , Nourish the stomach, nourish body fluids. For example, white radish, wax gourd, lotus root, etc. can be used together with adenophora , lily, oyster , wolfberry and other nourishing and moisturizing products for dietary use.

Patients after radiotherapy are more irritable and dizzy. In the fall, patients are more irritable and dizzy. food that clears the lungs, nourishes the stomach and nourishes the body fluids "Autumn Dryness" has a good effect.

2. attention to the skin of the conservation

clean skin have more choices good moisturizing cleanser or Shower cream ,Applying skin cream after bathing can prevent skin from chapped . In autumn, ultraviolet rays are still strong, so you can choose a sunscreen with a sun protection index of about SPF25.

AUTUMN autumn "fat"

span_p4 Due to the hot weather, some people have no appetite during the summer of , they will experience anorexia and greasiness 8span _strong8span strong24span strong24span. When fall the climate is cool, their appetite will increase ,In order to reward yourself, eat a lot of delicious food to supplement nutrition.

Autumn is here, lung cancer patients should pay attention to these three main points in autumn health - DayDayNews

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But at the same time, look for friends who want to indulge in their autumn diet. , especially need to pay attention to high-oil and high-fat diet. Gastrointestinal discomfort is common in patients with lung cancer. Eating high-fat foods can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort, which in turn affects the intake of other nutrients.

Therefore, for example, high-fat red meat, processed meat, whole milk should leave behind such foods that are easy to cause weight gains. Eat less or not . Secondly, cold food should be used with caution or eat less, so as not to damage the spleen and stomach.

Autumn is here, lung cancer patients should pay attention to these three main points in autumn health - DayDayNews

Autumn recipe recommendation

, which runs through the many links of dietDiet introduction is essential. Today, Mr. Popular Science will introduce you a few autumn recipes.

Autumn is here, lung cancer patients should pay attention to these three main points in autumn health - DayDayNews


heterophylla 25 g lily soup

material, 15 g lily, Mangosteen 1/4, 250 grams of lean pork.


Put all the ingredients in the pot and cook for 2 and a half hours.


Suitable for people with shortness of breath, dry mouth, dry mouth, dry throat, cough, and insomnia caused by qi deficiency and lung dryness.

Autumn is here, lung cancer patients should pay attention to these three main points in autumn health - DayDayNews

apricot Renchuan Bei rice porridge


almond , lily 30 grams,15 grams of Chuanbei , 50 grams of glutinous rice.


1. Wash the almonds, chuanbei and lily, add appropriate amount of water and cook for about 1 hour sp

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Stick rice and cook for about 30 minutes.


can lower the gas, moisturize the lungs, relieve cough, and improve the symptoms of cough, phlegm, chest tightness, less gas, dry mouth and other symptoms.

Autumn is here, lung cancer patients should pay attention to these three main points in autumn health - DayDayNews

Tremella Lianzi


dried white fungus 20 g, 100 g lotus seed, sugar 70 g


1. Prepare the materials,Soak the white fungus, remove the roots and tear them into small pieces.

2. Pour the white fungus, lotus seeds and rock sugar into the pressure cooker, bring to a boil, change to low heat, and simmer for 30 minutes.


has the effects of moisturizing the lungs and promoting body fluid, replenishing qi and calming nerves.

Autumn is here, lung cancer patients should pay attention to these three main points in autumn health - DayDayNews


is an important part of the recovery process of cancer that has not been consumed for a long time. Friends who rise up, let's start the autumn regimen today!

Author: Mijian Kepujun

Photographed by Mijian Kepujun 6 _span8

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