30 seconds to help you understand why blended wine first appeared. It should have been in the 1970s. Self-brewing became popular in various places. Many villages and small counties have brewing shops. You can also buy the grain used for brewing. The wine that comes out is not onl

2024/06/2904:25:32 food 1865

30 seconds will take you to understand why blended wine appears

In the beginning, it should be in the 1970s, when self-brewing became popular in various places. Many villages and small counties have breweries, and you can buy the grain used for brewing. The brewed wine is not only safe to drink, but also tastes good. However, because the brewing cycle is very long, it takes about one month. If you want to drink wine with better taste, you have to store it for half a month. The purpose is In order to remove harmful substances such as fusel oil.

It is said that distant water cannot quench near thirst, so bottled wine (produced by wineries) gradually became mainstream.

30 seconds to help you understand why blended wine first appeared. It should have been in the 1970s. Self-brewing became popular in various places. Many villages and small counties have brewing shops. You can also buy the grain used for brewing. The wine that comes out is not onl - DayDayNews

Liquor also entered its first "golden decade", but then entered a short period of stagnation due to food shortages. There was no food to eat. Where did the grain come from to make wine? As a result, the output of major wineries began to plummet, but it turned out that edible alcohol was born in such an environment.

blended wine was born.

30 seconds to help you understand why blended wine first appeared. It should have been in the 1970s. Self-brewing became popular in various places. Many villages and small counties have brewing shops. You can also buy the grain used for brewing. The wine that comes out is not onl - DayDayNews

After that, edible alcohol, like liquor, has also experienced decades of development. Now there are "sorghum flavor", "mao flavor", and even " Guojiao 1573 flavors", etc. What is this essence used for? You may not know it yet, but everyone collecting wine bottles on the street has seen it, right?

When these two come together, does this have something to do with it?

In fact, blended wine is allowed to be sold, and there is also a professional term called "solid-liquid liquor". The price is relatively cheap, and it is a low-end product. Although the taste is slightly inferior to pure grain wine, it is cheaper. .

30 seconds to help you understand why blended wine first appeared. It should have been in the 1970s. Self-brewing became popular in various places. Many villages and small counties have brewing shops. You can also buy the grain used for brewing. The wine that comes out is not onl - DayDayNews

However, there are many blended wines that are flaunting on the market under the banner of pure grain wine. This is what wine lovers and wine merchants hate. It is both fake and unpopular, so how to avoid this kind of wine?

In fact, The "marks" of pure grain wine are so obvious. You can avoid pitfalls by mastering these three points.

①: Don’t look at the ingredients list when buying wine, or drink less blended wine. Grain, wine, grain and wine, how can there be raw materials other than grain and water? Be sure to identify when purchasing.

②: Don’t look at the standard number when buying wine, you’ll get drunk before you finish drinking! just mentioned "solid-liquid method liquor". The standard number of this liquor is "20822". You are right to avoid it and not buy it!

30 seconds to help you understand why blended wine first appeared. It should have been in the 1970s. Self-brewing became popular in various places. Many villages and small counties have brewing shops. You can also buy the grain used for brewing. The wine that comes out is not onl - DayDayNews

The third point is that when buying famous wine , you must pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and whether there is any wrong version of the trademark. If you have the conditions, it is recommended to light the liquor bottle in a very dark environment, so that if it is "drinking wine" ”, you can easily find the hole for punching. In addition, remember this sentence when buying famous wine.

Famous wines from major manufacturers, channels are king

If you buy fake wines because you are greedy for cheap, then you really lose more than you gain!

But famous wine is too expensive and I can’t afford it. What should I do? Below I would like to recommend two delicious and inexpensive pure grain wines. The quality of one is even recognized by celebrities. The price is 100 yuan, so it is worth trying!

No. 1: Fengyunjiangfu sealed

30 seconds to help you understand why blended wine first appeared. It should have been in the 1970s. Self-brewing became popular in various places. Many villages and small counties have brewing shops. You can also buy the grain used for brewing. The wine that comes out is not onl - DayDayNews

This wine is a star-level product. Even the veteran actor Li Jianyi also likes to drink it. He even brought it to a celebrity party once and was praised by many people as being good. Liquor, this good wine is produced in the core production area of ​​ Maotai Liquor on the Chishui River in Guizhou. It is produced by Li Changshou, the only son of Li Xingfa , the father of Maoxiang.

, like his father, treats winemaking with a craftsman’s attitude. Sorghum is not the local red tasseled sorghum. base wine has been stored in jars for less than 8 years and has not been released. It is because of such a harsh brewing environment that this sauce aroma is born. The outstanding, delicate and mellow taste has been welcomed by many drinkers as soon as it was launched.

30 seconds to help you understand why blended wine first appeared. It should have been in the 1970s. Self-brewing became popular in various places. Many villages and small counties have brewing shops. You can also buy the grain used for brewing. The wine that comes out is not onl - DayDayNews

But unfortunately, the production requirements of this wine are extremely high, and it is one of the few wine companies on the market that insists on artificial koji making, so the output is very small, and it is difficult to see this wine on the market. This is this wine The only drawback!

Second place: Green Bottle Xifeng

30 seconds to help you understand why blended wine first appeared. It should have been in the 1970s. Self-brewing became popular in various places. Many villages and small counties have brewing shops. You can also buy the grain used for brewing. The wine that comes out is not onl - DayDayNews

I believe that both old and new wine drinkers are familiar with this bottle of wine. The classic Green Bottle, the classic Fengxiang, as one of the "four famous wines", this wine is still popular today. You can buy it for less than 100 yuan, which is really a good deal. Although it is produced in Shaanxi, it can be seen in major supermarkets across the country. But again, pay attention to distinguishing the authenticity of products from major manufacturers. Channel is king. It is best to go to major supermarkets to buy.

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