Women love to listen to nasty words, if a man tells her more, she will be inseparable from you

2020/11/1511:12:32 emotion 1748

[Disclaimer] Some of the text and image resources in this article are from the Internet. This article is reproduced for the purpose of transmitting more information. If the source is marked incorrectly or violates your legal rights, please notify us immediately. The situation is true. We I will delete it as soon as possible, and at the same time I apologize to you. It is very important to love each other in life, even if it seems to be a little bit sweet to each other, but if the two people love each other, they will be a little bit sweet, but it is a 0 z z z z z z 0 , But also close the distance between each other very well.

However, many men think that love talk is a kind of "hypocrisy", especially couples who have been married for many years, feel that love talk is somewhat embarrassing.

But in fact, for women, men’s love words will not only not feel embarrassing, but will be a kind of "love surprise". After all, women are said to be "hearing animals". For them, love words will only warm the feelings. There is rarely a feeling of disgust and boredom.

What's more, love is a matter for two people. Even if you say it is a little embarrassing, it will become the "little sweetness" of each other's lives. There are no disadvantages, so why not try it.

Even though a lot of each other in life has become accustomed to having each other's life, and spends it plainly, it seems that women have no need for love.

But in fact, it's just that they have passed the age of pinning their emotions on sweet talk, and they don't seem to like it, but they are actually a habit of ordinary life.

Therefore, if you want to deepen each other's feelings, you should say more love words, especially "nuisance love words", in order to better enhance each other's feelings.


"Don't worry, you still have me"

is like when many women imagined themselves as "princesses" when they were young, and they always hope that a man like a "prince" will protect themselves, accompany themselves, and shelter themselves from wind and rain.

Few women dislike the feeling of being protected, because this kind of protection seems to them to be the proof of love.

My friend Ah Chen had a conflict with the boss of the company a few days ago, which led to her being fired and lost her job. She lost her source of income for a while. She walked around the street in a muddy day. Her boyfriend Cheng Wei found Ah when she came home from get off work at night. Chen was not there, so he went out to search.

finally found her in a park not far from the community. Achen lay in Cheng Wei's arms crying like a "tearman", listening to her grievances.

Cheng Wei just listened quietly to the last sentence: "It's okay, don't worry, you still have me." Achen watched deeply as Cheng Wei hugged him tightly.

What is love? It is the mutual support of two people, the emotional sustenance of each other, and the strong emotional support when each other is in pain or suffering.

Especially in love, women generally have a weaker sense of security than men, not to mention that she will need your comfort more when she is sad. Frequently saying this "fluffy love" can make her feel that you are with him, and she will rely on you more.

"I want to buy a house with you and me in it"

When a woman truly falls in love, she wants to have a family with you more than she wants your love.

However, most women are shy and reserved, and will not easily put the phrase "want to marry you" on their lips. At this time, a man needs to give her a sense of security in a timely manner.

There may be many men who think that now that they have no car, no house, no savings, it is so easy to say that getting married, but for many women, these extraneous things are far from what you want to marry her, you love her deeply. The more precious.

all say that women are reality, but behind this reality they also need to be cared for with love.

Many women become blind after falling into relationships. She can work with you if you don’t have it, and can work hard together if you need each other. She may be more afraid of your uncertainty than the lack of things outside.

So always say "I will marry you", "I want to have a home with you", etc., and let her know that you have her in your heart and that you love her, so that she can deepen your feelings for you rely.

"I only love you, no one else can compare"

"I love you" has always been a very popular love story, but for women, they often listen to itIt is inevitable that there will be a little senselessness, after all, in their hearts, the saying that you love her is far less valuable than "then you only love her".

There should be many men who often hear "soul torture" from their girlfriends: "Who is more beautiful between me and XXX?", "Is she as beautiful as me?", "Do you like her or me more?" Maybe many men They all replied very helplessly, "I definitely love you", and even added the sentence "I love you."

These answers will feel a little perfunctory to most women, especially that. The phrase "Okay" is more or less "persecuted", and it is even harder to get a woman's favor.

In fact, many women have "self-knowledge", as if she often compares herself with celebrities, they are actually very clear, but keep asking you, nothing more than to get your feelings for this feeling and affirmation of her. .

At this time, you just have to say "I only want you, no one else can compare". Now that she realizes the uniqueness in love and can feel your deep heart, she will naturally love you more.


But love words are not the "magic bullet" for all emotional problems. The key is to combine with behavior to better grasp her heart.

is like a love story, combining a marriage proposal with a candlelight dinner, combining "I love you" with a romantic surprise. In normal times, pay more attention to details, take care of her, and pay for her to better grasp The true heart of a woman.

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