In the evening, I saw a poem written by a handsome senior boy in high school. It seemed to be about emotions. The neat little square characters and the description of his thoughts were quite fascinating... The deskmate next to him Ask me, teacher, what do you think? I said, very

2024/07/0100:51:33 emotion 1165

I saw a poem written by a handsome senior boy in high school at night. It seemed to be about emotions. The neat small square characters and the description of specious thoughts were quite fascinating...

He The deskmate next to me asked me, teacher, what do you think?

I said, it's very good, very good. If this poem was written by a cerebral palsy patient, the probability of becoming popular would be greater...

The handsome boy smiled and said, are you saying I have cerebral palsy?

I quickly explained, no, no, you misunderstood, and I have no intention of discriminating against cerebral palsy patients. Didn't say anything to you. What I mean is that if the contrast is high and the label is more impactful, there will definitely be greater traffic and the chance of becoming popular will be greater. Your poem is very good, but you are also very handsome, so the impact is not that big... Actually, I am praising you for being handsome...

The boy said, okay.

's praise of poetry and handsomeness can be regarded as a joke, but I have no doubts about the high contrast, which is close to the traffic password.

For example, not many people read poetry these days. But the female poet Yu Xiuhua can become popular, and she can detonate traffic as soon as she appears.

She has gathered too many dramatic and conflicting contrasting factors: she was born with a disability, suffered unfair hardships for many years, her poems are direct and passionate, she became famous overnight, she confessed her love Li Jian , she divorced her husband, and she fell in love with a brother and sister with a huge age difference. , or a flash marriage between a disabled person and a normal person, and she was domestically abused two months later...

Her inner spiritual thinking and spiritual height that are difficult for ordinary people to match her shaky body, and There is a strong contrast between her ugly and twitching face; the years of suffering before her and the popularity, fame and fortune after becoming famous also form a strong contrast; and she is not afraid of people's words to boldly show affection between her sister and brother and receive hundreds of slaps in the back Ugly scenes such as domestic violence and live streaming of privacy also form a strong contrast.

So once her story broke, it immediately caused an uproar and extensive discussion on the Internet.

In human nature, there is a side that likes beauty, but deep down, there is a psychology of hunting for novels and ugliness, and even darker, many people also have a gloating mentality.

So her talent, fame and fortune can attract people, but at the same time, her bad side and various experiences can also attract people to watch.

In this way, the traffic will come.

In the evening, I saw a poem written by a handsome senior boy in high school. It seemed to be about emotions. The neat little square characters and the description of his thoughts were quite fascinating... The deskmate next to him Ask me, teacher, what do you think? I said, very  - DayDayNews

In the past I have been a passive absorber of the Internet. 156 days ago, when I decided to start updating public account articles daily, I also carefully observed some traffic comparisons of the articles I wrote.

Sometimes a title that is in line with social hot spots, or a bit curious, or a bit alarmist can indeed attract more people to click and read, and even bring widespread dissemination.

For example, a previous article "Three years later, there will be no more "Maple Poplars" in Zhengzhou" , the WeChat public account has been read more than 12,000 times, and has also attracted 100 new people's attention; and on today's headlines, this article The reading volume is over 30,000, and it has gained more than 100 fans. The title

contains some contrasting factors, which can bring traffic. On the one hand, the sudden increase in

traffic is a good thing, but it may also bring about the so-called "backlash" of traffic.

If you have always been a perfect persona, but if a scandal suddenly breaks out, it is not uncommon for you to be knocked down by traffic. For example, last year's scandal involving a certain piano prince, and a certain king-level singer named Wang who was exposed by his wife. These are also huge contrasts. Of course, they have a lot of traffic, but the result is that they may also ruin their careers.

From this point of view, the contrast is huge. When it comes to traffic passwords, it depends on whether you can hold it. Besides, the perfect persona is a trap.

It is better to make people think you are stupid and stupid at the beginning. If you achieve success later, it will have a positive contrast and turn passersby into fans.

Or according to the advice of our ancestors, you should keep a low profile. If you don't take action, you will be a sweeping monk.

In the evening, I saw a poem written by a handsome senior boy in high school. It seemed to be about emotions. The neat little square characters and the description of his thoughts were quite fascinating... The deskmate next to him Ask me, teacher, what do you think? I said, very  - DayDayNews

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