Zhuang Diexiaomeng/Seeing the Essence through Stories An Original Emotional Illustration Worth Your Attention/Sourced from the Internet A friend asked me: "Why doesn't Dong Mingzhu have best friends? Other ladies have wives, why does Dong Mingzhu never follow them?" "Playing? Doe

2024/06/2905:26:32 emotion 1950

Zhuang Diexiaomeng/seeing the essence through stories

an original emotional number worthy of your attention

illustrations/from the Internet

Zhuang Diexiaomeng/Seeing the Essence through Stories An Original Emotional Illustration Worth Your Attention/Sourced from the Internet A friend asked me:

A friend asked me: "Why Dong Mingzhudoesn't have besties? Other ladies have wives, why?" Dong Mingzhu never plays with them? Doesn't she need friends?"

I replied with a smile: "Not only Dong Mingzhu, Wu Zetian and Empress Lu also had no best friends. "

In fact, they are not the only ones, there are many successful men. Also no friends.

The higher you stand, the less friends you have, not because you think you are high and look down on others, but because everyone's success will go through the process of loneliness, and in the process they give up friends.

If a woman wants to succeed, in addition to working hard to improve herself, the first thing she needs to do is to quit being a best friend.

The environment affects people

As we all know, Mencius did not hesitate to move three times in order to provide Mencius with a good growing environment.

In that era when transportation was very inconvenient, moving was really a cumbersome matter. The reason why Meng’s mother was not afraid of trouble and could overcome the difficulties of moving was entirely for the sake of her son’s future, because she knew that the environment has a profound impact on a person. What kind of influence.

Fu Xuan wrote in "Prince Shaofu's Admonitions": "Therefore, those who are close to vermillion are red, and those who are close to ink are black; if the sound is harmonious, the sound will be clear, and if the shape is straight, the impact will be straight."

Zhuang Diexiaomeng/Seeing the Essence through Stories An Original Emotional Illustration Worth Your Attention/Sourced from the Internet A friend asked me:

People have no way to change the environment, they can only integrate into it. Environment, what kind of environment you live in, you will gradually become a person similar to it.

It is undeniable that there are many excellent women in this world, but such women often have few friends. They are always busy, busy improving themselves, and pursuing their dreams, so much so that they often seem a bit out of place.

Madame Curie did not play with her sisters when she was a child. The other sisters were playing, but she shut herself in her room and read.

It can be seen from this that most outstanding women have few friends, and those who often hang out with their best friends are often ordinary women.

There is nothing wrong with being ordinary, but if you want to become outstanding, you cannot play with such girls often, because you will be influenced by them.

You eat and drink together all day long, and all you talk about are cosmetics, bags and clothes. You live a passable life every day. How can you still have time and energy to improve yourself?

Slowly your fighting spirit will be worn away, and your dreams will be left behind.

Zhuang Diexiaomeng/Seeing the Essence through Stories An Original Emotional Illustration Worth Your Attention/Sourced from the Internet A friend asked me:

Women's little thoughts are more complicated than imagined

If you look closely, you will find that women's friendship is very strange, and the most amazing thing is that it comes and goes quickly.

It is very simple for women to become friends. A similar bag, a pleasant shopping experience, and a person they hate in common can become the catalyst for their friendship.

But this kind of friendship is not particularly strong, and one small thing is enough to make it fall apart.

Girls need companionship, so when they are single, they often need someone to accompany them to go shopping, eat, gossip, and do whatever they want to do.

On the surface, this relationship seems to be very close. After a deeper analysis, you will find that this is actually a kind of relationship where each gets what he needs.

Compared with the way of communication, women’s psychological characteristics are the most complicated part.

Many best friends have one characteristic: I hope you live well, but you cannot live better than me.

Zhuang Diexiaomeng/Seeing the Essence through Stories An Original Emotional Illustration Worth Your Attention/Sourced from the Internet A friend asked me:

When you are doing poorly, your best friend may care about you and help you, but if you are doing better than her, she will be jealous of you.

Jealousy is the most dangerous personality in the world, and besties have become the most complicated relationship in the world.

Being "understood" by others is a hidden danger

" Sun Tzu's Art of War " said: "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be in danger in a hundred battles."

At that time, Pang Juan was jealous of Sun Bin, tricked him into coming to her, and designed to get rid of him. .

Although the plan failed, Sun Bin also narrowly escaped death.

They are brothers who grew up together and know each other very well, so when they become each other's enemies, it is a particularly terrible thing for each other.

People often say: "Beware of fire, theft, and best friends."

The reason why best friends has become a derogatory term in people's mouth is because there are indeed many close friends who turn against each other and become enemies in life.

They steal their best friend's boyfriend, persuade her to divorce, do things that are detrimental to her best friend behind her back, and are willing to make the other person's life a mess.

These are things that happen in real life.

Zhuang Diexiaomeng/Seeing the Essence through Stories An Original Emotional Illustration Worth Your Attention/Sourced from the Internet A friend asked me:

The so-called best friend is the person who knows you best. She knows your past, your weaknesses, and all the unknown sides.

When you have deep feelings, you are especially grateful to have someone in this world who understands you so well. But if one day she turns against you, she will be your most dangerous enemy in this world.

She has all your leverage and knows how to deal with you most effectively.

Her existence is the biggest threat to you.

Strong people are all lonely

Do people definitely need friends? Regarding this question, different people will give different answers.

For ordinary people, the answer may be yes, because they are afraid of loneliness and they need someone to accompany them; they are not capable enough and they need to support each other.

Zhuang Diexiaomeng/Seeing the Essence through Stories An Original Emotional Illustration Worth Your Attention/Sourced from the Internet A friend asked me:

But for people standing at the top of the pyramid, it is completely different. They do not need friends. They are very lonely, but they also enjoy this loneliness.

Only the weak need friends, the strong are lonely. This is the law of nature.

There is a similar scene in the animal kingdom. Generally, small animals like to stay in groups. Because they are not strong enough on their own, they will become safer if they rely on each other.

Most of the beasts are solitary. For example, the well-known tiger, the king of the forest, is the most prominent solitary animal.

Animals are like this, and so are people.

If a woman wants to have a different life and become better and better, she should not immerse herself in the circle of best friends all day long.

Instead of making friends, it is better to spend more time to improve yourself. You can also enter a different world by yourself.

Zhuang Diexiaomeng/original author of the emotional column

May your life be full of surprises, may your happiness come as expected

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