Emotional Counseling, Muchen Original Article 534 (Historical Original Search "Muchen Emotion" on Zhihu) 01 Take action immediately on what you want to do. When I was in college, one of my teachers said something that is still impressive to this day. She It is said that when you

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Emotional Counseling, Muchen Original Article 534 (Historical Original Search

Emotional consultation,

Mu Chen’s original 534 articles (Historical original search for "Muchen Emotion" on Zhihu)


Do what you want to do immediately

When I was in college , one of my teachers once said something that I still remember She was very impressed. She said that when you want to do something, you must do it immediately, because if you don’t do it, you will no longer have that state of mind. When you want to do it again, your time mentality has completely changed, and if you want to do it, Just thinking about it without doing it will nourish your own fear and consume your energy, because thoughts and actions are inconsistent, and the body and mind are separated, which is very draining of vitality.

I now have a deeper understanding of this sentence. It is like meeting many people who want to find a partner, but because they missed the right time, they seem to be reluctant.

It’s not that I wanted to find it, but I was forced to find it reluctantly due to the secular pressure of my family. I did it half-heartedly because I found that I couldn’t find that throbbing feeling, and I had become numb to feelings and reality. Getting married without impulse and passion would be difficult.

At the right age, some girls always feel that there are still many opportunities, and they are not in a hurry or care. But after that time has passed unknowingly, when they look back, they find that the people who chased her are already married. Anyone who doesn't like her will stop chasing her.

When you want to find a partner, chase a girl, want to be with a boy, or get married, you should get married. Don’t think too much, because if you think too much, you will often miss the opportunity. The other party will not wait for you, and you will miss the opportunity. I don't know your thoughts.

I think youth is impulsive and passionate. This is youth and a symbol of youth.

I am afraid that I have entered the daily necessities without experiencing passion, because these days are very long, but passion and heartbeat are short-lived. In the future, many trivial matters and trivial matters will smooth your edges, but in the boring life , there is no past that you can recall, no those romantic and exciting moments, don’t you feel that life is boring and boring? It's like you've never been younger.

The most valuable thing about a person is that impulse, that curiosity, that youth, and that belief.

Everyone will enter middle age. Middle-aged people have a lot of pressure, many responsibilities, and trivial life. These days are very long, but in these ordinary days, we can still love life, and we still have many things we want to do. The people you want to love, the places you want to go, and the sense of ritual in life are the living things of life!

I remember I met a visitor before. She broke up with her boyfriend, but she wanted to know if the other person really loved her, if he had a new girlfriend, and what he thought of her. She said she wanted to write letter, but I was afraid of what the other party would think of her.

I encouraged her to write, ask, and seek verification. Then she did it, and the other party also gave me an answer. She later said that she was very grateful for my encouragement. She knew the answer and felt relieved. Later, she also got a new boyfriend. She said that fortunately she asked about it at that time, otherwise she would have been entangled in her imagination and it would be very painful.

I encourage you to be brave enough to do what you want to do and see the people you want to see. When you really want to do it, you must do it right away. Don’t delay, because once you don’t go, you won’t go next time, either. Hesitation will lead to procrastination and will become your inertia and your habit.

In this way, you will always think, always not do it, always miss out, always separated physically and mentally, always consuming yourself, and life is completely wasted. This is a pity.

After a long time, you don’t want to do anything. You will habitually delay and deny yourself, and make excuses for yourself. In this way, there will be no experience in life, because if you don’t do it, there will be no experience, no action, and no reality. Just imagine.

What I want to do now, I must do it within two minutes. No matter what I do, my heart will be relieved and my head will stop thinking about it. Otherwise, if I keep thinking about it and get stuck, you can do other things. It's easy to get distracted. If there are too many things like this, you will lose concentration, your energy will be dissipated, your work efficiency will be very low, and you will always be distracted.

What do you want to learn, what do you want to watch, do you want to exercise, do you want to chase girls, what do you want to do, who do you want to meet, act now, don’t wait, once you wait, you will keep waiting, and you will never be able to wait.

So I have long given up waiting for xx to do anything else, because I know I can’t wait, and we don’t have so much time to wait.

Time actually has no past and future, but every present, and the present is real.

Cherish every moment, do what you want to do with your heart, and live a good life. Only in this way can you be worthy of yourself and worthy of being born in this world. Dedicating everything to the present is the greatest generosity to the future.

Tell me your feelings, tell your story, let us become a better version of ourselves together.

Emotional Counseling, Muchen Original Article 534 (Historical Original Search


I hope this article is helpful to you.

I am very small, but I have super execution ability and I will do whatever I think of.

I am Muchen, an emotional counselor and emotional columnist.

loves reading and writing, interpreting emotions with reason, and using wisdom to help you climb higher.

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Emotional Counseling, Muchen Original Article 534 (Historical Original Search

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Emotional Counseling, Muchen Original Article 534 (Historical Original Search

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