Introduction: In real life, there are still many old men who favor sons over daughters. They only favor their sons and never love their daughters. When they need anything, they go to their daughters and never bother their sons. Such old men are very selfish and very selfish. If y

2024/05/2617:28:32 emotion 1649


In real life, there are still many old people who favor sons over daughters. They only favor their sons and never love their daughters. When they need anything, they go to their daughters and never bother their sons. Such old people are very selfish. It is also very partial, and will not be rewarded when you get older. Instead, it will make your old age miserable.

Therefore, the elderly must not be too partial and must be treated fairly, so that they can have a good old age.

There is a story below. A 70-year-old man lives in his daughter’s house for retirement, but there is no 7,000 pension left every month. Moreover, this money is not spent, but subsidized to his son. After a long time, the son-in-law When he couldn't bear it any longer, he angrily yelled at the old man: "Don't go too far, you will be punished."

What's going on? Let’s take a look at this story.

Introduction: In real life, there are still many old men who favor sons over daughters. They only favor their sons and never love their daughters. When they need anything, they go to their daughters and never bother their sons. Such old men are very selfish and very selfish. If y - DayDayNews

Uncle Long/70 years old

I am 70 years old this year. My surname is Long. I have a son and a daughter. The daughter is older and the son is younger. But I have always liked my son and not my daughter. My daughter is In my eyes, I will always be a loser.

But even so, my daughter is still very filial to me, because my daughter has always been a very considerate person. No matter how bad I treat her, she will always care about me, greet me, and I will send money after I go out to work. Come back to me and give me gifts during the New Year and holidays, so my daughter is very considerate, but even so, I still don’t like her, because in my eyes, the married daughter throws away the water, and the son is my old dragon. The root of the family, my daughter is nothing, so I will never love my daughter, I will only keep hurting her or asking for things from her.

At that time, my partner often advised me not to be so partial. Whether it is a daughter or a son, we must treat each other fairly. We cannot favor one over the other, otherwise it will break my daughter’s heart. Also, if you love your son too much, you will also love your son too much in the future. Damn it, my son won’t take care of me in my old age.

Introduction: In real life, there are still many old men who favor sons over daughters. They only favor their sons and never love their daughters. When they need anything, they go to their daughters and never bother their sons. Such old men are very selfish and very selfish. If y - DayDayNews

Although what my wife said makes sense, I won’t listen. Even if I spoil my son, I won’t change my preference for my son. Besides, my daughter will eventually get married, so it’s useless no matter how nice I am to her. On the contrary, it gives others an advantage, so I can't be so stupid.

Later, as time passed, my two children grew up and got married one after another. When the two children got married, I gave my son 500,000 to buy a car and a house for the wedding.

When my daughter got married, she asked her son-in-law for a gift of 300,000 yuan. In those days, asking for 300,000 yuan as a gift was really a lot, but in order to marry my daughter, my son-in-law had to take out a loan. From then on, my son-in-law had a bad impression of me. Many of them are unwilling to come back to visit me during Chinese New Years and holidays. Every time, my daughter comes back by herself because my son-in-law hates me so much. He feels that people like me are not worthy of being a father, so he hates me and is unwilling to recognize me. This father-in-law.

But even so, I don’t care, because I know that I won’t need to rely on my son-in-law to support me in the future, so no matter how much my son-in-law hates me, I won’t have any complaints.

Introduction: In real life, there are still many old men who favor sons over daughters. They only favor their sons and never love their daughters. When they need anything, they go to their daughters and never bother their sons. Such old men are very selfish and very selfish. If y - DayDayNews

At that time, my wife often said: "What you did is really excessive, and it is really easy to get retribution for this."

When my wife said this, I even scolded her, and I said She cursed me. My husband was speechless at the time, but he could only indulge me later.

Later, I was getting older, and my wife also fell ill and passed away. After my wife passed away, I instantly became very lonely, and no one cared about me or greeted me, although my wife was sometimes very disgusted with me. , but she would still take good care of me, but after she left, no one would treat me like this anymore, so I was very sad, but it was useless to be sad, because life is a cycle of old age, illness and death, so I can only accept this fact.

Introduction: In real life, there are still many old men who favor sons over daughters. They only favor their sons and never love their daughters. When they need anything, they go to their daughters and never bother their sons. Such old men are very selfish and very selfish. If y - DayDayNews

Later, in order to spend my old age with peace of mind, I proposed to go to my son’s home for retirement. After all, I have always had the concept of raising children to prepare for old age, and I have paid so much for my son. It is time for my son to repay me, but I did not expect that What's more, my son said to me: "Dad, it's not that I'm unfilial, or that I don't want to support you in your old age, but I really don't have the ability. I'm under a lot of pressure now. If you come, you will only add more to us." Stress will also make our lives more and more difficult, so you should go to your sister to provide for you. After all, your sister is also your child, and she also has responsibilities and obligations. "

I couldn't bear to hear my son say this. To rely on him again, although I never thought about relying on my daughter, my son is right, my daughter has responsibilities and obligations, so I decided to go to my daughter's home to take care of herself. When

helped me propose that I go to my daughter's home for retirement, my daughter did not object and took me directly to their home for retirement. After I went to their home, my daughter was very filial to me, and my son-in-law was also okay with me, although he was annoying before. Me, but seeing that I am older, he doesn’t want to worry about the past anymore, he just wants to honor me well and let me spend my entire old age with peace of mind.

But who would have thought that while I was living at my daughter's house, I was thinking about my son all day long. Because my son said he was under a lot of pressure at the time, I decided to subsidize my pension to my son every month.

Introduction: In real life, there are still many old men who favor sons over daughters. They only favor their sons and never love their daughters. When they need anything, they go to their daughters and never bother their sons. Such old men are very selfish and very selfish. If y - DayDayNews

I have a monthly pension of 7,000 yuan, which is enough for me alone. But after I came to my daughter’s house, I felt that I didn’t need the money because my daughter would provide money to support me. So I use my own money to subsidize my son, which can also reduce his pressure.

But who knew that after the subsidy was given to my son, my son-in-law had a strong opinion. He felt that this was very unfair. Although he lived in their house, even the subsidy money was given to them, but I gave the subsidy to the unfilial son, so at that time The son-in-law was very unhappy, but he didn't dare to say it directly. After all, I was an old man, and he didn't dare to be disrespectful to me. Then he could only endure the grievance silently.

Because they didn’t tell me, I became more and more excessive. I obviously had a monthly pension of 7,000 yuan, but I spent it all every month, and all the money was spent on my son and his family.

When I have no money, I will ask my daughter and son-in-law to get it, and after taking it, I will not use it for myself, but to buy things for my grandchildren.

Introduction: In real life, there are still many old men who favor sons over daughters. They only favor their sons and never love their daughters. When they need anything, they go to their daughters and never bother their sons. Such old men are very selfish and very selfish. If y - DayDayNews

I also ask my daughter to pay for medical treatment when she is sick. My son also has money, but I just don’t want to rely on my son, and I don’t want to put a burden on them. I think that if I raise a daughter, she must provide for her parents in old age. Only in this way can she be considered a qualified daughter. But because of all my excessive behaviors, my son-in-law finally couldn't bear it and angrily said to me: "Dad, you have gone too far and you will be punished. Just come to live with us, and you still subsidize me in front of us." Give money to your son, don’t you know that our pressure will be worse than your son’s, and we have to pay to support you, but not only do you not help us relieve our pressure, but you also add burdens to us. We have no money to subsidize, and you also If you want us to use money to subsidize your unfilial son, I want to ask you, where is your conscience? Who do you think we are? Do you think everything we do is what we should do?"

I heard my son-in-law say this, and I was very angry. Then I scolded me directly: "I raised my daughter, and then you married my daughter. Is it too much for me to ask you to take care of me in my old age? Why do you have such big opinions? Besides, "You are just a son-in-law. Why should I give you money? Wouldn't I be at a disadvantage if I give you money? But not only is it not a loss for me, but it can also help my son." After hearing this, the son-in-law said angrily to me. I hurried back to my hometown, and since then, I have become a lonely old man, because there is no one to take care of me in old age. I want to rely on my son, but my son is very unfilial and ignores me. My daughter and son-in-law also support my son because of me. I hate what I did, so I really regret what I did. If I hadn't gone so far, maybe I wouldn't have been so miserable in my later years.

Introduction: In real life, there are still many old men who favor sons over daughters. They only favor their sons and never love their daughters. When they need anything, they go to their daughters and never bother their sons. Such old men are very selfish and very selfish. If y - DayDayNews


Old people who cannot have a bowl of water will not have a good old age, and will regret it endlessly, so as parents, we must treat them fairly and not be partial, otherwise they will really suffer retribution.

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