I have lived with my husband for 16 years, and we worked hard without complaining. During the epidemic, he made little money. I was afraid that he would get angry and took on a few part-time jobs. Even my parents-in-law said that it would be a blessing to have a daughter-in-law l

2024/06/2420:59:33 emotion 1855

I have lived with a man for 16 years, and we worked hard without complaining. During the epidemic, he made little money. I was afraid that he would get angry and took on several part-time jobs. Even my parents-in-law said that it was really high to have a daughter-in-law like me. Fragrant.

But now I feel that with him, no matter what I do, it is not as effective as a few words from the mistress. I have never felt that I have lost such value.

Ms. Liu almost burst into tears when she told me this. At the same time, she had the biggest question in her mind: What is the purpose of a man's cheating?

Because the man did not cheat on a young and beautiful mistress, who was two years older than Ms. Liu, she suddenly remembered the sentence, A wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is not as good as being secretly stolen, or not being able to steal.

Is it true that in the eyes of men, women outside are more valuable than women at home?

I have lived with my husband for 16 years, and we worked hard without complaining. During the epidemic, he made little money. I was afraid that he would get angry and took on a few part-time jobs. Even my parents-in-law said that it would be a blessing to have a daughter-in-law l - DayDayNews

Ms. Liu discovered that her man was cheating on her in March. The mistress sent him text messages in the middle of the night, which made Ms. Liu bump into her. It was only then that she discovered that the man had been cheating on her for more than half a year.

The mistress is two years older than Ms. Liu and works in a sales position. Ms. Liu feels that people in sales are particularly good at talking and have a wolfish nature. Men may have been deceived by the mistress.

Faced with the problem of cheating, Ms. Liu did not give up, but she did not get carried away by her emotions. She felt that men cheating with mistresses are just for fun, and living life is what men really care about.

So I talked to the man calmly and took the initiative to improve the way of communicating with the man. His request was very simple, that is, the man should not contact the mistress again, and the man readily agreed.

But not long after, Ms. Liu found out that her man had cheated on her again. He was not at home even during the Dragon Boat Festival. During this period, he had tried his best to file for divorce, go to his parents, and even negotiate peacefully. It could be said that he was soft. I have used all the hard ones, but they have no effect at all.

Ms. Liu even had a quarrel with the man once. After that, the man kept sleeping in the study room. Although they were not divorced, the two of them lived a "widowed couple" life. This was unacceptable to Ms. Liu. He knew that he would do this again. Let alone the Dragon Boat Festival, no one will even go home for the New Year’s Eve dinner.

found it and I hope Chenxi can help her point the way.

I have lived with my husband for 16 years, and we worked hard without complaining. During the epidemic, he made little money. I was afraid that he would get angry and took on a few part-time jobs. Even my parents-in-law said that it would be a blessing to have a daughter-in-law l - DayDayNews

In fact, Ms. Liu is a very virtuous wife. In order to help her husband reduce financial pressure, he took on many part-time jobs. She was busy until midnight every night, and had to get up at 6 a.m. the next day to prepare meals for the family.

Unexpectedly, in the end, even the most difficult father-in-law and mother-in-law were dealt with, but he was not cherished by men. In fact, men's cheating was also related to Ms. Liu's virtuousness.

What you can’t get is always in turmoil, and what you get is always emboldened. This is the nature of men. Ms. Liu is too virtuous and understands men very well. She makes men’s lives very stable. As the saying goes, keeping warm and thinking about lust, excessive stability makes men have sexual desire. Seeking exciting thoughts.

Many first wives are like Ms. Liu. They pay more attention to the quality of life and put all their energy on firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, but forget that they have become a yellow-faced woman in the heart of men.

Everyone in front of the screen should also think about it, how long has it been since you said soft words to a man? How long has it been since you complimented a man? How long has it been since he bought you clothes .

Middle-aged men no longer put love first. The stability of life is the most important. Therefore, in the eyes of men, the original wife is not worthless, but it takes up more of the value of life. is a good life partner, just like boiled water, no one can live without it.

The mistress is mainly responsible for providing emotional value to men, so as long as they say nice things to men, I am satisfied. This is why no matter how much the first wife does, it is not worth a few words from the mistress. The mistress is like Beer, liquor, and cocktails are exciting, but you can’t drink them all the time.

But if you ask a man, would you rather drink alcohol or boiled water, what do you think the man will say?

I have lived with my husband for 16 years, and we worked hard without complaining. During the epidemic, he made little money. I was afraid that he would get angry and took on a few part-time jobs. Even my parents-in-law said that it would be a blessing to have a daughter-in-law l - DayDayNews

So it is not the mistress, who is more important than the original wife, but the original wife did not make the man realize that Ms. Liu did not stick to her bottom line because she understood the man too much.

mentioned divorce several times, but the man had never even seen the agreement. Gradually, the man knew that his first wife did not dare to break up with her, so he would naturally cheat even more aggressively.

But it is obvious that Ms. Liu’s husband is now more attracted to his original wife because of these three behaviors:

The man refused to separate from his mistress, but he did not mention divorce.

Although the man was separated from Ms. Liu, he did not seek refuge with his mistress. They just lived in the same house but in different rooms.

After Ms. Liu sent a text message to the mistress, there was no trace of the mistress again.

This shows that the man did not fully accept the mistress, nor did he include the mistress in his plans, and even asked the mistress not to cause trouble to his life.

My former mistress had never done anything wrong in the past six months, so why did she suddenly make the stupid mistake of sending random text messages in the middle of the night without knowing the man's situation?

It is obvious that the mistress is deliberately trying to have the mentality of the original wife, you taste it, you taste it carefully.

Therefore, these three behaviors represent that a man is extremely dependent on his current original wife and life, so if you want to restore a man, you only need to start from three directions.

First, we must firm up our bottom line. We can file for divorce with the man again, and put the divorce agreement and the property division plan that I helped Ms. Liu calculate in front of the man.

Second, actively adjust the way you get along with men. They are getting divorced anyway, and the two of them are more open-minded. They can talk about many things that they didn’t talk about before. During that time, Ms. Liu told the man Every sentence I teach is .

In less than a week, the relationship between the two people has not diminished, but has increased. There are many things that have not been said before, and there is still a lot of time to say, but now there is not enough time.

The man also took the initiative to cook for Ms. Liu and took Ms. Liu and the children to Children's Paradise . This was firstly because the relationship between the two people was warming up, and secondly because of the man's guilt.

The third step is to win over the parents-in-law and say that the mistress is greedy for the man’s property. The man has transferred money to the mistress several times, and he can’t stop him. He wants to live a good life, but he is afraid of hurting the relationship between the couple, so he seeks help from the mistress. .

After hearing this, the old man naturally didn't want his son's hard-earned money to be defrauded, so he said that the family had taken away all the man's money, and now the man had no money to give to his mistress.

In addition, Ms. Liu acted as a hindrance and often used the man’s account to post photos of a family of three having fun. This directly made the mistress’ mentality explode. She felt that the man wanted to return to the family and would not give her any money or accompany her. .

It didn’t take long for the two to fall out. Facing a divorce, on one side was the first wife, whose relationship was warming up, and on the other side was the intrigue of the mistress. What do you think the man would choose?

I have lived with my husband for 16 years, and we worked hard without complaining. During the epidemic, he made little money. I was afraid that he would get angry and took on a few part-time jobs. Even my parents-in-law said that it would be a blessing to have a daughter-in-law l - DayDayNews

In less than a month and a half, the extramarital affair problem that Ms. Liu originally thought was difficult to deal with was solved. Ms. Liu did not feel uncomfortable during the whole process, but felt that she was able to handle it with ease.

Now that he has the ability to manage his own marriage, learning is still very important. If you in front of the screen are also facing marital problems and are at a loss, or are interested in related topics, you can follow Chen Xi.

There will be more marriage information in the future. Of course, you can also chat with me directly. After following me, click on my avatar and there will be a private message button next to it.

Perhaps just by chatting with Ms. Liu, you can get a method with high success rate and easy separation of mistresses.

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