There are still many differences between sons and daughters in how they treat their parents. If you don’t believe it, just take a look at what my brother and I do when it comes to dealing with our parents! Below, let’s find out from one or two things! The first thing to do is ins

2024/06/2418:38:32 emotion 1685

Whether it is a son or a daughter, there are still many differences in how they treat their parents. If you don’t believe it, just take a look at what my brother and I do when it comes to dealing with our parents!

below, let’s find out from one or two things!

The first thing is to install broadband. At first, my parents kept borrowing the broadband from the neighbor’s third uncle’s house. Later, the third uncle unplugged the electricity and refused to use it. I just want to arrange to install one for my dad. Because I had something to do in those few days, I asked my brother to help arrange the decoration.

Later, my brother told me: "My parents won't let me pretend, and they said I have bad eyesight, so I won't look at the phone anymore!" I said, "Okay!" I thought, "Why don't you want to settle down? It's because you're afraid of spending money. Huh? I’ve been playing with smartphones for so long. It would be so boring if there was no WIFI!”

So, I took some time to go home, and then my mother said, “I can’t look at my phone these days. Here you go!” Dad was so bored that he went to bed when he had nothing to do! This time, he went to the neighbor’s house on the east side to use the Internet, but it was not possible to do so when he got back to the house! Sometimes it works even in the back street, and the signal is not good!”

I said, "Mom, let's install one at home! Give me the phone number and I'll contact you!" Mom found the phone, I contacted her, and it was installed in a few days! The fee was paid from my mobile phone.

When dad comes back, he wants to install broadband! I am so unhappy! He complained that I spent money indiscriminately and asked me to return it. He said angrily: "I won't use it even if you install it!" I said: "It's okay to install it if you don't need it. Install it for a year first. If you are really useless, I will remove it!"

After the broadband was installed and the mobile phone was connected, the old man Dad doesn’t say anything anymore! Then my dad said: "He will pay whatever it takes!" I said: "No need, you just need to be healthy and happy!"

The second thing I bought was a mobile phone. Because my mobile phone sometimes doesn’t work well and I’m afraid it will be affected when I go out, so I bought a mobile phone. I gave the original mobile phone to my father. My father had long said: "There is a mobile phone with a low sound. Your mother's ears are not good, so it sounds a bit hard!" This time I gave my old mobile phone to my mother, and the sound was very loud. Big, it doesn’t sound too strenuous for mom!

After a while, my father said that another mobile phone always showed that the garbage was full and needed to be cleaned up in time, otherwise it might explode! And opening web pages is also slow! Let me help you take a look and clean it up when you get back! When I told my brother about this situation, he said: "It's okay, just like that!"

One day, my father saw that my brother bought another mobile phone, and asked: "Buy a new mobile phone!" The brother said: "The big one It was inconvenient to carry around with me, so I changed it to a smaller one. "Then give the big one to Dad! Dad's phone is not easy to use!" My brother said, "I sold it for 900 yuan!" I bought this mobile phone for 100 yuan!" Dad said: "I don't want it, that mobile phone can still be used!"

On my mother's birthday, I went to the mobile phone store and bought a second-hand mobile phone for my mother, which cost 400 yuan. I didn’t dare to tell my mother that I bought it, so I just said I don’t use it at home!

This time I went to my mother’s house and saw her in the back room watching videos on her mobile phone. My father was lying on the kang listening to his mobile phone while sleeping. I no longer had the trouble of not having an internet connection, and I no longer had to worry about the low voice. I feel in my heart that all the efforts are worth it, as long as my parents are happy!

There is another thing that makes me angry! That is, after my third uncle's family stopped using the Internet, my brother said that he had too much traffic and couldn't use it, so he asked his parents to use his. Help me get it done, mom and dad can use it!

But after a while, I checked the traffic and found that it exceeded more than 300 yuan.My brother told me about this, and I said, "If it's over the limit, it's over the limit. Don't tell your parents, or you should feel bad!"

My brother didn't listen to what I said, so he went home and talked to his father. My mother said it, and my father said: "You have to know how to spend this money, and you can't watch it anymore!" For this reason, my parents didn't sleep well for several days, which made my blood sugar and blood pressure high. I really don’t know what to say, brother! Although my IQ is quite high, isn’t my emotional intelligence too low? Still really a little selfish!

In short, both sons and daughters can think more about their parents, so that their parents will live happier and happier lives! I just hope that my parents will be healthy and happy every day!

In order to keep my parents healthy, I also spent more than 10,000 yuan for them to buy an exercise machine so that my parents can exercise every day. For the rest of my life, I hope that my parents can live a long and healthy life and be happy. ! As long as the daughter can do it, she must make her parents comfortable and happy!

This is how my brother and I treat our parents. We all say that daughters are attentive and sons are careless. I think it makes sense! If you feel the same way, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

There are still many differences between sons and daughters in how they treat their parents. If you don’t believe it, just take a look at what my brother and I do when it comes to dealing with our parents! Below, let’s find out from one or two things! The first thing to do is ins - DayDayNews

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